Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Lebanon Voice Reveals the TRUTH about Toya, The Dog Reported to Have Been Thrown from a Car in Rochester, NH.



Dog tossed from car story 'a dog that don't hunt'

Toya might have been tossed around figuratively, but not literally. (Courtesy photo)
ROCHESTER - It may have happened in tough guy movie star Steven Seagall's ''Out for Justice," but it didn't happen last Wednesday in Rochester.
According to Rochester Police Capt. Gary Boudreau who spoke exclusively with The Lebanon Voice on Tuesday, "based upon the evidence, interviews and a review of the information gained, we learned the dog was not thrown from the window of a vehicle."
The story of Toya, actually an American bulldog, not a pit bull, and the alleged atrocity near Norway Plains Road, was first publicized last week in The Lebanon Voice after being initially posted on the Rochester Police Facebook Page.
The miscreant in 'Out for Justce' gets his just desserts. (Courtesy image.)

The post drew more than 1,429 shares and its comments and reply string is in the hundreds.
The enormous amount of innuendo and accusations on the city Police Department's Facebook Page spurred another local newspaper to delve into the social media frenzy and produce a story based solely on Facebook facts, something that sounds more like an oxymoron than a story fulcrum, and something The Lebanon Voice does not do.
The nexus of the controversy now seems to have been a squabble between several individuals who knew the dog and its owner. Boudreau told The Lebanon Voice charges of filing false reports could still be forthcoming.
Boudreau did not say whether or not Toya would be released to her owner or not, and added that the probe is not completed.
"The investigation is continuing at this time and potential criminal charges could result at the conclusion," Boudreau told The Voice.
For those who aren't familiar with "Out for Justice," Seagall rescues and befriends a puppy after he see it thrown from a moving car. At the end of the film Seagall delivers some animal cruelty justice at Cony Island when he by chance sees the man's car, confronts him about his misdoings and delivers a good stiff kick to his privates, doubling him to the ground. The dog then wanders over to his former owner and tinkles on his neck.

Thanks to Harrison Thorp of the Lebanon Voice for allowing this repost.
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