Monday, August 24, 2015

“Fiddling Thomsons”/Ice Cream Social At Final Downtown Lunchtime Concert , Central Square Rochester, August 28

(Photo Courtesy of Rochester Main St and The Fiddling Thompsons)

Local fiddler extraordinaire Ryan Thomson and his son Brennish will appear to close out the 2015 downtown lunchtime concerts as “The Fiddling Thomsons” on Friday, August 28 in Central Square  in downtown Rochester.. Sponsored by by Citizens Bank and a grant from the NH State Council On The Arts/National Endowment For The Arts,  the Factory Court Brown Bag concerts are held on Fridays from 11:45 am until 1:30 pm. Concert goers are asked to “bring a chair and buy or bring a lunch” to enjoy a musical performance in the heart of downtown Rochester. As a special addition, this years final concert will take place in the refurbished Central Square at the foot of the statue of Parson Main

Ryan and Brennish, are a father and son duo performing lively tunes on many different instruments. They are available for performances and educational workshops.     On You Tube
search for - "Fiddling Thomsons." Winners - Twin Fiddle award, Lowell National Historic Park!, Together, they play twin fiddles, wooden spoons, Zydeco rub-board, jaw harp, Cajun box drum, rhythm bones, mandolin, banjo, accordion, flute, foot percussion, piano, Cajun triangle, pennywhistle, and other folk instruments.

The lunchtime Brown Bag Concerts are held weekly through August 28 so this is our final concert for 2015. As this is the final concert , we are closing with an Old Fashion Ice cream Social from 11:15-11:45 am for  a donation of $3.00  In case of inclement weather the concerts  are cancelled. 

Free parking nearby is available at the North Main , Union, and Congress Street Parking lots. For more information please contact the Rochester Main Street office by calling 603-330-3208 or email

The Rochester Main Street volunteers would like to thank our sponsor Citizens Bank and the  NH State Council On The Arts/National Endowment For The Arts, along with all of our performers who helped to make this a great summer season. Special thanks also to Revolution Taproom & Grill for allowing patrons to use the rest facilities and our volunteer chair, Sue Roy for a great job in coordinating this year’s entertainment. 

Town Re-Bids Sanding and Painting of Exterior of Town Office. Bids are due to the Town Office by September 4th, 2015

Town of Lebanon
15 Upper Guinea Rd.  (207) 457-6082
Lebanon, ME 04027  (207) 457-6067fax
Town of Lebanon Sanding and Painting RFB
1. Objective and Purpose
The exterior of the Town Hall located in the Town of Lebanon at 15 Upper Guinea Rd., is in need of sanding and painting. As a result, the Town is bidding out for this service. 

2. Key Dates
Bids must be submitted no later than September 4, 2015 by 5:00pm
Bids will be opened on September 10, 2015 at 5:00pm
Selectmen will award the bid on September 10, 2015

3. Service and Work Requirements
I. Expectations:
The winning bidder will be expected to maintain a clean work area during office hours. They will also be expected to tape-off the required areas, as directed by the Select Board, before painting.

II. Pricing:
Please submit a block rate for services including any additional charges that may apply. The work quoted in this bid is expected to be carried out immediately and completed no later than October 31, 2015.

The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lebanon
reserves the right to reject and/or accept any and all bids. 
III. Submission Guidelines:
All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope and clearly marked “Sanding and Painting RFB”.

Please send all bids to the address listed below. 
  Town of Lebanon
  Information Technology Bid  
15 Upper Guinea Rd.
  Lebanon, ME 04027