Friday, October 23, 2015

Board of Selectmen's Agenda set for Monday, October 26, 2015

SELECTMEN’S MEETING, Monday October 26, 2015

4:00 PM Fire Dept/Emergency Medical Svcs Budgets


5:00 PM Emergency Management Budget


5:30 PM Insurance Budget


6:00 PM Deb Wilson – Cemetery Committee





Other business

A Letter from Selectman Ben Thompson regarding "NOTIFY ME" automatic e mails from the Lebanon Maine Town Office.

In regard to the email "notify me" issues that we have been experiencing since the change over to the new website, we thank everyone who has brought this issue to our attention.  We have been actively researching this issue and we have confirmed that the mailing list from the old website was imported into the new website.
The old website had a single mailing list - News & Announcements.  The original emailing list was imported only into the "News" topic for the Site Home Page.  Enrollments for the other topics on the new website are still in their beginning stages as residents and other visitors sign themselves up.

In terms of email postings there is a difference that all subscribers will want to keep in mind.  The email lists available on the new site are configured based on two factors - content type and department / board page.   A Meeting Agenda posted in the Board of Selectmen is different than Meeting Minutes posted in the Planning Board which is different from News posted from the home page and there may be a completely different list of email addresses signed up to receive each posting based on individual preferences.
All existing email addresses from the old site were imported with the home page News subscription only.  We have instructed the Website service to link all existing subscribers to the Selectmen Meeting Agenda as well, which should be completed within the next few days.

More email options are available now and to please visit the new website to resubscribe and sign up for anything they are interested in by clicking the boxes which identify items of interest.
Thank you for your patience.
Sincerely, Selectman Ben Thompson

Read more:

Public Notice for RFP#201510180..........Dept of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.... Agricultural Development Grant Program.......Grant money available to expand and develop marketing for Maine agricultural products.

We have so many small family farms in our area, we felt the need to post this grant opportunity from the Maine Deptarment of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Division of Agricultural Resource Division.
We would LOVE to see a  Farmer's Market here in Lebanon.
We are growing as a's time!!!


Public Notice for RFP#201510180

The State of Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Division of Agricultural Resource Development has a requirement for grant proposals which, if approved, will become part of funding from the Agricultural Development Grant Program. In accordance with State procurement practices, the Department is hereby announcing the publication of a Request for Proposals (RFP# 201510180) for proposals from qualified applicants.
The 119th Legislature authorized an Agricultural Development Fund (7 M.R.S.A., Chapter 10 §306A - 309). The Legislature identified the agricultural industry need for accelerating new market development, adoption of improved technology and promotion of agricultural products produced in Maine.  
The Commissioner of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry may allocate the grant funds among projects involving market research, market promotion, or a combination of those activities for the purpose of expanding existing markets and developing new markets for agricultural products produced in Maine; or for testing and demonstrating new technologies related to the production, storage or processing of State agricultural products. The Department has $250,000 available and may select multiple projects with maximum amounts of up to $50,000 per award.
The Commissioner has established priorities for this RFP. All submitted proposals need to be for projects which demonstrate readiness and that can be commenced immediately upon acceptance. Proposals that incorporate one or more of the priorities below will be considered more favorably in the evaluation process. They are:
  1. Development of livestock processing
  2. Improved utilization and profitability of Maine grown crops.
  3. Product enhancements for nutrition and/or food safety.
  4. Alternative markets or diversification including merchandising, farm stands, rural tours and educational opportunities.
A copy of the RFP can be obtained by contacting the Department’s RFP Coordinator for this project: Jessica Nixon, Director of Market Development. The RFP Coordinator can be reached at the following email address: or mailing address: 28 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333. The Department encourages all interested vendors to obtain a copy of the RFP and submit a competitive proposal.

Maine’s New Climate Adaptation Toolkit


(AUGUSTA) – The Maine Department of Environmental Protection is housing a new Climate Adaptation Toolkit on its website. This new Climate Adaptation Toolkit is a Maine-focused, online reference library that provides community leaders with links to key state, federal, and other climate related documents, climate models, data sources, and technical providers, to assist with the work being done throughout the state. Communities in Maine are making the connection between their daily lives and the changes we are seeing in our region’s climate. Town leaders, engaged citizens, businesses, universities, and state partners are planning and implementing changes into their communities to adapt to climate change, and by doing so building resilience into their communities. This toolkit is designed to assist in those varied efforts.
The Adaptation Toolkit is organized by audience type, for its ease of use, and is for Maine homeowners, business owners, consultants, resource managers, engaged citizens, public officials, and anyone else who is interested in learning about climate change, or accessing information that will help them integrate best practices into their community, home, or place of work.
DEP’s goal is to continue to improve the utility of this toolkit by updating the guidance materials, and engaging with toolkit users directly, to ensure they are getting the key information needed.
For more information, please visit Maine Department of Environmental Protection’s Climate Change webpage at