Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Maine State Lottery Winning Numbers for Wednesday, July 1, 2015.

DAY: 687
NIGHT: 281
DAY: 6069
NIGHT: 6271


17-23-29-30-33   HOT BALL 15

3-9-21-35-36   MEGABALL 4
7-24-26-31-41   POWERBALL 25   POWERPLAY X2
Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers is not affiliated with the Maine State Lottery. We are not responsible for any typographical errors. Please take your ticket to any Maine State Lottery sales site to confirm winning numbers. The numbers given here are only as a service to our page readers. Thank you.

Have You Had Work Done by "Bath Fitter"? If So, You Have a FREE Inspection Coming Your Way!

07/01/2015 03:53 PM EDT

(AUGUSTA) The Attorney General Janet T. Mills reminds consumers who received services from National Bath Systems, LLC, d/b/a Bath Fitter ("Bath Fitter"), that the deadline to request an inspection of their bath installation is September 1, 2015.

Attorney General Mills previously alleged that Bath Fitter engaged in unlicensed plumbing activities, used non-conforming construction contracts, installed plumbing before a plumbing permit issued, misrepresented employees' license status, and engaged in plumbing installations that may violate the Maine State Internal Plumbing Code.

Upon timely request by any homeowner with a Bath Fitter plumbing installation, Bath Fitter will provide a free inspection of the installation by an independent licensed plumber to determine compliance with the plumbing code. If the plumbing does not comply with the code, permits and corrections will be made at no cost to the consumer. Consumers have until September 1, 2015 to request a free inspection.

If you have a Bath Fitter installation in your home and wish a free inspection for compliance, please call Bath Fitter at 1-855-798-4646.

Lebanon Academy Gives Totals for Raffle Calendar Fundraising Effort.

The Lebanon Academy found their first fund raiser quite successful.
Here's what they had to say!!!

We raised $2801, almost half of what we need to pay for the painting of the exterior rear wall and the front steps.
The Lebanon Academy Board of Directors, committee and friends would like to thank everyone who donated prizes as well as purchased calendars to raise money for the worthy cause of saving this beautiful and historic building.

The Lebanon Academy Building, Jim Grant Road, Lebanon.

Voters Reject National Park by Wide Margin. No National Park for Maine at This Time.

Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry are announcing today that the former Roxanne Quimby property will NOT be designated as a National Park as local voters in Medway and East Millinocket turned out to reject the idea in a BIG WAY!!
Two nonbinding referendums on the 150,000-acre North Woods national park proposed by former Maine resident Roxanne Quimby were held recently. Proponents plan to donate 75,000 acres for a park and an additional 75,000 acres for certain recreational use to the National Park Service, generate 400 to 1,000 jobs and be maintained by $40 million in private endowments. 
A significant majority of voters in Medway and East Millinocket rejected the creation of a new national park next to Baxter State Park for several reasons, including:
  •  National park status brings additional unwanted federal authority into northern Maine, generates seasonal jobs and expands federal influence far beyond 150,000 acres. This is particularly true with respect to restrictions on hunting, snowmobiling and other business opportunities.
  • National parks that are used as comparisons to predict job growth have no relation to the proposed Maine national park. Most are adjacent to huge population centers which readily provide attendance. Acadia Park with easy automobile access to many spectacular sites has little similarity to the deep woods wilderness experience, which made projected job numbers highly suspect to local voters.
  •  The Millinocket/East Millinocket area is already very well-served by Baxter State Park. Most residents doubted that a national park would draw the numbers of additional tourists claimed by proponents. Maintaining the quality of the current Baxter State Park is already a challenge without drawing more visitors. 
  •  The land in question does not match the natural beauty and uniqueness of other national parks. It has no distinctive features except for its westerly view of Katahdin and Baxter Park. This would be the first national park established to offer little more than views into a state park (Baxter State Park)
  •  The park campaign owns less than 60 percent of the two proposed zones. Proponents propose to donate land that they do not currently own.
  •  Significant timber will not be available to provide jobs and economic benefits to Maine in the future. The 150,000 acres proposed for the park represent over 50,000 cords of annual growth. Each cord contributes about $1,300 to the Maine economy.
  •  Decisions on what takes place on the land would be made by the federal government listening to people outside of Maine. The proposed National park lands not owned by Roxanne Quimby is now open for recreational use without the National park restrictions. The proposed national park will isolate 2,500 acres of State of Maine public lands.
  •  The National Park Service struggles with a maintenance backlog with its other national holdings. 

Maine Forest Service Set to Enforce State Firewood Ban For July 4th Weekend.

Maine Forest Service to enforce
State firewood ban this holiday weekend
Department Forest Rangers will inspect vehicles registered from outside Maine for firewood to help protect forests from destructive insects
AUGUSTA — The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry’s Maine Forest Service will be present at several key visitor locations this Thursday and Friday, July 2-3. “Maine’s Rangers are working this holiday weekend in order to promote understanding and enforcement of Maine’s ban on imported firewood,” said Commissioner Walt Whitcomb. “The ban addresses the significant risk posed by movement of untreated firewood that may contain destructive insects.” 
The ban on imported firewood is part of a broader initiative within the Department to protect Maine’s forests and farms from new and exotic pest threats. The Forest Health & Monitoring program and the Bureau of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health program actively survey for known and potential pest threats, conducts trainings and public outreach to recognize and report potential pest threats. 
WHERE: Several key visitor locations (Contact Jeff Currier for exact locations)
WHEN: Thursday and Friday, July 2-3
WHO: Maine Forest Service Rangers
Maine Forest Service Rangers will inspect visible loads of firewood being carried by vehicles registered outside of Maine. They will talk to visitors about exotic pest threats, provide information to visitors, answer questions and hand out brochures. Illegally imported firewood will be confiscated. They will also have an increased presence at prominent private and public campgrounds over the holiday weekend.  

"They Did It !!!" Lebanon Team Snags Southern York County Babe Ruth Championship.

Rear (L to R) Luke Carlock, Tim Ziadeh, Baley Coull, Matty Chambers,
Andrew McKee, Jackson Monroe, Bruce French II, and Ben Dewhurst.
Front (L to R) Ethan Ricard, Aiden Terrevechia, Owen Frost, Jaden Balcewicz,
Connor Baxter, Tyler Urrutia, and Justin Ahearn.
Missing from Photo: David Hamme and Jacob Desjardins
Lebanon Babe Ruth Baseball Team
Despite the disappointment of Monday night's game being called after only 3 innings due to rain, the Lebanon Babe Ruth Baseball Team, under the management of Mike Chambers, did not lose their momentum.
When the game resumed on Tuesday evening at 6 pm, the boys went on to win the Southern York County Championship in some amazing style, sealing their deal with a 7-0 win over South Berwick!!
Matt Chambers pitched 7 innings striking out 9 while giving up 3 walks and 2 base hits. Baley Coull went 3-4 with a in the park home run. Luke Carlock went 3-3 with 3 singles driving in 2 runs for Lebanon.
The team's final game of the season will be played in South Berwick either tonight or Thursday night.
Another win for Lebanon would make them undefeated this year with a 12W-0L-1 Tie.
Thanks to the coaches for this year's team who worked hard with the baseball players of Lebanon to achieve this victory!! Lebanon Babe Ruth 13-15 Year Old Coaches are Tom Coull, Clem Baxter and Caleb Chambers.
2015 Southern York County Champions
Thanks to team manager, Mike Chambers for the game statistics!!

First Rescue Calls of Lebanon's Fiscal Year 2015-16 Come Back to Back with Phenomenal Response.

With taxpayers voting to combine Fire and Rescue services into one department, and Chief Daniel Meehan working with agencies from Sanford, Maine and Frisbie Hospital EMS, the first calls of the fiscal year 2015-16, and the newly staffed Lebanon Fire and Rescue Department, came in back to back this morning. Call 1 answered by Lebanon's Rescue 2 with a Frisbie EMS Paramedic intercept. Call 2 only moments later answered by Sanford EMS on a Mutual Aid call.
Taking first shift for Lebanon's newly combined Department, EMT/Firefighter Windy Rudnicki and EMT Sara Christiansen had the patient out of the home and in the ambulance just as Frisbie EMS came racing down Bigelow Road.
It feels wonderful listening to this playing out on the scanner and hearing not only our newly staffed department, but our Mutual Aid Responders all working together like a well oiled machine.
We hope to hear more good news regarding response times, Mutual Aid agreements, and more......
Keep up the GREAT work Chief Meehan and Lebanon Fire and Rescue!!!

Former Lebanon Selectman Paul Philbrick Speaks in Regards to Transfer Station Misquotes.

Recently, on the commentary regarding the video tape of the June 25th, 2015 Selectmen's Meeting, one of Lebanon's residents quoted our former Selectman, Paul Philbrick, regarding the use of the Lebanon Transfer Station as a disposal venue for Kevin Hartford, who is the town's only "commercial trash pick up".
This morning I received the following e mail from Mr. Paul Philbrick, asking me to post it publicly on the Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers page, to explain that the resident quoting him did not quite get the comments right.........and his actual position on the use of the Lebanon Transfer Station by the town's only trash pick up............

Former Lebanon Selectman Paul Philbrick (photo from Google Images)

Received July 1, 2015.......Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers......via e mail from Paul Philbrick

    It has been brought to my attention that I was “quoted” in a recent Facebook commentary in regards to the June 25th Selectmen’s meeting.  I do not have a Facebook account so please accept this response.
   The wording in the quote was not exactly the same words that I used.  The budget committee meetings were audio taped most evenings and I would suggest that the tape for that evening be reviewed as well as the follow-up meeting.  You will learn that other committee members had a different understanding of what I was trying to share with the group, which I will address here with you.
    The discussion that night had to do with the transfer station budget.  It was brought up by a budget committee member that a commercial hauler was using the facility to dispose of the trash the hauler was collecting.  According to the member, this activity was costing the taxpayers extra money and the hauler was not properly registered by the DOT to perform this activity.  There are two issues here, taxpayer expense of disposing of trash and proper registration of the hauler.  (Both of these issues were referred to in the Facebook commentary as well).   I am not knowledgeable of DOT requirements, so I will leave that part of the issue to those who are.  I would like to address the taxpayer expense since I was quoted on that issue.
    The commercial hauler, to the best of my knowledge, picks up only trash from various residences in the Town of Lebanon.  The question I asked at the budget committee meeting was why the trash being dumped by the hauler was more expensive for the town’s taxpayer than having each household take their own trash to the transfer station.  Whether I, as a resident of the town, haul a 10 pound bag of trash to the transfer station, or have my neighbor take the bag, or in this case hire a hauler to do it for me, it is still a 10 pound bag of trash placed in the hopper.   
    Requiring the commercial hauler to transport the trash collected directly to a disposal site versus the transfer station will incur additional cost to the hauler which will be passed on to the residents using that service.  Therefore the residents will end up paying extra to dispose of their trash, once by their tax bill and again when the commercial hauler disposes of it at the disposal site.  Many of the residents using the services of the commercial hauler are elderly and it is difficult for them to transport their trash to the transfer station.   They depend on family, neighbors, or in this case the hauler.  Working families are using the service as well due to their hectic schedules.  Using the service permits weekly pick-up where, without the service, it would be easier to “stockpile” the trash for a period of time, until they have time to make the “dump run”.   I could not agree with requiring both groups to pay extra over and above the transportation costs to dispose of their trash just because they were using someone to transport their trash for them. 
    I never did receive an answer to my question, but now I see the same concern is being brought up again, only this time on Facebook.  If Truth-seekers decide to investigate this issue further, please look at all of the facts.  One fact does remain that I have not addressed here is whether or not all of the trash the commercial hauler is delivering to the transfer station is residents trash.   That is another issue that needs to be looked at, for if the trash is coming from outside of town then the service needs to be stopped regardless of the benefits some of the residents of the town are receiving from it.

Don't Forget the Boy Scout Troop 369 Can and Bottle Drive Saturday, July 11th!!!

Boy Scout Bottle Drive
Clear out your recycling bins (or your garage!)
after the Fourth!
Lebanon Boy Scout Troop 369 will hold a bottle drive
Saturday, July 11,
9 a.m. to noon,
at the Park and Ride
corner of Depot Road and Route 202 in East Lebanon.

Proceeds to benefit the Troop's camp scholarship fund.
Troop members will attend a week-long resident camp at Camp Hinds in Raymond next month.

Metrocast Experiences System Wide Outage Late Tuesday Evening 6/30/15

June 30, 2015 proved to be quite a challenge for Metrocast techs all across their internet service area as customers lost all internet beginning at around 8:15 on Tuesday evening.
People up and down the eastern seaboard took to the Smartphones and were keeping one another in contact regarding what time the service went down and how far reaching the outing was.
In a very short amount of time, the Metrocast complaint site reached over 800 comments, from people in Maine, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maryland, Pennsylvania and South Carolina.
Calling the Metrocast phone number was of no help with any answers as Smartphone users stated their frustrations with the lack of Customer Service and the absence of even a recorded message to alert customers to the reason for the problem.
The internet service in Lebanon, Maine came back online around 11:15 last night.
The timing was such that many wondered, including the Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers, if last evening's 8 pm "Leap Second" were to blame.
I contacted Metrocast this morning and the Customer Service Agent I reached answered "There was an outage last night? I don't know. I haven't been in the office that long."
When I asked if she could find out about the reasons behind the entire Metrocast system being down for 3 hours, she said, "Well, I can't. Customer Service doesn't get information on those things, however, maybe Tech Support would know, but you'll have to call back to Tech Support." She went on to tell me that at 8:30 on Wednesday morning, there were over 100 people waiting in the Tech Support HOLD line.
I decided not to wait.
However, a recorded message did give me the information that there WAS an outage last night and if my internet were still not working, gave information on how to reboot my modem.........

Lebanon Youth Soccer Director Provides Some Answers to Missing Trophies and Banquet

When one parent, who demanded answers from Brian Arsenault, leader of the severely behind the 8 ball Lebanon Youth Soccer, asking where are the trophies and when will the banquet be for all the children, about roughly 80 Lebanon children who participated in the town's 2014 Soccer Season..........
Here is the message they received back........

A few answers?? OR only a new series of side steps??

I do not think you a being rude at all. It's a very sticky situation. The guy that we got our trophies from is not and hasn't been in the area for some time. His parents were killed in a car accident out west and he went out there and had a very hard time with the situation and was institutionalized. A court case has been brought for to the man, but because he is institutionalized we have to wait for him to be released. Unfortunately that is about all u can say at this time because I/we have to respect the person who did the order for the trophies as well as the kids. I know. Unfortunately I am in a very sticky situation because I have to respect the person who took the order due to their unfortunate situation. I cannot have parents contacting the person and their business complaining because we and the lawyers both agree that it would drag things out longer.

A Message From Your Lebanon Fire and Rescue Department.... WE ARE ONE!

July 1, 2015
Starting July 1'st 2015, Lebanon Fire and Lebanon Rescue will no longer run as two separate entities within the town of Lebanon. Voters in the town, passed a ballot measure on June 9'th 2015, to consolidate the two agencies into one by a vote of 548 to 214 .
In addition to offering combined Fire and EMS services the town is also offering per diem EMS work. Crews will be on hand to staff the town's ambulance 16 hours a day, at the Fire Station, which is located at the corner of Depot and Upper Cross Roads. The shifts will run from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM and 2:00 PM until 10:00 PM 5 days a week, with responders covering from home after 10:00 PM. Weekend per diem shifts will cover, from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM at the station and from home after that.
Anyone interested in working for the town's Fire & EMS services should call (207)457-3922.