Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lebanon Clean Up Day Scheduled for June 13th, 2015

There have been may asking when Lebanon Clean Up Day will take place this year.
Actually, it's going to be a little later than usual.
Harrison Thorp of The Lebanon Voice has been spearheading this event, however due to an illness of his life's partner, he's unable to coordinate this year. However, he's been awesome about offering his help in getting donations and in providing contacts.
Norm Sirois, Scout leader for Boy Scout Troop 369 has stood up and offered to coordinate with groups of people willing to volunteer.
At this time, Norm has commitments with his Troop throughout the month of May as they travel to NY for the West Point Camporee, and then a planned trip to hike in the Belknap Mountains.
Tom Torno, Road Supervisor has pledged his group's help, but they were unable to do it on the requested date of June 6th due to a wedding that will be taking place that day that all of the guys are going to.
So, in light of the fact that the Boy Scouts and the Roads Crew are both very busy groups, we've all settled on June 13th. Clean up crews will be in groups of 4 or 5 with follow vehicles behind them with flashers on. Adult volunteers will be responsible for picking up anything that is deemed "sharp" or "hazardous" and placing in a special container.
Norm and his Boy Scouts have committed to 4 or 5 groups, with follow vehicles, the Pioneer Girls are offering 1 additional group, and the older Girl Scouts, under the leadership of Andrea Rose, have offered another 2 groups.
Volunteers will meet at the Lebanon Town Office at 9 am and after some brief instruction and handing out bags and rubber gloves, the groups will be hitting targeted areas as identified by the Selectmen and Road Crews.
Residents are asked to clean up the roadsides near their homes and leave the bagged debris by the side of the road. Lebanon's Road Crews will hit the streets from 1 pm to 3 pm and pick up all the bags and bring them to the Lebanon Transfer Station. It has been requested that any cans be bagged separately in clear plastic bags for donations to Boy Scout Troop 369.
At 1 pm, all groups will finish up their assigned areas, and will return to the Lebanon Town Office  on Upper Guinea Road for a barbecue of hot dogs and hamburgers. Residents are encouraged to attend. There will be Appreciation Certificates for the groups who volunteered their time, and anyone volunteering who has Community Service hours that need to be completed toward Noble High School Graduation can have paperwork signed for doing their part!!
Road Crews will pass down all the streets of Lebanon looking for bagged trash left on the side of the road and will be picking up between 1 pm and 3 pm on June 13th. They will pick up discarded items clearly picked up out of the woods and beside the streets, and then join us at the school afterward.
There are a few requests from the Board of Selectmen this year.
1. Please do not head out onto Route 202. This is a State Road and the State is required to keep that as clean as possible. Last year there were many folks out walking Rt. 202, and the traffic became a problem as motorists slowed and had to go out and around clean up crews.
2. Please do not send children and teens out on the roads without a follow vehicle. If your children are not part of an organized group, please be sure there is a responsible adult with them and that you speak to them about what NOT to pick up. Children or young teens should NOT be picking up broken glass, and please show them what drug sharps look like and have them contact a responsible adult IMMEDIATELY if anything like that is seen.
3. Please do not clean your yard and leave the trash for the Road Crew to pick up. This event is NOT for getting rid of your private stash of old tires, or old living room furniture, it's about cleaning up the roadsides in town.
Finally, many thanks to Norm Sirois and Boy Scout Troop 369 for coordinating this event!!
This is a fairly new group in town, with the backing of the American Legion as their sponsoring agency.  This group is doing some amazing things with the young men of Lebanon and we can't be more proud of this great group of young men.
Thank you to the Girl Scouts under Andrea Rose for doing their part, and the Pioneer Girls in Lebanon as well, both amazing groups for your young ladies to take part in!!
We encourage any other civic organizations in town to please leave an e mail for the Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers at , or Contact Norm Sirois with Boy Scout Troop 369 if you'd like to participate. This is a GREAT group event for 4H clubs, the Jr. Grange members, or church groups!!
At this time we're also looking for donations of bottled water, rubber gloves, trash bags (clear or contractor's strength), and we'd also like a local string or guitar group to provide us with some music at the barbecue. Anyone interested in helping, please e mail or contact Norm Sirois.
Come on Out on June 13th and show some Lebanon Pride!!!

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