Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sanford Maine Tractor Supply Announces FARM DAY SWAP MEET Beginning on May 10th.

Farm Day Swap at the TSC in Sanford, Maine is entering its 5th year for 2015.
 Organizers are hoping for another great year and again inviting all those who sell farm goods, equipment, rabbits, livestock, poultry, waterfowl, products, crops, orchard produce or anything else farm or backyard farm related.
The Farm Day Swap won't be successful unless you come. So please pass the word to your friends and neighbors!!!
Some rules to remember when heading for FARM DAYs SWAP MEET, to stay in accordance with Maine State Law and Tractor Supply's rules......    

Chicks (poultry or waterfowl) under 8 weeks of age must be sold in 6.

Vendors selling processed (hot water bath type or pressure canning goods) must be licensed by the state and their product must be tested by the University of Maine testing facility.

No animal slaughtering, processing or neutering allowed.

No sales of dogs, puppies, cats or kittens allowed.

If you are giving away a barn cat for FREE that is allowed.

Milk sales or processed dairy products still must be licensed.

Common Sense: NO BAD LANGUAGE, police your area when you are through for the day, being polite and patient goes a long way.

VENDORS: If your coming it helps everyone to know that you are and what you are bringing.


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