Friday, June 12, 2015

Lebanon Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Come Together to Host Lebanon Clean Up Day on Saturday June 13.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Lebanon Maine Boy Scout Troop 369 and Lebanon Maine Girl Scout Troop 1908 will head up the Lebanon Maine Clean Up Day, tomorrow beginning at 9 am at the Town Office Building, 15 Upper Guinea Road in Lebanon.
Boy Scout Leader Norm Sirois has other children's civic groups contacted and we're expecting a lot of young folks, their parents, and follow vehicles.
Scouts will be sent out in groups of 4 or 5 with an adult and a follow vehicle, cleaning up the roadways in town.
Rt. 202, Carl Broggi Highway, will not be cleaned by the Scout troops as there have been concerns about crews working along Rt 202 and the heavy traffic this weekend mostly attributed to the fact that this is Bike Week in Laconia, NH and Rt. 202 is a major route for motorcyclists coming from points in Maine and heading through to Laconia.
Lebanon residents are encouraged to get out on the roadsides along their own properties, and along vacant stretches of roadside in town and bag up trash, leaving the bags tied along the roadside. This day is for roadside debris only and residents are asked not to include their yard debris and household trash in the debris pick up.
Newly appointed Road Commissioner, Tom Torno and the Lebanon Road Crew will be canvassing the town's roadsides between 1 pm and 3 pm, picking up the bagged litter and bringing it to the Lebanon Transfer Station. Residents are encouraged to have their roadside trash bagged and ready for pick up by 1:00 PM as the Road Crews will only be making 1 pass down each roadway in town.
After the roadways are cleared of debris, all who helped are invited back to the Town Office for 1:00 pm to a Hot Dog BBQ hosted by the Scout Organizations.
Norm Sirois, Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 369, has also been in contact with North Edge K-9 from Gorham who have graciously agreed to bring some of their trained K-9 dogs down and put on a demonstration for us!!
There will be signing of Community Service paperwork for Noble High School students toward their graduation goals.
Schoolhouse Ice Cream will also gift all of the workers with a certificate for a free kiddie sized ice cream cone!!
Many thanks to Selectman Ben Thompson who has agreed to let us use his grill and propane for the day and to keep the Town Office restrooms available, to Butch, Tony, Nancy, and Scott of Welch's Hardware for donations of garbage bags and rubber gloves, to Big Lots for the donation of garbage bags, to Hannaford's Supermarket for the hot dogs and rolls, to Market Basket for the donation of macaroni salad, and to the Lebanon Truth Seekers for the donation of bottled water to keep our hard workers hydrated!
Thank you to the Lebanon Road Commissioner for working with us on a date that we were all available to come together and to his Lebanon Road Crew who will be donating their hours for the afternoon debris pick up.
Thank you to the Lebanon Transfer Station Crew for letting us bring the roadside debris to the Transfer Station on Saturday afternoon. And to the Lebanon Board of Selectmen for opening the Town Offices for restroom facilities and for the use of the Town Office lot for our BBQ.

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