Friday, August 14, 2015

Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting 8/13/15

The Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting began promptly at 4 pm with Select Board Chairman Ben Thompson making a motion to allow Treasurer Jeanette Lemay to secure a $1 million dollar TAN (tax appropriated note) through Kennebunk Savings Bank on behalf of the town. Selectman Nadeau 2nd the motion, and the Board voted 3 in favor 0 opposed.  The closing for the TAN will take place on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 3 pm.
Selectman Thompson reads a notice from the Board to go out to all department heads, requesting that they hold back on spending money on non-essential purchases until October 2015 to try and help the town from having to use money from the TAN.
Treasurer Lemay takes a minute to remind the Board what the TAN money can be spent on.
Nadeau has second thoughts about signing the note, but signs it anyway.
Selectmen's Assistant Sue Collins reminds Selectman of upcoming bid openings on Monday, August 17, 2014. Bids to be opened will be for Bituminous Paving, IT Services, Sanding and Painting of the Town Office, and Electrical Services. ***Interested parties should contact the town office for bid specs***
Selectmen's Assistant Collins is in the meeting to speak to the Board regarding the Town Office being able to collect donations of school supplies for families who can not afford them, and asking for permission regarding the collection of foodstuffs for Holiday Baskets. A large discussion follows regarding collecting on Town Office time, keeping the Lobby and Foyer neat and clean, and why they think there is a need to collect school supplies and holiday basket foods.
Small discussion about the scheduling for completion of assessing town properties.
SEE Part 1 of the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting 8/13/15 HERE:
The second part of tonight's video shows questions about assessing and the difference between "just value" and "fair market value" as answered by Selectman Thompson and Selectman Heath. And about the ability of Selectmen to access every property in town for assessing purposes.
WATCH Part 2 of the Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Video
from 8/13/15 HERE:
Part 3 of the 8/13/15 Selectmen's Meeting video shows the Board as they motion to go into Executive Session with Town Clerk Mandy Grenier to discuss Employment Applications received for the position of Part Time Collector and Deputy Clerk.
WATCH this tiny little segment of video as the Board and Town Clerk Enter into Executive Session on 8/13/15...HERE:
The next little piece of video is not of the Selectmen's Meeting, but of the Town Office sign as seen on Channel 6 WCSH News by many folks who have reacted with embarrassment and disgust that the sign could look so bad. As you will see, it's BAD, but not as bad as we originally thought.
SEE the Town Office Sign from BOTH Sides HERE:
The fourth section of the Board of Selectmen's meeting of 8/13/15 shows the Board's return from Executive Session with Town Clerk Mandy Grenier and their discussion with her regarding the use of Town Office space and Town Office Employees to collect the donations of school supplies and Holiday Basket foods. Lebanon Truth Seeker Sandy Adams took the time during the Board's Executive Session to speak with the Town Librarian, Marcy, who has agreed to be responsible for picking up all donations twice a week from the Town Office and taking them to the school. Grenier agrees that she has no problem with the Town Office Employees collecting the donations, however, she says that she will watch the process and put some policies in place.
Follow Along as the Select Board speaks to the Town Clerk at the 8/13/15 Meeting HERE:
In Part 5 of the 8/13/15 Selectmen's Meeting Video, you will see Gabriel LaPointe, a Lebanon resident, appear before the Board to ask questions regarding a bank appraisal on his home that is fully $50K less than the town is assessing the property for. Although Thompson does not find fault with the fact that the two evaluations of the property could be so far apart in their numbers, something that is said during the conversation sparks his interest, mostly on the actual size of the dwelling. There is quite a bit of discussion regarding assessing procedures and a lot is explained.
After Mr. LaPointe leaves the office, Lebanon Maine Truth Seeker Deborah Dorey Wilson requests a moment to ask a question, and is granted time. The question is regarding just WHO is working at the Transfer Station on Saturdays. The Board recently announced a new hire, Roger Nault, but apparently has also hired a young lady, Jen Griffin, a Lebanon resident. Also working on Saturday, 8/8/15 was Transfer Station Manager Ronal Patch's grandson, Jordan, who frequently fills in, and there was someone else working there as well. It seems there was a man named Mike working there, the Town's recent hire for the Road Crew. When questioned on this, Selectman Nadeau states, "We always done it and I done it again," adding that this was the way Selectman Heath first came to the Transfer Station. The question continues that if all of these people were all working at the Transfer Station, WHY were both Selectmen Heath and Nadeau working there as well?? Although a resident had seen them both there, and reported Nadeau operating the "button" (that operates the Transfer Station Compactor), Nadeau states that he was "Not working there, per se."
The resident had reported that she had seen Selectman Heath and Nadeau inside the Transfer Station attendants building with Transfer Station Manager, Ronal Patch, however, Nadeau maintains that Patch was not on the premises as he and his brother Robert, were in Vermont at the time, thus the reason he was there, "checking up on the new hires" and making sure everything was okay.
Selectman Thompson is angry over this revelation, stating that he is confused as to why they were both at the Transfer Station where they no longer are employed. Selectman Heath states that he "Is a little confused myself" and that "It was done with all good intentions."
SEE this Eye Opening fifth part of the 8/13/15 Selectmen's Meeting Video HERE:
The Sixth session of this long meeting of the Lebanon Maine Selectmen, shows Lebanon Resident Dot Brown as she arrives for her appointment with the Board to discuss the most recent assessment and valuation of the home she owns on Upper Cross Road, stating the Board had assessed her $50K on her home, after it had suffered a lot of damage in a 2012 fire, and is uninhabitable. Selectman Thompson explains a few reasons to Ms. Brown, and he states he will have a second look at the property on Saturday.
WATCH as Another Lebanon Resident checks her Property Tax Assessment HERE:
The seventh and final part of the evening's Selectmen's Meeting shows Lebanon Maine Truth Seeker Deborah Dorey Wilson asking the Board exactly HOW Jen Griffin, (a Patch family friend), was hired by the Board to the Transfer Station, as there had never been an announcement that she had been hired. There seems to be some confusion as to when she was added to the Department with Selectman Thompson stating that he had "no choice" but saying that she was added as the 2nd hire to the Transfer Station 2 days after Mr. Nault had been hired. That was later amended to 3 days, with the Board not sure of her hire date as the Minutes for those June and July meetings have still not been provided by Selectman Heath.
Wilson also asks about the Town Ethics Policy, as the Board had said they were going to discuss that further on the Monday after Selectman Heath returned from Assessing School (which would have been Monday, August 10, 2015). Selectman Thompson states that he's working 40 hours a week and that it's not his job. However, if he's getting paid to perform a job, it IS his job. When Wilson asks if she has the discussion of the Town Ethics Policy placed on the Agenda, would the Selectmen consider discussing it, Selectman Thompson cautions her that even on the Agenda, the current Board may not give the answer she's searching for.
Wilson questions Selectman Heath whether he will be willing to discuss the Ethics Policy, and has to ask 4 times prior to Heath gracing her with his answer, but he finally agrees to discuss it.
When asked the same question, Selectman Nadeau informs Wilson that she can not put something on the agenda and tells her to "Let us run our own meeting." But Wilson adds that as a taxpayer of this town, she sure CAN put something on the agenda, and Nadeau says if it's on the agenda he will discuss it.
The conversation is ended with the arrival of the 7 pm agenda appointment, Lebanon Fire and EMS Chief, Daniel Meehan. The Hog Wild Festival inspection is discussed with Meehan stating they were a no-show to their appointment for inspection, however he has sent an e mail and Meehan is planning to go on Friday at 2 pm as the vendors are setting up for the Saturday event.
Meehan presents the Board with his updated plans for paying part time, on call, and stipend payments for his 2 departments, presents a purchase order for the repair of the Zoll Heart Monitor, with Selectman Heath questioning if this is a "necessary expense."
Chief Meehan states that in July, the Rescue answered 36 calls, Fire Department answered 22 calls. The Combined Departments answered 5 calls for Mutual Aid and attended 6 car accidents.
At this time, due to the Closure of Hubbard Road in Berwick, the Lebanon Fire and EMS is covering our town's side of Berwick as well.
There is a discussion regarding the remaking of the Fire and EMS Department's signs, and the possibility of combining the work order to include the Town Office sign. Discussion includes Public Participation with both Deborah Dorey Wilson and Sandy Adams asking questions about a Department Chaplain or Counselor and about the Board's recent discussion about the Department purchasing pizza after a large Fire event.
Selectman Thompson reads a motion for the Board's review requesting the Budget Committee to convene to discuss the proposed November ballot question which will possibility allow for the knocking out the wall that currently divides the Selectman's Meeting Room and the Code Enforcement Officer's office in order to create a larger space for Selectmen's Meetings.
Selectman Nadeau has his hand in the air and ready to adjourn the meeting while Thompson is still reading. Meeting is adjourned by Nadeau at 7:26 pm, 2nd by Selectman Heath.
SEE Part 7, the final part, of the Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting of 8/13/15 HERE: