Monday, June 22, 2015

Lebanon Maine Selectman's Meeting 6/22/15 Video Available. Road Commissioner, EMA, General Assistance, and Upcoming Town Job Openings.

Part 1 of our video opens the June 22, 2015 Selectmen's Meeting video with several appointments to Deputy Officer positions in Lebanon.
View Part 1 of the Selectmen's Meeting HERE:
Part 2 of the video continues the June 22, 2015 Selectmen's Meeting with Selectmen's Assistant Sue Collins.
The New Covenant Baptist Church Food Pantry in North Berwick is discussed with regards to delivering to local area families and shut-ins and their availability to Lebanon residents.
Assessment issues are discussed regarding a building for sale on Carl Broggi Highway (Rt. 202)
There is discussion about General Assistance and the Town of Lebanon's "Needy Fund" and how that will be dispursed. Ms. Collins takes the time to explain the difference between General Assistance which is overseen by the State of Maine, and the Town's Needy Fund, which is a fund made of donations.
The issue of people needing Property Tax abatements who are not able to come into the Town Office is discussed with the outcome decided that folks may apply for abatements over the telephone with Sue Collins.
Also during this portion of video, Lebanon Transfer Station Manager Ronal Patch arrives to work with Selectmen on a job description for the vacant positions at the Lebanon Transfer Station which are open due to the resignation of Selectmen Royce Heath and Paul Nadeau.
Patch speaks highly of both men, stating that he "couldn't ask for better workers" and saying that if either should ever resign, "I'd hire either of them back in a minute".
Patch goes on to say that there was "never once" politics discussed at the Lebanon Transfer Station to his knowledge, and if he had ever heard it, he would have corrected that right away.
Select Board Chairman, Ben Thompson spoke to Mr. Patch regarding the price for metal, and that Lamberts (in E. Rochester) seemed to be offering a better price than the facility currently being used by the Lebanon Transfer Station. There was talk about checking prices and perhaps boosting the amount of money taken in by the Lebanon Transfer Station by utilizing Lamberts instead of the Berwick facility. Mr. Patch spoke highly of the Berwick facility, saying they always came when he called and that they also took any batteries that they had, as well as all metals.
Talk turned to the Transfer Station Manager's letter to Selectmen dated 6/11/15 regarding his "grandfathering" of town employments benefits, and although he stated that it was okay for the conversation to remain public, it was chosen by the recorder to shut off the video and leave the conversation and room, and the Selectmen went into Executive Session with Mr. Patch.
See Part 2 of the Selectmen's Meeting of 6/22/15 HERE:
Part 3 of the Selectmen's Meeting of 6/22/15 begins with Selectmen returning from Executive Session with Mr. Ronal Patch, Manager of the Lebanon Transfer Station. The meeting continues with the Board accepting a letter from Mr. Tom Torno formally accepting the position of Lebanon Road Commissioner.
The Board also accepts the resignations of Royce Heath from the Transfer Station (Mr. Heath excluded himself from that vote) and Paul Nadeau (Mr. Nadeau excluded himself from that vote) also from the Transfer Station.
The trio heard a letter from Fire and Rescue Department Chief, Daniel Meehan asking that he be considered for the position of Emergency Management Agent in the position left open by the resignation by Tom and Brenda Craven after 29 years of service. Meehan explains that as Fire and Rescue Chief, he is already responsible for keeping Fire and Rescue personnel on top of important weather and emergency related issues, and offered to take on the role of Emergency Management Agent as part of his Fire and Rescue Chief Duties. After some discussion, the Board of Selectmen decided to accept Chief Meehan's offer, and to pay him the stipend amount that goes along with that position of $700 per year.
It was stated that Town Clerk, Mandy Grenier had received her Bonding as Tax Collector for the Town and that the Board would request that Interim Tax Collector, Christine Torno balance things out for the date of June 30, 2015, in preparation for Grenier to take over as Lebanon Tax Collector.
Also discussed was the upcoming July 4th, 2015 holiday. Since the holiday is on a Saturday, Lebanon personnel policy is for the Town Office personnel to observe the holiday on the Friday before, so the Town Office will be closed on Friday, July 3, 2015.
Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers requested that Lebanon Town Notices and Job Postings be sent to our e mail address and that we be allowed to post them on our page. These notices will be posted free of charge to the Town of Lebanon. Selectmen agreed, although stating that things were a little backed up due to the transition of Mandy Grenier settling in as Town Clerk but that they would agree to allow us to post Notices and Job Postings.
At this time, the Selectmen stated that they only had Accounts Payable work and Payroll work to complete and the video was turned off for the evening.
See Part 3 of the Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting of June 22, 2015 HERE:
Once again, thank you to Chris Gilpatrick for allowing us the use of his video camera.

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