Monday, May 4, 2015

QUESTION: Does the EMS1 Expedition Really Have a New Paint Job?

I was surprised by the lack of towns people at the Selectmen's meeting tonight.
It seems the "other" pages have been reporting there's a new paint job on EMS1, and indeed there IS.
I expected a mob of the "other" page's advocates to attend the Selectmen's meeting and present with a riot the likes of Baltimore or Ferguson.
But there was no one. Just the Selectmen, the Chief and me.
Whether or not the town votes on June 9th to combine the Lebanon Fire Department with the Lebanon Rescue Department, Chief Daniel Meehan is STILL the appointed Chief of BOTH departments.
While the Chief did have the EMS1 vehicle at the Selectmen's meeting tonight, I did not run right out and take a photo of the vehicle, as I chose to wait for Chief Meehan to unveil the new paint job on the Lebanon Rescue Department Official​ page, which I'm SURE he will do within the next day or so, and we'll be glad to share their photos with you at that time.
But of course, the Chief's stalker stole his thunder once again by posting the photo of EMS1 and it's new look on the "other" pages, as the Chief sat in the Town Office talking with the Selectmen this evening.
The paint on the EMS1 vehicle was original to the vehicle, about 5 years old, and only reflected its use by the Lebanon Rescue Department.
Reflective stickers have also been added to the vehicle making it more noticeable during nighttime accident scenes and more effective in slowing traffic at active fire, rescue and accident scenes.
I did not ask how much the paint job cost, or where the vehicle had been painted, but will gladly ask if anyone would like to know.
As for using the money that should have gone to the IV pumps for the ambulance, in order to paint the EMS1 vehicle, Well, we won't even dignify that with an answer, as it has already been noted time and again, that mismanagement of medications, mismanagement of training records, mismanagement of equipment and more, were ALL responsible for the need for restructure in our Lebanon Rescue Department. Plus the town has a completely separate fund for maintenance and upgrades on the vehicles.
WHY the "other" page continues to harp on the IV pumps and claim they are $750.00 each when other area Chiefs have confirmed that is an outdated price and that they actually cost about three times that amount, is beyond my understanding. Perhaps the "other" pages need to review the information given during the "Meet the Chief" meeting back on February 28, 2015.
If anyone has not seen that video and would like to, please give a holler and we'll be glad to repost.
Lebanon Maine's Chief's Vehicle, EMS1, looks GOOD and will now be far more noticeable when responding to a motor vehicle accident or fire call in the dark of night.
EMS1, a vehicle Lebanon can be proud to own!!

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