Saturday, November 21, 2015

Lebanon Hate Speech Reaches Small Rural Town in Northern Maine.

My Dear friends from Lebanon.
Sadly I have to report to you that hatred knows no boundaries.
While we have thought that we have many problems with fake pages, internet stalking and harassment of our Fire and EMS responders, it is with GREAT sadness that I advise you that this is getting so out of control, that the FAKE sites are reaching to our north to a lovely little town called Carmel, Maine.
You see, the very SAME 15 Anonymous Volunteers that are posting negatively and creating site after site after site to confuse Lebanon residents into believing they are reading REAL news, have also now created a FAKE news site in Carmel, Maine.

For those of you who do not know, Carmel is the hometown of our own Firefighter / EMT Windy Rudnicki. Despite what you have read on many FAKE Lebanon pages, Ms. Rudnicki's family is well respected in Carmel. Her Mom is a Selectwoman there and after she had the CHUTZPAH to post on one of the Lebanon FAKE news pages, SHE, (just like Deborah) was put into Facebook prison.

HOW SAD IS THIS, Lebanon??
How sad is this that a town FAR to our north, who should NEVER have been dragged into this MESS we have allowed ourselves into here in Lebanon, has to even HEAR of Lebanon Maine or our problems??

Might I suggest visiting the REAL Carmel Maine Community News (link below) and offering our support and expressing our embarrassment and sorrow that they should have to deal with a resident of OUR town, that WE have not yet figured out how to deal with properly.

Let the good people of Carmel, Maine know that we LOVE Firefighter / EMT Windy Rudnicki and that they have a LOT to be proud of in their native daughter.

Also a holler of support for Windy's Mom, Selectwoman Suzane Wilson Rudnicki might be in order.

YUP, Lebanon, Maine..........

I'm in tears tonight at the thought our name is, once again, being dragged through the mud by "He who shall not be named".
This time WAY up north in LOVELY Carmel, Maine......

PRAYING that Carmel is ready for the onslaught!!

Community WARNING!!!!
There is a fake page called: Carmel, Maine Community News
(with a comma)
This fake page was made by an ex-selectmen from Lebanon, Maine, he is also the ex-rescue chief, the ex-Sanford, Maine worker, ex-movie usher, ex-grocery bagger, ex-Rochester, NH dispatcher, ex- Planet Fitness worker, ex-husband, seems like a theme here.
He made the page to humiliate, slander and bully Select-person Rudnicki because she stuck up for her daughter who this man has been slandering, stalking and terrorizing her daughter and grandson.
He lies and spins the truth, he has been after her daughter for over a year now and because she will not bow to him, he will post lies, stalk her, take pictures of her and her son, slander her almost daily. It is a shame that this guy even has children.
Just take warning if you see hate pages start cropping up.
We will keep you informed!

Citizens' initiative for ranked-choice voting found valid with 64,687 signatures

11/19/2015 08:10 AM EST

AUGUSTA - The citizens' initiative petition effort to consider ranked-choice voting has been found valid, Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap confirmed today.

The petitions for "An Act To Establish Ranked-choice Voting" had been in circulation since Oct. 28, 2014. On Oct. 19, 2015, the Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions received 10,036 petition forms with 75,369 signatures of voters who support the initiative.

Staff members at the Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions have completed the process of certifying all of the petitions and have found 64,687 valid signatures, while 10,682 were not valid. A minimum of 61,123 signatures from registered Maine voters is required in the citizens' initiative process, thus the petition has been deemed valid by Secretary Dunlap.

The initiative to establish ranked-choice voting will now go to the Legislature for consideration, per the provisions of the Maine Constitution. The Legislature can choose to enact the bill as written or to send it forward to a statewide vote in November 2016.

The bill would provide ranked-choice voting for the offices of U.S. senator, U.S. representative to Congress, governor, state senator and state representative for elections held on or after Jan. 1, 2018. In ranked choice voting, voters rank candidates in order of preference and the results are tabulated in rounds, in which last-place candidates are defeated and the candidate with the most votes in the final round is elected.

Thinking of Bringing Your Local Product to the Farmer's Market in 2016??

Maine Farmers’ Market Convention

The 8th annual Maine Farmers’ Market Convention will take place at the Maple Hill Farm Inn in Hallowell on Sunday, January 31st, 2016. This day-long event is an opportunity for farmers’ market members, managers, and supporters to come together to learn from one another and from experts in related fields. 
We expect this year’s roster to include the following topics:
  • Food safety requirements for a safe and legal farmers’ market
  • Pricing: breaking even or making a profit?
  • Scaling up your FM business
  • Working with municipal governments – how to build good relationships
  • Soliciting market sponsorships
  • Developing (and enforcing) market rules
  • Effective outreach to low-income shoppers
  • Market promotion and outreach
  • Farmers’ markets in 2020 and beyond
  • Labor law and your FM business
  • Market manager roundtable discussion
  • What’s happening at your market? News from around the state
For more information, please visit:

Crafters, Agricultural Producers and Companies Creating Maine Food Products are Invited to Participate in the GET REAL! GET MAINE! Product Showcase in Augusta!!

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry would like to invite you to participate in our new Get Real! Get Maine Product Showcase. The Showcase will take place on Tuesday, January 12th, from 9am-5pm at the 75th Annual Maine Agricultural Trades Show. This showcase is a special opportunity for Get Real. Get Maine! producers to showcase their products at one of the biggest agricultural events in the state.

Producers who are members of Get Real. Get Maine! may apply for a space in the showcase. A limited number of exhibit spaces are available; the fee for each 8’ x 10’ exhibit space is $75.00. This fee will include the cost of any electrical hookups, tables and chairs. Wireless internet access is available through the Augusta Civic Center.

To apply for exhibit space at the 2016 Maine Agricultural Trades Show, please visit, Please fill out the online application as accurately and in as much detail as possible. In order to sample food & beverage at your booth, you must present a copy of your food & beverage license and/or certificate with your application.

Please register no later than Friday, December 11th, 2015. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Due to the increasing popularity of the show and demand for space, payment for booth space is due IN FULL with your completed application. Please make your payment online at the time of registration or send a check made out to: Treasurer, State of Maine. Space will be reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. We will notify you in writing if your application is accepted. Once space becomes full, we will put additional names on a waiting list. Once the floor is filled, if you are not chosen, payment will be immediately returned to you.

If you have questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Samantha Howard, Agricultural Promotions Coordinator, at (207) 287-7620 or by e-mail at We look forward to seeing you in Augusta, January 12th-14th, 2016.

Samantha Howard
Agricultural Promotions Coordinator
Agricultural Resources Development Division

Help your first responders by helping yourself


November 21, 2015

In a large, serious emergency, travel may be restricted, or businesses closed. If you have what you need, and know how to take care of yourself, you will be freeing up first responders to get where they are most needed, and helping your community weather the storm.

Daily Preparedness Tips from the Maine Emergency Management Agency.

Lunar Halo is Stunning tonight!!

There is an aura around the moon tonight.
Otherwise known as a "LUNAR HALO"
November 21, 2015
It’s not really a magically significant event so much as a scientific one. It’s actually a phenomenon known as a lunar halo, and it happens sometimes when moonlight is refracted through ice particles in the earth's atmosphere.
The folks at the Farmer’s Almanac have a great explanation of it, and say, “A lunar halo is caused by the refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light through ice particles suspended within thin, wispy, high altitude cirrus or cirrostratus clouds.
As light passes through these hexagon-shaped ice crystals, it is bent at a 22 degree angle, creating a halo 22 degrees in radius (or 44 degrees in diameter).”
It’s definitely beautiful to look at. From a folkloric standpoint, however, many traditions of weather magic indicate that a ring around the moon means bad weather, rain, snow or other foul atmospheric conditions are on the way.
In general, there is no Wiccan or other Neopagan magical correspondence related to the lunar halo.

Sorry that it's not the greatest photo!! Hopefully someone will have a better one to share!
You can know that as Deborah sat, staring upward in awe of the amazing weather phenomenon, I could think of nothing else but all of my facebook friends and how very much I've been missing our conversations. I was hoping the aura extended down and touched each one of your lives tonight with a little mystical magic and brightness!!!
Feeling the need to share with someone who could appreciate my "WEIRD" fixation with all things beautiful, I called Windy and, as I figured, she was unaware, but went right outside to view the moon with me. That's what great friends do, even if they're not interested. But Windy WAS and she took the time to explain to me the scientific process that it takes to create a Lunar Halo.
Very Beautiful indeed, very enchanting!!
I  hope you had the chance to see the abnormally large halo around the moon tonight and know that I'm thinking of all my Facebook friends and wishing you all simply the chance to see beautiful things.