Saturday, September 19, 2015

Maine Fall Foliage Report..........September 16, 2015

Maine Fall Foliage Report
September 16, 2015

Warmth of Extended Summer Slows Foliage

Augusta, ME (September 16, 2015) - While Maine is still experiencing the warmth of an extended summer, the foliage in northern Maine is gradually changing, with tinges of oranges, reds and yellows visible in the forest canopy. However, the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry report reveals very little color change and very low leaf drop.
“Weather plays a significant role in the changing of the season. Sunny days, followed by cool, but not freezing temperatures help move the progression of color along. We have not experienced the cooler evening temperatures in all 7 zones,” noted Gale Ross, fall foliage coordinator for Maine.
Leaf peepers can visit the state’s official foliage website at and sign up to receive weekly reports by email. Visitors and natives can share their photos throughout the state as the progression of color begins.
There are a plethora of events happening throughout the state this coming week and now’s the time to get outside to enjoy this last little bit of summer weather. Old Orchard Beach is playing host to a 22nd Annual Car Show on Sept. 18-19 and the town of Bethel will come alive with scarecrows and harvest decorations during the 18th Annual Harvestfest & Chowdah Cook-off on Sept. 19. Or, experience the 11th Annual Camden International Film Festival, taking place from Sept. 17 to 20 in Camden and Rockland. More than sixty documentary features and shorts will be shown throughout a number of local venues.
For more information about fall activities and events in Maine, go to

Town of Lebanon Solicits Invitation to Bid for GRADING DIRT ROADS 2015

Town of Lebanon
15 Upper Guinea Rd.  (207) 457-6082
Lebanon, ME 04027  (207) 457-6067fax
Invitation to Bid
Grading Dirt Roads 2015
 The Town of Lebanon will receive sealed bids for grading dirt roads. This bid is for grading the roads three times from 10/01/2015 through 06/30/2016 at the discretion of the Road Commissioner. 
 All bids will must be received sealed by Thursday October 1st and will be opened publicly and read aloud on Thursday October 1st at 5:00pm at the Lebanon Town Hall. Bids will also be awarded on Thursday October 1st
All bids must be sealed and labeled “Grading Bid” and can be mailed to or delivered to the Town Hall at 15 Upper Guinea Rd., Lebanon ME 04027. The Town of Lebanon reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.
Roads to be Graded:
Orrills Hill Rd.
Goding Rd. 
Kennebec Rd. 
Upper Middle Rd.
Whittum Way 
Lower Guinea Rd.
Commanche Ln.
Bog Rd. 
Upper Barley Rd.
Holtby Ln. 
Lower Barley Rd.
Carter Ln.
Hartford Dr. 
Lord Rd. 
Abbott Rd. 
Hebo Hybo Rd.
For More Information Call
Road Comissioner Tom Torno at (207) 432-3216