Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Note to Lebanon Residents from Fire and EMS Chief Daniel Meehan, 8 30 15

With a new chief comes new ideas. Many departments experiencing growing pains will see some members resign while still others will be let go. I understand that it is difficult for some members to think that change is good. But this is part of the process.  Staying status quo is not what’s best for the department and will not move the department forward.  Implementing these changes will take some time and will also take members who can adapt to change.
Dan Roy resigned months ago, saying it was time for a change for him.
Eric Neubert and I had some different ideas on how and where the department goes was part of decision. I would like to take this time to thank Eric for his dedicated service to the members, community and department.
Since becoming the Chief of the Lebanon Fire and Rescue a lot has happened.
All OSHA infractions at the Rescue have been addressed and corrected saving the town $1000’s. The $2000 billings from outside EMS communities have been dropped and we have staffed the ambulance.
I, for one, have seen change in my career, some good, some not so good, but in all, it is the members and service that I enjoy.  This being said, I do not expect any voids being open long, I am in talks with some very knowledgeable and talented Fire/EMS people who are also very interested in helping Lebanon Fire-EMS move forward. 
Chief Meehan

Friday, August 28, 2015

REVOLUTION CHURCH of Rochester Invites You to a FREE Screening of the Recent Dreamworks Film, "HOME"

87 Lowell Street, Rochester
invites your family
to a
of the recent
Outdoors on the church Lawn
beginning at 8 pm
Saturday Evening, August 29, 2015

Infrastructure State Implementation Plan for Demonstration that Maine Complies with the Good Neighbor Requirements of Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard

08/28/2015 03:00 PM EDT

The State Implementation Plans (SIPs) are the federally-enforceable plans that identify how the states will attain and/or maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The Department is proposing to amend the Maine SIP by amending the Ozone Infrastructure Plan which certifies to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that Maine's SIP fulfills the infrastructure requirements established in sections 110(a)(1) and (2) of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAA) for ozone. The CAA requires states to address thirteen basic SIP requirements, including demonstrating that their emissions do not interfere with attainment and maintenance of the NAAQS at downwind locations. This element is addressed in this revision of the plan. This plan will be submitted to EPA as a revision to Maine's State Implementation Plan. Copies of this proposal are available upon request by contacting the Agency contact person or on the DEP website at Pursuant to Maine law, interested parties are publicly notified of the proposed rulemaking and are provided an opportunity for comment. Written comments may be submitted by mail, e-mail or fax to the contact person before the end of the comment period. To ensure the comments are considered, they must include your name and the organization you represent, if any.

Comments must be received before close of business Friday September 28th, 2015. Submit comments to:

Tom Graham
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
State House Station 17
Augusta, Maine 04333-0017

LEBANON TRUTH SEEKERS:Do you have a Car, SuV or boat that you are not using..NHSPCA'S Car Donation Program is looking for you

Please consider donating to the NHSPCA, New Hampshire Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. When you do you will be helping us provide a second chance at life and a loving home to over 2,500 animals that turn to us each year. The process is simple ! To donate your vehicle, simply call Courtney at 603-772-2921 X 102 and she will arrange to have it picked up. We will mail you the information for your tax records within 60 days of sale or salvage.


We, as a Town, a Community, are preparing for the
November 3, 2015 Vote,
Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers
would like to encourage all town residents to
There will be many different IMPORTANT items on the November 3 Ballot, and you should all attend the Public Hearing to discuss all ballot question, scheduled for October 20, 2015 at the Lebanon Elementary School, on Upper Guinea Road.
Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers is circulating a Citizen's Petition that is in need of signatures.
This petition would ask that the Voters of the Town of Lebanon approve adding 2 positions to our Board of Selectmen, creating a Board of 5 members rather than a Board of 3 members.
There are a few reasons why this is being asked of voters.
1. The addition of 2 more Select Board Members would decrease the work load on Selectmen when Town Assessing, Accounts Payable, Permit Approval and other "hands on" jobs are required of them.
2. The addition of 2 more Select Board Members would then make 2 Board Members together for an evening out or a project NOT a quorum of the Board as outlined in Maine State Law, and allow a quorum to then be a minimum of THREE Board Members together, thus lessening the chances of an "illegal meeting" or a "surprise motion".
3. The addition of 2 more Select Board Members would make it a more difficult process for one person, or one group of people to gain outside control of a majority of Board Members.
We currently still need over 100 signatures, (total needed is 217 registered Lebanon voters), and we would like to pass this petition in to the Town Clerk on or before the Thursday, September 10, 2015 Board of Selectmen's Meeting for their approval of our petition to be added to the November 3, Election Ballot.
Please message us via Facebook and we will get to you,
OR you may e mail Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers at: 
Thank you for your consideration.

CLIP AND SAVE COUPONS from Lilac Mall Stores (Expire August 31 - Sept 1, 2015)

20% Savings
exp Aug 31
exp Aug 31
exp Sept 1
click on coupons to enlarge and print

SCHOOL HOUSE Ice Cream CRUISE NIGHT Set for September 5th 4-7 pm.

4 pm - 7 pm
Awesome Cars, Great Food, Wonderful People!!

Rochester's BRAND NEW Chill & Grill Location Hosts TRIVIA NIGHT with BUZZ-IN Trivia!

Rochester's BRAND NEW Chill & Grill
45 North Main Street, Rochester, NH

UNION STREET Antiques & Collectibles to Host Saturday August 29 Outdoor Flea Market!!

hosting an
from 8 am - 3 pm

Happy Pappy's Country Store
 will be serving up some good grub!!
pulled pork sandwiches
hand cut french fries
hot dogs
fresh homemade muffins
assorted cold beverages


Maine's Best-In-The-Nation Child Immunization Rates Applauded by Maine CDC Director and COO Kenneth Albert.

08/28/2015 09:49 AM EDT

Here is a statement from Maine CDC Director and Chief Operating Officer Kenneth Albert on the recent U.S. CDC report that shows Maine's vaccination rates for 19-35-month olds are the best in the nation:

These results are a cause for celebration and reflect an effective partnership that has been built across the State to address this important health issue. Our success can be attributed to the hard work of clinicians, partners, educators and funders who have collectively made the vaccination of Maine's children a public health priority.

We're proud of what has been accomplished and look forward to working with our partners to build upon this success in the coming year.

Department of Labor Offering NO CHARGE Workplace Safety Classes in September

08/28/2015 11:05 AM EDT

*Space is available for classes in Augusta, Bangor, Brunswick, Ellsworth, Presque Isle, Springvale and Wilton.*

AUGUSTA-The Maine Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Standards is hosting its no-charge safety courses for employers and employees throughout September. Visit the class registration page or call 1-877-SAFE 345 (1-877-723-3345) to register for any class.

"Safety in the workplace is everybody's business," said Governor Paul R. LePage. "Our SafetyWorks! program educates employers and staff alike on the hazards in the workplace, the importance of safety and how to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses. Visit to learn more and view upcoming classes."

Courses are held at no charge to employers and their employees. Courses are held at the SafetyWorks! Training Institute at the Maine Department of Labor, 45 Commerce Drive in Augusta unless otherwise noted.

Accident Investigation / Injury Analysis: September 1, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

When work doesn't go as planned, accidents and near-misses happen. Investigating these incidents can prevent similar or even more serious problems from happening. Learn how to conduct a thorough accident/incident investigation and how to use your results to prevent future accidents.

10-Hour Construction Standards: September 10 and 11, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Presque Isle CareerCenter, 66 Spruce St, Presque Isle

This one-and-a-half day course gives basic information on several of the OSHA standards for construction (29 CFR 1926). Attendees who complete the course will receive an OSHA 10-hour course completion certificate. Class runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on day one and from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on day two.

30-Hour Construction Standards: September 14 through 18, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

This five-day course introduces attendees new to construction safety and health to the OSHA standards (29 CFR 1926). Attendees who complete all five days will receive OSHA 30-hour construction course certificates.

Forklift Operator Training: September 21, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

This class is designed for new operators. The instruction will involve classroom and hands-on training. Training will include performing a forklift inspection and use of the department's "new forklift simulator." This training does not meet the requirements to qualify the participant to be a "qualified operator." Only the employer can provide such certification.

10-Hour General Industry Standards: September 24 and 25, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The one-and-a-half-day course offers basic information on a variety of general industry safety and health standards (29 CFR 1910). Attendees who complete the course will receive an OSHA 10-hour course completion certificate. Class runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on day one and 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on day two.

OSHA Recordkeeping: September 24, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Bangor CareerCenter, 45 Oak Street, Suite 3, Bangor

This class provides thorough and comprehensive six-hour training for both new and experienced safety and human resources personnel. You will learn the OSHA rule (29 CFR 1904) regarding recording and reporting work-related injuries and illnesses as it applies to your organization. This class includes several hands-on activities on how to correctly fill out the required injury reporting forms. This class will include updates to the OSHA Recordkeeping Standard (29 CFR 1904), which went into effect January 1, 2015.

Laws Governing Workplace Rights

- September 22, 9 a.m. to noon, Ellsworth, Ellsworth Town Hall, 1 City Hall Avenue - September 22, 9 a.m. to noon, Springvale CareerCenter, 9 Bodwell Court - September 23, 9 a.m. to noon, Presque Isle CareerCenter, 66 Spruce Street, Suite 1 - September 23, 9 a.m. to noon, Southern Midcoast CareerCenter, 275 Bath Road, Brunswick - September 30, 9 a.m. to noon, Southern Midcoast CareerCenter, 275 Bath Road, Brunswick - September 30, 9 a.m. to noon, Wilton CareerCenter, 865 US Route 2E

This course is designed for human resource or benefits professionals, accountants, business owners, managers, or payroll supervisors. Labor laws can be complex. This seminar covers wage and hour laws, including minimum wage, overtime, youth employment, severance pay, equal pay, leave requirements (family medical leave, family sick leave, and domestic violence) and break requirements. Also, addresses commonly asked labor related questions.

Interested employers can learn more about the courses and register at , click "More Classes" from the homepage. Space is limited so reservations are required.

SafetyWorks! is not OSHA and cannot issue fines or citations to private businesses.
While SafetyWorks! helps businesses of any size, priority is given to small businesses. The program trains about 8,000 people and consults at nearly 1,000 worksites in Maine each year. Employers interested in learning more about the consulting and training services offered by SafetyWorks! should call 1-877-SAFE 345 (1-877-723-3345) or visit .

The Bureau of Labor Standards is Maine's regulatory agency overseeing labor and employment law and workplace safety; it provides both consultation and enforcement services. The division promotes and achieves compliance with labor standards to protect and enhance the welfare of Maine's workforce.

The State of Maine is an equal opportunity provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available to individuals with disabilities upon request.

Maine Department of Labor Fall Job Fairs Scheduled Around Maine

08/28/2015 12:25 PM EDT

*Employers can reserve tables while job seekers brush up their resumes*

AUGUSTA-Fall job fair season is about to begin around Maine, providing an opportune time for job seekers looking for work. The Department of Labor's network of 12 CareerCenters will be sponsoring and/or participating in several career fairs. Hundreds of employers will be hiring for both permanent and seasonal positions.

"Employers are recruiting at Maine's CareerCenters," said Governor Paul R. LePage. "Our monthly job fairs make connections between job seekers and their next position. Each CareerCenter offers several workshops that can help you write a better resume, brush up on your interviewing skills, and prepare to meet with employers. I urge employers and job seekers alike to contact your local CareerCenter."

Job seekers who need to update their resume or practice their interviewing skills should contact a CareerCenter for no-cost help. To find more information about jobs fairs across the state or to locate the closest CareerCenter and information about job training programs, visit the CareerCenter website, .

"Many people may avoid going to a job fair to apply to their dream job because they doubt their skills or their ability to pay for training or returning to school," said Labor Commissioner Jeanne S. Paquette. "Whether you have a dream job in mind or just want to improve your career prospects, we urge you contact your local CareerCenter. There may be ways we can help you prepare for a job fair, brush up your skills with a specific course we recommend, or retrain for an entirely different career. We have many programs right now that can assist job seekers at any stage of their career, including the long-term unemployed."

The following job fairs have been scheduled to date around Maine:
Springvale CareerCenter - September 14, 10 a.m. to noon,

- August 31, 3 to 6 p.m. Augusta CareerCenter - September 9, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Greater Portland CareerCenter - September 10, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Lewiston CareerCenter - September 15, 2 to 5 p.m., Skowhegan CareerCenter - September 21, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Machias CareerCenter - September 23, 3 to 6 p.m., Waterville Public Library - September 28, 3 to 6 p.m. Augusta CareerCenter - October 5, Lewiston CareerCenter - October 7, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Greater Portland CareerCenter - October 14, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Aroostook Centre Mall, Presque Isle - October 26, 3 to 6 p.m. Augusta CareerCenter - November 2, Lewiston CareerCenter - November 4, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Greater Portland CareerCenter - November 30, 3 to 6 p.m. Augusta CareerCenter - December 7, Lewiston CareerCenter

Businesses interested in participating in these events and other no-cost hiring services that the department provides, such as Maine's Job Bank, should contact their local CareerCenter.

CareerCenters offer a variety of workshops and services to help people find employment or upgrade skills. Each center provides several public-access computer workstations with Microsoft Office software for resume writing and cover letter, Internet access and O'Net software for skills assessment. All CareerCenter services are free of charge.

Maine CareerCenters are an equal opportunity provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.


School starts in MSAD 60 on Wednesday, Sept. 2. As many residents know, this means that children will be out and about, getting ready for school, and waiting for their buses. Please keep this in mind as you are driving through town to ensure the safety of all local children.
There is a donation box at the Lebanon Town Office on Upper Guinea Road to anyone who would like to contribute school supplies for local students who need them and may not be as able as others in getting them. All donations will be distributed to children at the Hanson and Lebanon Elementary schools

Thursday, August 27, 2015

LEBANON TRUTH SEEKERS: Request for absentee ballots now available at the Town Hall

Did you know? ….The state law permits absentee ballots to be cast at any election by any voter who properly requests a ballot! If a voter is interested in voting in a particular election, but is unable to go to the polling place on Election Day, then the voter should obtain an absentee ballot. You don’t need to be going out of Town to request an absentee ballot so Contact the Town Office for your request today and we are happy to pop one in the mail once they become available! And don’t forget, the Public Hearing for the November Election is October 20th at 6:00pm at the Lebanon Elementary School.
PHONE NUMBER:  457-6082

It's Time Again For the Acton Fair!!!!

Time again for the Acton Fair

ACTON -The Acton Fair starts today, Thursday, Aug. 27, and will run through Sunday, Aug. 30.
The fairgrounds are located at 550 Route 109 in Acton. The price for admission is $8 for adults, and children under age 12 can get in for free.
Celebrating its 150th anniversary, the fair will have many highlights in the coming days. The fairʼs program of scheduled events can be accessed online at, and the itinerary promises a variety of activities for all ages.
According to Donna Goodrich, the treasurer for the York County Agricultural Association, The Legends, Sanford's radio station at 1220 AM or 102.3 FM on the dial, will broadcast live from tonight's Cruiseʼn Car show while highlighting music from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
The Acton Fair features traditional agricultural events, such as a woodsmenʼs day, an antique tractor pull, ox and horse pulling, sheep dog demonstrations, crafts and plenty of vendors selling food and crafts. The Lions Club will be there, as always, catering to a long line of regular customers. Sanford-Springvale Rotarians will be on hand to sell their famous chicken livers. There will be amusement rides too.
In honor of the fairʼs 150th year, special awards will be presented to winners in the pulling ring and in the craft and cooking competitions. Bigger monetary prizes, ribbons, and a year's worth of bragging rights will go home with each eventʼs lucky winners.
Goodrich said that kids are encouraged to get involved with the hands-on Farmerʼs Lilʼ Helper program, which allows children the opportunity to milk a cow, collect eggs and learn important facts about where their food comes from. 4-H competitions, a pig scramble, and a pedal-tractor pull will grant kids of all ages an opportunity to compete and to become a part of Acton Fairʼs longstanding history.
"Weʼre trying to have lots of things going on for people to watch and do at the fair," Goodrich told Sanford News Contributor Penny Mills in last week's issue of the Sanford News.


Lebanon Fire and EMS Flagpole Fundraising COMPLETE!!! YOU DID IT LEBANON!!! Great Job of Working Together to Get the Job Done!!

GUESS who has a
That's RIGHT Lebanon!!!

YOU have a Brand New Flag Pole Coming for your
on Rt. 202
I went to the Town Office today, and brought in all the donations we had collected to date.
Our Total, $671.76
That left us still needing $171.55
After returning home, I got a very generous call from
Select Board Chairman Ben Thompson,
acting on behalf of his family and
Thompson Auto Body,
and he has agreed to give us the remaining
$171.55 donation
needed to secure the
Blaisdell Corner Fire and EMS Station Flag Pole!!!
We have all worked together to
Fly the American Flag
proudly and correctly
on our Rt. 202
Fire and EMS location!!

Annual Deaf Tea September 17 in the Hall of Flags, at the Augusta State House



Awardees from Yarmouth, Westbrook, North Berwick, Bridgton will be recognized

AUGUSTA — In celebration of Deaf culture, the heritage of American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf literature, art and folklore, Governor Paul R. LePage has issued a proclamation designating the week of Sept. 19 through 25, 2015, as Deaf Culture Week.

“Deaf Culture Week and the annual awards recognize the important contributions members of this community make to Maine,” said Governor Paul R. LePage. “I congratulate and thank all of the awardees for their achievements. Their work not only benefits people who are deaf or hard of hearing but also reminds us all of the many ways we can give back.”

The Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened will hold its 24th Annual Award Ceremony and Tea on Sept. 17, 2015, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Hall of Flags at the State House. This year, the commission will present awards in six categories to individuals who have contributed to Deaf culture in Maine. Award recipients are:

Clifton F. Rodgers Award ~ Lifetime Achievement Award — John Dunleavy, Rochester, NY

Ginny Hewes Award ~ Advocate for the Needs of the Deaf Community Award — Julie A. Novack, North Berwick

Special Commendation Award — Maine Deaf Senior Citizens, Westbrook

Promoting ASL, Deaf Culture and Deaf People Award — Catherine J. Lushman, Yarmouth

Outstanding Citizenship Award — Karla R. Madore, Westbrook

Citizenship Youth Award — Taylor Gagnon, Bridgton

Christine “Coco” Roschaert will give the keynote address. Coco was born Deaf with Usher Syndrome in Canada. She graduated from Gallaudet University in 2006 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies and now works as an international advocate for DeafBlind rights. She is also a motivational speaker on DeafBlind issues, and her talks include her personal life stories. She has made more than 200 presentations around the world.

The Division of the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened, part of the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) in the Department of Labor, works to bring about full access to employment, independence and community integration for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

“I encourage employers to diversify their workforce by including people with disabilities,” said the Governor. “The Bureau of Rehabilitation Services can facilitate that through vocational rehabilitation, training assistance and advice for employers.”

For more information about hiring people with disabilities or identifying job training resources for people with disabilities, visit your local CareerCenter, call 1-855-ALL-HIRE (TTY users call Maine Relay 711) or visit

“Haunted History Tours” at Rochester Paranormal/UFO Festival September 19

Medium Isabeau Esby
(Courtesy Photo from Rochester Main Street)

Rochester Main Street volunteers in cooperation with Jetpack Comics and Seacoast Saucers will celebrate a new festival in downtown on Friday, September 18 and Saturday, September 19 when they visit the unusual with the Paranormal/UFO Festival. A featured event will be the offering of two “Haunted History” Tours, one at 11 am and another at 3:00pm with noted Medium Isabeau Esby and local historian Martha Wingate. Tours are limited to 20 persons each and tickets must be reserved in advance by visiting our website at and using paypal. The cost of the tour is $5 per person. Tours will leave from Factory Court promptly at their assigned times and end up at The Cast & Grind for complimentary cider and a doughnut. 

The tour process began in summer of this year when Isabeau Esby, international psychic medium, author and spiritual teacher visited several of our downtown area buildings for possible inclusion in a haunted tour. Isabeau was accompanied by note taker Charles Creteau and a videographer  to record any “findings”. In a separate area, local historian Martha Wingate has researched  the buildings that were visited, and the two will come together on Saturday, September 19 to give two “Haunted History” guided tours.  Isabeau has been tested by Kitt Research Institute for her accuracy in mediumship, and Martha Wingate has guided many a historic tour in Rochester over the years.   

The festival begins on Friday, September 18 with a “Skywatch” presentation at 7:30 pm in City Hall Chambers in partnership with the NH Astronomical Society. Following the presentation (weather permitting) we will adjourn to the Rochester Commons where attendees will have the chance to search the heavens through telescopes. (There is no charge for attending this event).On Saturday the Festival opens at 10 am with vendors and demonstrations in the Union Street Parking Lot behind Jetpack Comics. Starting at 10:30 am the Rochester Public library will screen two free movies: Close Encounters and ET, and at 11 am the first of two “Haunted History Tours” will step off from the tent at Factory Court. The cost for the tours are $5 per person and you must RSVP and pay in advance at  Throughout the day guests may also visit with mediums and tarot readers at several local business, and a second Haunted History tour will be offered at 3:00 pm.  Vendor applications are still being accepted and Seacoast Saucers and Seacoast
Paranormal Encounters will be on site at the Knights of Columbus Exhibit Hall at 40 Columbus Avenue through 4:00pm with demonstrations and information. For vendor applications or more information you can call the Rochester Main Street office at 603-330-3208, email or visit Information on activities the day of the Festival will be available under the blue tent at Factory Court in the center of downtown.    

August 2015 Edition of the Maine State Library Genealogy Newsletter Now Available From the Maine State Library

08/27/2015 02:49 PM EDT

The August 2015 edition of the Maine State Library genealogy newsletter, Genealogy Notes from Emily is" target="_blank"> available online.

The newsletter is published several times a year by Maine State Library reference librarian and genealogy expert, Emily Schroeder. The August edition highlights resources for people doing genealogy research on Canadian ancestors.

The Maine State Library is home to the largest genealogy collection in the state as well as town histories and published vital records for towns in Maine and a good deal of New England, materials on the Maritime Provinces of Canada, and genealogy reference materials.

In 2013, Schroeder launched a Genealogy Club at the Maine State Library. The group meets monthly with the goal of promoting interest in genealogy, celebrating ancestral history and sharing best practice strategies for family research. New members are always welcome.

To learn more about genealogy resources at the Maine State Library, please contact Emily Schroeder at or call 207-287-5600.

Replacing Your Medicare Card – Know Before You Go (Online)

From the Social Security Administration Office:

A woman sits at her computer on the beach

Keeping your important personal documents safe can be challenging. We understand that, occasionally these important pieces of information can get lost.
Your Medicare card is one of the most important pieces of identification you own as a Medicare beneficiary. This card proves that you have health insurance, so medical professionals can provide you with needed care, and insurance companies can pay for all or part of this care accurately.
If you damage or lose your card, and you’re currently entitled to Medicare, you can order a replacement card easily using your personal my Social Security account. All you need is a computer or tablet with Internet access. Your card will arrive in the mail in about 30 days.
To make an online request, you’ll need
  • Your last (exact) payment amount, or the month and year you last received a payment, if you’ve received benefits in the last 12 months.
  • Your name as it appears on your most recent Social Security card
  • Your Social Security number
  • Your date of birth
  • Your phone number in case we need to contact you about your request
  • Your email address (optional)
You may also need
  • Your place of birth
  • Your mother’s maiden name (to help identify you)
If you can’t use the online request to get a replacement Medicare card, or if you prefer, call Social Security’s toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778). Our representatives will be glad to help you. You can also visit one of our local Social Security offices. For the office closest to you, try our online field office locator.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sage Farm Antiques to Host 100 Vendor Antique, Vintage and Repurpose Show at Rochester Fairgrounds in October!!

Sage Farm Antiques Autumn Spectacular
Dates: Friday, October 2nd through Sunday, October 4th
Hours: 10AM to 5PM Friday and Saturday 10AM to 4PM Sunday
Location: Rochester Fairgrounds, 72 Lafayette Road, Rochester, NH
Event Details:

Sage Farm Antiques has been in business 15 years and we are going to celebrate in a big way! We've leased the Rochester Fairgrounds in Rochester, NH for a show that will feature 100 antique, vintage and re-purposed dealers along with live music and food vendors.
Designers Sarah Richardson and Tommy Smythe, hosts of Sarah's House series on HGTV, will present twice on Saturday. Tickets available on our web site for $24.00. SEating is limited and you do need an entry pass for Saturday as well which is $10.00 Sarah and Tommy will be discussing incorporating antiques and vintage finds into new design.
John Bruno of the PBS series Market warriors will do appraisals and a presentation on pocket watches and pin ups on Sunday the 4th. On Friday the 2nd he will do a presentation on  a subject yet to be finalized, but we're leaning towards Jadeite, as John has a fantastic collection himself.
Michael Osacky of Baseball In The Attic will be running appraisals on Sunday as well, along with a presentation on sports collectibles.
The band Wellfleet will be performing Friday, Ryan Brooks Kelly Band will perform on Saturday and Shanna Stack Band will join us on Sunday. Voted the best Country band in NH!
Bring your trucks, vans and trailers! We're going to have furniture and decor for your home and garden galore! This is a fun show you don't want to miss!

Obituary: Evelyn M. Downs


 Evelyn M. Downs

June 25, 1920 - August 25, 2015

Lebanon, ME – Evelyn M. Downs, 95, departed from her earthly home surrounded by family, and entered her eternal home in heaven and into the presence of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on August 25, 2015.

Born June 25, 1920, Evelyn was the daughter of the late Everett and Rhona (Willey) Wallingford.

Evelyn was a devoted wife and mother. Married on March 27, 1942 to Carl W. Downs she adored her family, showering them with love and quiet guidance. She was always ready and willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Her loving nurturing spirit included not only her family, but also touched many others who needed a place of warmth, love, and acceptance.

Evelyn was a longtime member of Union Freewill Baptist Church in West Lebanon, Maine where her faith was evident to her church family and friends.

Evelyn was predeceased by her husband of 72 years Carl W. Downs. She is survived by her beloved dog Sam, son Paul Downs and wife Peggy of Frostproof, FL; daughter Rebecca Curtis and husband Donald of Clifton, ME; daughter Rose Davis and husband Raymond of Lebanon, ME; and her son Wayne Downs and wife Vicky of Lebanon, ME; her grandson Anthony Downs and wife Mary of Westfield, PA; also several grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren.

Family and friends may visit Saturday August 29th from 10-11 AM at the R.M. Edgerly and Son Funeral Home, 86 S. Main St. Rochester, NH. A celebration of life will follow at 11AM in the chapel officiated by Pastor Jeffrey Butland of the Union Freewill Baptist Church and Rev. R.L. Morgan from Grace Baptist Church.

Interment will follow in the New Cold Spring Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers please consider making donations to the Union Freewill Baptist Church, PO Box 1005, Lebanon, ME 04027.

Rochester's "Night Out" Quite Possibly A Summer Highlight for Area Families!!

Wednesday evening I popped on over to Rochester's "NIGHT OUT" at the Rochester Commons. WHAT an event!!!
Sponsored by Bridging the Gap and Rochester's Guyer Travel International, this had to be the highlight of the summer for many Rochester area families.
FREE showing of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", on a SUPER SIZED portable movie screen, FREE Popcorn, FREE music, FREE Popcorn, and FREE school supplies!!
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) was also there with a Mother and Infant changing, nursing, and relaxation station including rocking chairs, comfy changing tables and diaper wipes.
There were over 1500 people in attendance, children played, families enjoyed the music and movies, and Guyer Travel International handed out over 250 backpacks filled with FREE school supplies to area students!!
"Diary of a Wimpy Kid" carries a PG rating (for just a minor bit of rude humor) and grossed over $65 million at the box office when it was released in 2010. The movie is based on a novel of the same name by Author Jeff Kinney, and was produced by Thor Freudenthal for 20th Century Fox.
We're glad to see Dillon Guyer's Community Event do so well and look forward to attending more of his future Rochester events!!

GREAT Evening of History and Patriotism in Milton NH. Sponsored by Soldiers Helpers of Rochester.

I traveled over to Milton, NH tonight for the presentation on the Roosevelt Funeral Train at the American Legion Hall.
Sponsored by Rochester's "Soldier's Helpers"

 14 Year old Kyra Eastman led the group of about 25 people in
"The Star Spangled Banner".
There was a brief introduction of "Soldiers Helpers" and I'm DULY impressed with their efforts to send CARE packages to the overseas troops!! I've spoken with the founders about possibly coming to speak when we install the new... flag pole at the Lebanon Fire and EMS Blaisdell Corner Station!!
UNH's Professor Carl Lindblade spoke for over an hour on the Roosevelt Funeral Train. Very informative and educational for all who attended!! Professor Lindblade was there on a volunteer basis, but a "hat" was passed to provide him with a stipend for his time.
There were many items donated for Soldiers Helpers to create CARE packages for overseas troops. According to co-founder Alice Greenleaf, there are American Troops in over 60 foreign countries around the world, all needing a friendly hello or a little special touch from home. Soldiers Helpers has been providing a little American love by providing Christmas Cards and CARE packages since 2003.
The group also covers the Guardian Class for Honor Flight New England about 6 times per year. Honor Flight brings WWII Veterans to Washington DC to view the monuments. Only recently Honor Flight has begun taking applications from Korean War Veterans as well. This trip is FREE to the veterans and is something that the group wishes all veterans would be able to attend.
If you are a WWII or Korean War Veteran, please let Soldiers Helpers know and they will help you with the process of being able to attend one of Honor Flight New England's 6 trips per year to Washington.
You can contact them via e mail at
Or to learn more about Soldiers Helpers, or Honor Flight New England, you can access their website at:

I would like to thank Soldiers Helpers, the Milton American Legion, and Professor Carl Lindblade for an AMAZING night of history and learning!!

Kraft Heinz Recalls Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon for Possible Spoilage Problem



August 25, 2015

Kraft Heinz Foods Company of Newberry, SC, is recalling approximately 2,068,467 pounds of turkey bacon products that may be adulterated because it may spoil before the “Best When Used By” date, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced Tuesday. The problem was discovered by the establishment during an investigation into spoilage-related consumer complaints.
FSIS has not received any confirmed reports of adverse reactions related to the consumption of these products. However, the company has received reports of illness related to the consumption of these products. Anyone concerned about an injury or illness should contact a healthcare provider.
The turkey bacon was produced between May 31, 2015, and Aug. 6, 2015. The following products are subject to recall:
  • 56-oz. cardboard boxes (containing four plastic-wrapped packages) marked Oscar Mayer “Selects Uncured Turkey Bacon” bearing the plant number P-9070, the line number RS19 and Product UPC 0 4470007633 0, and with “Best When Used By” dates of 24 AUG 2015 through 26 OCT 2015.
  • 36-oz. cardboard boxes (containing three plastic-wrapped packages) marked Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon “Smoked Cured Turkey Chopped and Formed” bearing the plant number P-9070, the line number RS19 and Product UPC 0 7187154874 8, and with “Best When Used By” dates of 28 AUG 2015 through 20 OCT 2015.
  • 48-oz. cardboard boxes (containing four plastic-wrapped packages) marked Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon “Smoked Cured Turkey Chopped and Formed” bearing the plant number P-9070, the line number RS19 and Product UPC  0 7187154879 3, and with “Best When Used By” dates of 3 SEPT 2015 through 30 OCT 2015.
The products subject to recall bear the establishment number “P-9070” inside the USDA mark of inspection, as well as the line number “RS19”. These items were shipped nationwide and exported to the Bahamas and St. Martin.
FSIS routinely conducts recall effectiveness checks to verify recalling firms notify their customers of the recall and that steps are taken to make certain that the product is no longer available to consumers. When available, the retail distribution list(s) will be posted on the FSIS website.
Consumers with questions about the recall can contact the Kraft Heinz Consumer Relations Center at (800) 278-3403.

Lebanon Breast Cancer Survivor to Participate in the AVON 39 Breast Cancer Walk.

To Lebanon resident, Kelly Drinkwater ONeil, fighting Breast Cancer is a personal challenge.
Kelly, a Lebanon residen and Breast Cancer survivor herself,
wants the chance to help other Breast Cancer Warriors get through the process and WIN!!
So Kelly will be participating in the July 9-10, 2016 AVON 39 Breast Cancer Walk in Boston.

Why are we talking about this now??
Because Kelly has made herself a heck of a goal!!

She has made a personal goal of raising $5,000
towards helping to find a cure for Breast Cancer!!
The AVON 39 is a 2 day event in which Survivors and Supporters will walk 39.3 miles in the Boston area in order to fund recipients such as, Boston Medical Center, Boston University, Community Services, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, Partners Healthcare Systems, Silent Spring Institute, Smilow Cancer Hospital @Yale - New Haven, Tufts Medical Center, YWCA of Malden and the YWCA of Southeastern Massachusetts.

If you would like to donate even a small dollar amount
in order to help Kelly reach her $5,000 goal,
PLEASE click on her Fundraising page

We'll be following along with Kelly
and wishing her all the luck in the world as she prepares and trains for the AVON 39!!!

Farmington NH Football Booster Program is Collecting Your Unwanted Shoes!!

The Farmington Five-Hundred Boys and Girls Club
invites you to their
Bake Sale
Main Street @ Blouin St.
(across from Crowley's Store)
Farmington, New Hampshire
**Car Wash Donations GREATFULLY accepted!!
will ALSO be there
That's right!!
Here's the chance to clean out your closet and help a local sports Football Team!!
The Farmington Tigers Football Booster Club
is collecting old shoes.
Condition does NOT Matter!!
A company takes these old shoes and refurbishes them for distribution
Third World Countries.
Farmington, NH Football Program
will benefit
70 cents per Pound
For YOUR unwanted shoes!!!