Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting 9/8/15 Mostly Executive Session.

Tuesday evening's meeting was shorter than the average Board of Selectmen's Meeting.
Two members of the Board were in doing paperwork beginning at around 4:30 pm, with the only item on their agenda at 5:30 pm being an Executive Session.
The Board entered into Executive Session at 5:30 pm with Fire and EMS Chief Daniel Meehan and 2 Lebanon Firefighters, citing personnel issues, and exited with no statement to be made around 6:05 pm.
The Board stated they were entering immediately into a second Executive Session, again citing personnel issues, with Chief Meehan.
After the Board returned from Executive Session, they stated that no decisions had been made for public statement.
The Board only discussed one issue this evening, which was discussion on whether or not to allow Town Office personnel to attend the Annual Maine Municipal Association Convention in Augusta, scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 16 and Thursday, Sept 17. The Board members spoke and LMTS Deborah Wilson questioned whether the Board had seen the scheduled classes and seminars, which are included in the price of admission to the convention.
The Board made no decision regarding the employee's participation and will speak more on this on Thursday September 10th's Board of Selectmen's Meeting.
SEE the single section of the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting HERE: