Tuesday, June 23, 2015

MSAD60 School Nutriton Program ROCKS, Offering Breakfasts & Lunch to ALL Lebanon Residents Regardless of Age or Financial Standing.

As I get off the phone with the MSAD60 School Nutrition Program's Assistant Director, Karen Ward, I can't help but smile.
There really IS a movement out there to give folks the multi-generational chance to share a sense of community, and this Summer, it's showing up at Lebanon's Hanson School Cafeteria.
MSAD60, funded by Federal program dollars and guided by the State of Maine, is offering Breakfast and Lunch to ALL residents of Lebanon!!
From July 6th through August 6th, the MSAD60 Summer School Nutrition Program is offering a Breakfast and Lunch menu from Monday through Thursday.

Breakfast served from 8:00 am - 8:30 am
Lunch served from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Breakfast and Lunch
FREE to all Children in grades K-12
Breakfast $2.50 per adult
Lunch $4.50 per adult
You don't have to show ID, you don't have to be on State or Federal aid. You can just go on down to the Hanson School and enjoy breakfast or lunch and enjoy spending time with others from your community. 
MSAD60 School Nutrition Director, Lynnette Harriman, oversees the menu and staffing needs and has put together a full month's worth of delicious and nutritious meals for this Summer's program!
What a wonderful opportunity for the Seniors in town to have a chance to interact with local youngsters!! An equally opportunistic chance for Moms to give children a chance to maintain school social connections throughout the Summer or to have some "Mom Time" while the children enjoy a nutritious lunch together.
This is a win, win, win for Lebanon residents!!
Note: to see the menu in larger form, just click on them!
July 6 to August 6, 2015 Breakfast Menu:
July 6 - August 6, 2015 Lunch Menu:
For more information on this program, you can visit the Federal website at:
Call 1-866-3HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479)
or Call Lynnette or Karen at the MSAD60 School Nutrition Office at 207-676-2234 ext. 5.
Just a note, if you happen to be in Berwick for the day, the program is also being offered at the Noble Middle School Cafeteria in Berwick!


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