Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rochester NH Expecting Several Thousand Visitors for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday, May 2, 2015.

This Saturday, May 2, 2015 a special kind of crazy will erupt on the streets of downtown Rochester, NH as several thousand comic book fanatics attend the city's celebration of National Free Comic Book Day.
The event, hosted by Jetpack Comics, in partnership with the Rochester Main Street volunteer group and the Holiday Express & Suites on Farmington Road in Rochester, is said to be one of the biggest Free Comic book celebrations in the northeast, with several thousand people expected to attend.
The day will begin at 10 am as comic enthusiasts visit with over 20 area businesses and earn free comic books for their time. Many of the businesses are offering extra comic books or raffle tickets in return for purchases.
The United Methodist church will be having a giant yard sale that day, the Knights of Columbus Hall will feature guest artists signing their work, and the Ghostbusters cast are scheduled for an appearance!
You can get the free event map by stopping by Jetpack Comics in downtown Rochester or Saturday, or you can download it in advance at .
While in Rochester, stop by Happy Pappy's Country Store on Portland Street for their award winning Pulled Pork Sandwich and an order of Deep Fried Oreo Cookies or Dream Cake for dessert!! Happy Pappy's is offering extra comic books for your patronage, including all of their handcrafted comic book character planters.

More volunteers are welcome and needed for this event. If you're interested in helping out for this great event, please contact the Rochester Main St. group at 603-330-3208 or  e mail

Since the Ghostbusters crew is scheduled to make an appearance, here are a few little-known trivia facts for you to share with your friends and family........
1.  The Stay-Puft marshmallow man was originally supposed to come up out of the water right next to The Statue of Liberty, to get a contrast of size, but the scene was too hard to shoot. The "marshmallow" goo was actually shaving cream. More than fifty gallons was dumped on Walter Peck, almost knocking him to the ground.  The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man suits cost Approximately $20,000 apiece. Three were made and all were destroyed during filming.
2.  As revealed in an interview with Mix Magazine Online the hit song 'Ghostbusters' was created 4:30 in the morning when after almost 2 long days of trying to create a song Ray Parker Jr. saw a commercial for a drain company that reminded him of a scene from the film. That commercial helped him coin the popular line "Who you gonna call?"
3. The eggs which fry themselves are sitting next to a package of "Stay-Puft" marshmallows. There is also a large advertisement for "Stay-Puft" marshmallows (complete with the marshmallow man) visible on the side of a building when the ghosts are freed during the "Magic" montage.
4l  When Alice the librarian is queried as to whether anyone in her family had ever had any history of mental illness, she replies she had an uncle who thought he was St. Jerome, the patron saint of librarians.
5.  The terror dogs (Zuul and Vinz Clortho) that come to life, were actual statue designs on an old church in Philadelphia.
6.  Exterior scenes of the Ghostbusters headquarters were filmed at the Hook and Ladder #8 Firehouse in the Tribeca section of New York City. Inside the firehouse are a Ghostbusters sign and photos taken with the cast and crew. The firehouse used is actually two different firehouses that are in two different cities. The exterior is in NY, while the interior is in downtown Los Angeles. The LA firehouse is very popular with filmmakers and has been used in many movies.
7.  The part where the bookcase falls over and Venkman asks Ray "Has this ever happened to you before?" was not part of the original script. The bookcase actually fell over of its own accord (possibly from been disturbed by various crew members) and the subsequent lines were ad-libbed. It was decided to leave this material in as it added an extra element of mystery to the atmosphere as to whether it was a natural occurrence, or a malicious act on the part of the ghost that the soon-to-be ghost busters were looking for.
8.  Almost none of the scenes were filmed as scripted and, in fact, almost all of the scenes had at least one or two ad-libs. Most of Bill Murray's lines are ad-libs.
9.  On the set, Dan Aykroyd referred to the "Slimer" ghost as the ghost of John Belushi who was originally cast to star in the movie.
10.  Coincidentally with a movie about ghosts and ghost-busting, the filming of the jail scene was actually a prison reported to be haunted, and the dailies had many scratches all over with no apparent physical cause. Ivan Reitman was concerned about returning there, but the crew was very relieved to find enough footage to complete the scene without returning.

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