Tuesday, May 5, 2015
YOUR chance to say THANK YOU to the Unsung Heroes of Lebanon.
Sometimes you see things going on around town and you just wish that you had the chance to say, "Thank You". So here's your chance!!!
1.) I'll start by saying that I got a nice call from a lady named Diana asking about the Lebanon Clean Up Day. She was a little worried that the scheduled day was so far into the summer that the weeds and grasses on the sides of our roads would have grown too high for any amount of good clean up work to be done. When I explained to Diana WHY the date had been moved so far into the future, (change of management, Scouting activity, Road crew wedding) she was kind and polite and understood the changes. I don't know what road she lives on in town, but she said she was going to get busy now, cleaning up her road and making things look clean and nice. She would take the debris and trash to the Transfer station on her own.
For this, we say, THANK YOU Diana!!
And please come and join us at the barbecue for Clean Up Day, scheduled for June 13, 2015 from 1-3 PM.
2.) Thank you number two goes to the unknown resident I saw cleaning up the roadside on Merchant's Row last night. As I was coming home from the Selectmen's meeting around 6:30 PM, I had to make a stop way down on Merchant's Row. As I turned the corner from Upper Guinea Road onto Merhcant's and started down, I noticed a man crossing the street from his home and picking up armloads of trash from the roadside. I waved, he waved, and I made a mental note to write a big THANK YOU to this unknown man!!
3.) Thank you to the many people who have written and e mailed, called and text messaged me with happenings and events going on in Lebanon. The response has been tremendous and each of you who has messaged has made our jobs that much easier in reporting the local GOOD things in Lebanon. THANK YOU!!
4.) There were some questions at last night's Selectmen's meetings regarding who takes care of mowing some of the ball fields around town. The answer surprised me. It's Chris Gilpatrick, and he does them free of charge!! THANK YOU!! Much appreciated!!
5.) It was noted at the Selectmen's meeting that an unknown resident has taken the time to sweep all that leftover Winter sand out of the intersection at Emery's Mill Road. The Road Superintendent said he had plans of scooping up the piles left alongside the road. WAY TO GO, unnamed Lebanon resident!! You may easily have prevented an auto accident from occurring!! THANK YOU!!
If you've seen someone out and about in Lebanon doing something you'd like to say THANK YOU for, please enter your THANK YOU in the comments section below, even if you don't know their name!!!
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