Wednesday, May 13, 2015

QUESTION: How is the current Fire Danger Class Day Decided?


We were asked by a resident how the Fire Class Days were decided, so we took to the pages of the Maine Fire Service to find the answers..........
Here are what each class of Fire Danger means.
We hope this helps!!

National Fire Danger Rating System Description
  1. Low. Fuels do not ignite readily from small firebrands, although a more intense *-heat-* source, such as lightning, may start many fires in duff or punky wood. Fires in open cured grassland may burn freely a few hours after rain, but woods fires spread slowly by creeping or smoldering, and burn in irregular fingers. There is little danger of spotting.
    The color code for Low is green
  2. Moderate. Fires can start from most accidental causes, but with the exception of lightning fires in some areas, the number of starts is generally low. Fires in open-cured grassland will burn briskly and spread rapidly on windy days. Woods fires spread slowly to moderately fast. The average fire is of moderate intensity, although heavy concentrations of fuel, especially draped fuel, may burn hot. Short-distance spotting may occur, but is not persistent. Fires are not likely to become serious, and control is relatively easy.
    The color code for Moderate is blue.
  3. High. All fine dead fuels ignite readily and fires start easily from most causes. Unattended brush and campfires are likely to escape. Fires spread rapidly and short-distance spotting is common. High-intensity burning may develop on slopes, in concentrations of fine fuel. Fires may become serious and their control difficult, unless they are hit hard and fast while small.
    The color code for High is yellow.
  4. Very High. Fires start easily from all causes, and immediately after ignition, spread rapidly and increase quickly in intensity. Spot fires are a constant danger. Fires burning in light fuels may quickly develop high-intensity characteristics; such as, long-distance spotting and fire whirlwinds, when they burn into heavier fuels. Direct attack at the head of such fires is rarely possible after they have been burning more than a few minutes.
    The color code for Very High is orange.
  5. Extreme. Fires under extreme conditions start quickly, spread furiously, and burn intensely. All fires are potentially serious. Development into high-intensity burning will usually be faster and occur from smaller fires than in the very high danger class (item 4). Direct attack is rarely possible, and may be dangerous, except immediately after ignition. Fires that develop headway in heavy slash or in conifer stands may be unmanageable while the extreme burning condition lasts. Under these conditions, the only effective and safe control action is on the flanks until the weather changes or the fuel supply lessens.
    The color code for Extreme is red.

Source: Forest Service Handbook, February 1964

The Fabulous Find Thift Shop to Donate Portion of Proceeds to York Hospital Breast Cancer Fund.

The Fabulous Find thrift store will donate a portion of their May proceeds to the Breast Cancer Living Well Fund at York Hospital.

 Everyone is encouraged to donate merchandise for sale and to shop for clothing, jewelry, home accessories and furniture throughout the month of May!

So… please bring your quality, gently used clothing and other treasures to The Fabulous Find. ...

Please Shop or Donate—for the benefit
of our Breast Cancer Living Well Fund at York Hospital.

The Fabulous Find Thrift Shop is located at 139 State Road (Rt 1), Kittery, ME.
Store Hours: Mon - Sat 9:30a -5:30p  and open on Sunday 11a - 4 p

You can LIKE The Fabulous Find Thrift Shop on Facebook at:

Portland Sea Dogs to Offer Special Tickets to Lebanon Little League Members and their Families.

The Portland Sea Dogs is partnering with Lebanon Little League Baseball to offer you an opportunity to purchase special group tickets to The Portland Sea Dogs vs. The Bowie Baysox (Double A Affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles) for a special night, Sunday, June 7th, 2015.
Participants of the Lebanon Little League are invited to come early (gates open at 11:30 am, game begins at 1:00 pm) and participate in a game of catch, have your photo taken in front of the "Maine Monster", participate in a Parade around the Field, participate as a Ball Buddy and take the field with the Sea Dogs during our National Anthem. After the game, stay a little later and enjoy the Kids Run the Bases event too!!
Please fill out the form below and get it back to Laura Bragg before May 22, 2015.

Lebanon Little League Baseball Hosts "Long Ball-A-Thon"

There has been some question on the Long Ball-A-Thon sheet.
 The sheet says "Pledges are $5 per ball with a maximum of 5 balls." This means that each player can only hit a maximum of 5 balls, but you can certainly continue to fund raise above that amount!
 Also, as an FYI, you can show up anytime between 1 and 4, on May 17th, there is no set time for any particular age group.

Suicide Prevention Program Offered at Berwick Public Library

Suicide Prevention: It’s Up To All Of Us, Saturday May 16 at 11 AM at Berwick Public Library; join Cherylan Demers Camire of Crisis Response Services –Maine Beh...avioral Healthcare to Present Awareness Session on Suicide Prevention.
Cherylan Demers Camire, is presenting a must-attend workshop on suicide prevention. The workshop is for anyone who has someone in their life that they are concerned about, adult or youth.
Maine is ranked 14th in the United States for deaths by suicide. Suicide in Maine occurs 7-9 times more often than homicide. The State averages 196 deaths by suicide each year; in 2009 alone, 2,800 high school students and 4,000 adults attempted suicide while 6,700 high school students and 27,000 adults considered suicide.
The first step in suicide prevention is to become aware of the issues in order to develop prevention knowledge and strategies. In this one night workshop, participants will gain general information on suicide prevention and intervention. They will receive printed resources and information on more in-depth trainings offered by the Maine Suicide Prevention Program.
The training is presented through the Maine Suicide Prevention Program, an initiative of the Maine CDC in DHHS; training offered through partnership with NAMI Maine, The Maine Medical Association, Co-Occurring Collaborative Serving Maine and Maine Primary Care Association

End 68 Hours of Hunger to Host Community Yard Sale in Milton NH

End 68 hours of Hunger is hosting a Community Yard Sale
on Saturday May 30 from 8:30-1 pm  
at the Milton Elementary School, 8 School Street, Milton NH
E68 is requesting a donation of $10-$20 per spot.
This is a great location to sell, sell, sell!
Please message Stephanie Stefanie Berry for more information.
The bigger, the better!
Please Contact Stephanie Berry
@... or Phone @ 603-661-1563