Saturday, May 23, 2015

York Hospital Friendraising Group to Sponsor June 6, 5K Road Race

JUNE 6, 2015

Funds raised by the Road Race will go toward a scholarship fund for the children of Randy Leavigne.

Randy Lavigne, one of York Hospital's long-time and beloved employees, died in November.  Randy volunteered at the York Hospital 5K every year.  He was a physical therapist at York Hospital for 18 years and had many patients.
Whenever he was out and about, a patient would undoubtedly come over to chat with him. Randy always knew them by name and asked about their particular ailment.  Even if he only saw this patient once or twice and it was years before, he remembered them.  He truly cared about each of them.
His wife Rachel, who grew up in York, would often say that she had lived here her whole life but Randy knew more people than she did.  He was beloved by all.
Your donation will go into a college trust fund for Randy's two children, Madi and Trevor.

For more information:
York Hospital Friendraising Office
(207) 351-2385 | 

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