Tuesday, June 30, 2015

LEBANON TRUTH SEEKERS announces CITIZEN of the MONTH! Guess who it is.

Lebanon Truth Seekers are delighted to announce our Citizen of the Month!

Hats off to Norm Sirois, a Lebanon resident since the age of 8.  Norm and his wife and four children reside in a home they built on the Sirois family Farm on Little River Road in 1997.  Norm has spent 6 years in the Army National Guard.

Norm is the epitome of a citizen Lebanon should be proud of. A father of four children, Norm has found time to be the leader of Troop 369. The casual observer might say, so ....not realizing the countless hours this involves.  Also, this year Norm chaired the Lebanon Clean-up Day, along with his scouts, participated in many local civic events,, attended a Camporee at West Point , which by the way was by invitation only. If you think Scouts meet weekly and that is the end of the story.  It is only the beginning.  VISIT Lebanon Boy Scout Troop 369 on Facebook and you be  astounded with the activities Norm and his boys are involved with.  This is a tribute to his great leadership. I might add, several parents of this troops members assist Norm with leadership.  Our thanks go out to them, too.

Norm has been a past volunteer in several local events including  coaching T-Ball, Minor Baseball, Minor Little League to mention a few.

The proud father of four, his oldest son is a life scout and working on his Eagle badge, second in line,  a son will be attending Maine School of Science and Mathematics this Fall, third in line, also a son,  will be a fifth grader and is a Weblos Scout and the youngest a daughter is a Frontier Girl and interested in dance.

I rather suspect behind this extraordinary man is a Mrs. Siros.  Our hats go off to you, too. 

Lebanon salutes you Norm Sirois.  You do our community proud!

                                            THANK YOU

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