Sunday, March 6, 2016

Lebanon Democrats Caucus, Sanders Wins Bulk of Delegates.

The Lebanon Democrats held their caucus today, Sunday, March 6th beginning at about 2:10 pm.
As promised, anyone who was in line at 2 pm was brought inside.
67 Lebanon Residents Attendedwith 44 (plus 7 absentee ballots for a total of 51) were on the side for Candidate Bernie Sanders, while 23 (plus 11 absentee ballots for a total of 34) were on hand to support Candidate Hillary Clinton. Total votes, 85.
Ellen Harris-Howard led the caucus, being voted in as the Caucus Chair, with State Rep 20 hopeful Dan Lauzon as Vice Chair and former Lebanon school teacher Rebecca Beal as the Secretary.
Several people came to the door at about 2:20 pm and were denied entry as the caucus had already begun.
Bettie Harris-Howard acted as the Caucus Captain for the Hillary Clinton supporters, speaking briefly on why she thought Clinton would make the best candidate to be elected President. Agreeing with Harris-Howard to "Vote Democrat no matter who that Democrat is",  and speaking in favor of Ms. Clinton was Ian Haight-Ashton. Resident Kim Adkins also spoke in favor of a Clinton vote. All three cited Clinton's experience and ability to "hit the ground running" rather than be bogged down with months of having to learn the ropes and the players of national level government.
Marybeth Stocking, of Lebanon's Two Toad Farms acted as Caucus Captain for the residents in support of Candidate Bernie Sanders, and after she spoke briefly, Jordan Pike took the floor to speak on behalf of Sanders. Pike spoke of record attendance at caucuses and primaries all over the country with many young people coming out for the first time in order to support Sanders. There was lots of hooting and hollering on the side of Sanders supporters as Pike had them fired up!!
One resident who stated he had been a Baptist Evangelical pastor for 40 years, stated that there was "Biblical reference for a shaggy haired Jew crying out for justice in the wilderness."
Residents were then given the chance to change candidates, however everyone was content with their choices. No one changed sides after the discussion.
Hands were counted and it was figured that Bernie Sanders was the caucus winner, gaining 5 Lebanon Delegates, while Clinton would receive 3 Lebanon Delegates. 8 Lebanon Delegates will make their way to the York County Democratic Convention, scheduled to take place in Portland on May 5th and 6th.
Candidate for State Representative, House Seat 20, Democrat Dan Lauzon of Lebanon spoke briefly on his background and his goals if voted in as a Maine State Representative. Lauzon spoke briefly on his long time as a Union Member with the Railroad, his desire to take better care of Veterans, the need for better funding of schools without tax increases, and how he had funded his campaign with donations of no more than $5 per person.
The Lebanon Democratic Committee asked for volunteers to join their Committee with only a few hands being shown. Ellen Harris-Howard was voted to continue as Chair of the group, with other officers also being reelected to their positions, Dan Lauzon as Vice Chariman, Bettie Harris-Howard as Secretary, and Henry Laviolette as the Committee Treasurer.
Members of the York County Democratic Committee from Lebanon, Ellen and Bettie Harris-Howard, Henry and Lucinda Laviolette, and Arnie and Sally Chandler were also all reelected to continue on in their positions with the county group.
Lebanon Delegates to the York County Democratic Convention in support of Bernie Sanders were chosen by Caucus goers. The five Sanders delegates are: Ruth Gutman, Jacob Downs, Sheri Lehn, Shawn Perry, and Marybeth Stocking.
Five alternates for Sanders are: Chris McDonough, River Bissonette, Janet Bruyer, Jennifer Bozak and Paula Busby.
The three delegates to attend the York County Democratic Convention in support of Hillary Clinton are: Laura Bragg, Ian Haight-Ashton, and Deven Burke.
Three alternates for Clinton will be Ellen Harris-Howard, Bettie Harris Howard, and Kim Adkins.
Thank you to the Lebanon Democratic Committee for hosting a well run, well spoken, friendly political gathering for Lebanon residents. Good Luck to all Delegates chosen to represent Lebanon in the upcoming York County Democratic Convention.