Monday, May 25, 2015

Lebanon Maine's Beautiful Memorial Day Services Held at Town Office.

What a beautiful day for rememberance!!
Memorial Day 2015 in Lebanon Maine started off absolutely stunning, the sun was shining, the temperatures were warm, a nice cooling breeze was wandering across the town, and about 50 people had gathered at the Lebanon Town Office on Upper Guinea Road, awaiting the American Legion and the Boy Scouts to come marching down the road to begin the day's somber rememberance services.
A murmur came over the crowd as someone spotted the group marching toward the Town property just after 11 am.

How proud to see so many youngsters from town participating in the day's services. You have to give kudos to the Scout Masters and the parents for involving their children in town events, and in such a somber remembrance service. GREAT job by the Lebanon Boy Scouts and Lebanon Girl Scouts!! Thank you for all dressing in your Scout Uniforms and coming to represent your community's young people!!
Scouts and American Legion Members lined up across the front of the ceremony to for the day's observances.
The services were started with the playing of The United States National Anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner", with which many people heartily sang along. 
Don Lovely of the Lebanon, Maine American Legion Post, acting as Master of Ceremonies, introduced Brother Dave Johnson from the Grace Baptist Church in East Rochester, who led the opening prayer and then Lebanon Fire and Rescue Department's Chief, Daniel Meehan, dressed in the period costume of a Civil War Union Soldier provided a message about the History of Memorial Day. The American Legion's Don Lovely, then shared a statement of remembrance with the community which was heartfelt, also remembering to thank the families of those who had given the ultimate sacrifice and reminding us all of their complete loss and sacrifice. 
Civil War canons provided the Canon Salute, (3 volleys) and the wreath was laid at the Civil War Memorial honoring the Lebanon men who did not come home from war, by members of the American Legion Post.
The Flag over the Lebanon Town Office was risen to glory, and then lowered to half staff to commemorate the observances of the town in remembering our war dead, while Taps was played on an audio DVD player. A moment of silence was observed as the American Legion and Scout organizations stood at attention saluting our flag.
Also in attendance of the morning's services were The Lebanon Voice's, Harrison Thorp, Selectman Royce Heath, Candidate for Lebanon Selectman Corinna Cole, and State Representative Karen Gerrish.

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