Friday, July 31, 2015

Maine State Lottery Winning Numbers for Friday, July 31, 2015

The Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers do not accept any responsibility for errors in reporting winning numbers. Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers are no affiliated in any way with the Maine State Lottery and provide these winning numbers as a service to our page readers.

DAY: 838

DAY: 7531

05 - 12 - 35 - 37 - 38

28 - 32 - 33 - 40 - 46

Town of Lebanon Releases Request for Proposal, Information Technology

Town of Lebanon, Maine 
Request for Proposal
Information Technology
1. Objective and Purpose
The Town of Lebanon is looking to upgrade its Information Technology system(s) and move towards combining its departments in that regard. As a result, the Town is bidding out their Information Technology support. 

2. Key Dates
Bids must be submitted no later than August 14, 2015 by 5:00pm
Bids will be opened on August 17, 2015 at 5:00pm
Selectmen will award the bid on August 20, 2015 at 5:00pm

3. Service and Work Requirements 

I. Expectations:
The winning bidder will be requested to provide service in the following areas.
A) Network Administration
B) Recommendations and Assistance with Software Purchases
C) Software Installations and Upgrades
D) Recommendations and Assistance with Hardware Purchases
E) Hardware Installations and Upgrades
F) Security Payment Process 

II. Pricing:
Please submit an hourly or block rate for services including any additional charges that may apply. This bid will be for a period of one year with the opportunity to be extended on or before the end of the period.
The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lebanon reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
III. Submission Guidelines:
All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope and clearly marked “Information Technology Bid”. Please send all bids to the address listed below.
Town of Lebanon
Information Technology Bid  
15 Upper Guinea Rd.
Lebanon, ME 04027

Town of Lebanon Releases Request for Proposals on Electrical Services due in to Lebanon Town Office no Later than 5:00 PM August 14, 2015.

Town of Lebanon, Maine

Town of Lebanon Electrical Services RFP

1. Objective and Purpose
The Town of Lebanon is in need of assistance with regard to Electrical Services. The work involves a combination of Installations and Maintenance. As a result, the Town is bidding out for these services.
2. Key Dates
Bids must be submitted no later than August 14, 2015 by 5:00pm
Bids will be opened on August 17, 2015 at 5:00pm
Selectmen will award the bid on August 20, 2015 at 5:00pm
3. Service and Work Requirements
I. Expectations:
The winning bidder will be requested to provide service in the following areas.
A) Change light bulbs in the Front Foyer
B) Install light sensor for Parking-Lot Lights
C) Install Light for Flagpole
D) Clean Generator for the Town Hall
E) Maintain Generator for the Town Hall through June 30, 2016
II. Pricing:
Please submit individual block rates for services A-D. Please provide a price plan for service ‘E’ through the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2016. The work quoted in this bid for services A-D is expected to be carried out immediately and completed no later than September 30, 2015.
The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lebanon reserves the right to reject and/or accept any and all portion(s) of bids.
III. Submission Guidelines:
All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope and clearly marked "Electrical Services RFP". Please send all bids to the address listed below.
Town of Lebanon
15 Upper Guinea Rd.
Lebanon, ME 04027

Despite Early Trouble, Georgie Allen and Lebanon Youth Soccer Dominates and SCORES!!!

The Lebanon Youth Soccer Program started the Summer with some problems.
The prior administration under the guidance of Brian Arsenault had left 2014 program participants without much of what was promised to them. The program was missing financials, bank accounts, tax ID numbers and hadn't been insured through Soccer Maine for a couple of years.
Enter Ms. Georgie Allen.
Although Ms. Allen is the Lebanon Recreational Department Director, the Lebanon Youth Soccer organization is a 501c Corporation, and not run as a town sponsored sports league. There was so much work to be done and the program was such a mess, there were so many obstacles to overcome and the task seemed almost insurmountable!
But Georgie believed that Lebanon Youth Soccer had its place in providing a healthy activity for the youth of Lebanon.
There were people who didn't believe she could ever get things in to place in time for the 2015 Soccer Season. People who questioned her ability to get enough team sponsors. People who questioned her ability to straighten things out with Soccer Maine and those who worried about insurance for the program.
Lebanon Maine Truth  Seekers admittedly was among the worried.
We didn't worry about t-shirts or snack shack offerings. We didn't worry about team sponsors or financials. Our own worries were specifically making sure that the Lebanon Youth Soccer group had sufficient insurance to cover the children who would play during the season.
We would like to say that we are so proud of Georgie's hard work and dedication and MORE than pleased to say that she's made a supporter and a believer out of us!!
Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers had met with Ms. Allen and came away a little bit more sure, but not quite yet convinced. It seemed to us that if there was a resident in Lebanon who would classify as a "one woman army", it was Georgie Allen. She has enough drive and enough stamina and enough positivity for anyone hanging on to the hope and dream that Lebanon Youth Soccer could thrive.
In the month and a half since meeting with her, Ms. Allen has proved the nay-sayers wrong. She has obtained a Tax ID number, secured a bank account, put together a full Board of 17 parents, and secured a membership with Soccer Maine which gives her insurance for her program. She has held yard sales to fund new t-shirts, she has held sign ups (104 children so far), and she has done ALL of this while holding down the fort and filling in as Director of the Lebanon School Summer Camp after the accidental injury of Director Shirley Mathews!
Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers is proud to say that each step along the way, Ms. Allen has messaged us to let us know she was one step closer to her GOAL!!! The 2015 Season is almost at hand, and Georgie Allen and Lebanon Youth Soccer are READY!!
So far, Georgie has SIX Team Sponsors providing financial backing for her Soccer teams. We are proud to announce her sponsors and thank them for their support and help!!!
Lebanon Youth Soccer Team Sponsors will be.......
Yankee Thermal Imaging
Quality Fuels
Tri City Drywall
Aroma Joes
Batchelder Sales
and Victor's (formerly Boucher's Market in E. Rochester).
The Lebanon Youth Soccer sign ups are finished for the year, however, if you have a child who has missed sign ups, Georgie says she is willing to take a few more. Please contact her at (207)837-2138, or e mail her at
Prices are $40 per child, with additional children from the same family discounted to $30 per child.
Georgie has promised to invite us as the Lebanon Youth Soccer begins their season, and after the first Board Meeting, we'll be giving you all a list of the GREAT parents who have come together in support of Georgie and this much needed Lebanon sports program.

Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video Posted in 4 parts. 7/30/15

Lebanon Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video from 7/30/15
The first part of the video from the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen shows the Board speaking about the upcoming Medical Marijuana Festival scheduled for Friday, August 21 - Sunday August 23, 2015. The Festival has requested a midnight end time on Friday night, 1 in the morning on Saturday, and 9 pm on Sunday. The Board is thinking that those times may be a little late for the Festivals neighbors. According to Selectman Thompson, the Festival is expecting over 1,000 visitors this year.
Some discussion is had regarding the heat in the Selectmen's Office and the hope that voters in November will allow for the Selectmen to spend some money from the town's Contingency Fund in order to open the wall between their current meeting room and the current Code Enforcement Office to make a larger meeting room. The Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers purchased and donated a window fan to the Board over a month ago, in hopes of improving temperature and air quality in the room, however, only minutes after turning it on, Selectman Nadeau stated he couldn't hear over the fan and it has sat, unused, under the Selectmen's desk, since the day of it's donation.
Lebanon Board welcomes Colby, a member of Lebanon Boy Scout Troop 369, who is at the meeting in order to observe and gather information for his Citizenship and Community Badge.
SEE PART 1 of the July 30th
Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video
In Part 2 of the Selectmen's Meeting Video, you will see more even more comments being made about the excessive heat in the Selectmen's meeting room.
The Board speaks with Treasurer Jeanette Lemay regarding the town's upcoming bid for Information  Technology (hereafter IT) assistance, which should be ready for publication on Friday, July 31st, 2015. It is Lemay's goal to bring the town's computer system into modern times, with the ability to "talk" between town departments. Specifically she mentions Fire, EMS, Highway Departments.
SEE Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video of July 30th, 2015 HERE:
The third part of the Thursday, July 30th Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting video shows Lebanon Maine Truth Seeker Deborah Dorey Wilson asking a resident's question regarding the publication (or lack thereof) of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes to the Town's Website. According to the resident who had asked, the June 8th meeting, and all those that have occurred since that time, are not published. Selectman Royce Heath, who is the designated Secretary for the trio erupts in a series of "NO COMMENT" answers to both Wilson and Lebanon Maine Truth Seeker Sandy Adams' questions. Selectman Nadeau is asked for comment, to which he replies "NOPE" and Select Board Chairman Thompson says that he would LIKE to see the minutes continue to be posted, however they are not in his possession. Selectman Heath does state that they are in his possession, but then continues on with the "NO COMMENT" comments.
of the
Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting Video of July 30th, 2015.
The fourth and final part of the Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting Video begins with a conference call to Maine State Police Sergeant Shapiro in regards to the upcoming Events and Festivals coming up in town including the Medical Marijuana Festival, Tiki Days at Skydive New England, Country Music Festival at the 4X4 Proving Ground and more......
The upcoming Re-Dedication Ceremony for the Gully Oven Town Park is discussed, and none of the Board had any idea that it was happening, and at first look, had no intention of attending. No answer was ever given in surety if they are intending on attending now that they are aware.
Lebanon Code Enforcement Officer Mike Beaulieu speaks to the Board on his work on the pending Festivals and Mass Gathering Permits. He speaks about placing his office hours on the window of the Code Enforcement Office door.......Monday and Tuesday from 7 am to 12 noon and "Available for Inspections" noon to 5 pm by appointment only.
Beaulieu states that the town has received $4,678.00 in building and plumbing permits during the month of July and says this money is from permitting for 8 new buildings. He says that Rockwell Homes is planning a total of 30 new Lebanon Homes in the upcoming year.
Town Clerk Mandy Grenier speaks to the Board on her research and development of ordinances to require Business Licensing within the town, including permanent businesses, Festivals and Gatherings. Ms. Grenier and Mike Beaulieu have been working together to create some very good ordinance and fee structures for proposals which will be presented at a Town Meeting (date to be determined) and then placed on the November ballot.
Ms. Grenier takes a moment to explain the need for Business Licensing as Lebanon continues to grow, with words on how part of the higher tax rate in Lebanon is due to the increase of Town services for businesses and their need to pay for those services rather than the expenses being shifted to the residential taxpayers in town. The Town Clerk also speaks about the importance of the townspeople's attendance at Town Meetings, and how she feels compelled to send multiple notices and try to increase taxpayer attendance and participation at the meetings.
Selectmen Heath and Nadeau both spend their time telling her reasons why they don't think it will work and giving their opinion that she will never get more than 60 people at a town meeting.
Undaunted, Ms. Grenier asks the Board to look over the proposed changes in the Mass Gathering Application she and Mr. Beaulieu have prepared, which does not need a town vote to be changed, and the pair think that their form of Application will make things easier on gathering hosts to know the rules, know what's expected of them, and understand the fees associated with the permitting process.
Ms. Grenier then asks the Board to schedule time to review the 7-10 Applications for the Part time Deputy Clerk / Collector position that she has open for the Town Office. It is decided that she will sit with the Board to discuss these, and any that come in until that date, on August 13th at 4:30 pm.
At the end of the discussion, Lebanon Truth Seeker Deborah Dorey Wilson asks for public participation time and is granted one minute. Wilson takes her allotted time to speak to the Town Clerk, thanking her for her hard work, research and preparation of the Business Licensing Permit Ordinance proposals, with Selectman Heath interjecting that 1 minute Public Participation time is over after only 21 seconds. Wilson continues to speak with Selectman Nadeau regarding discouraging such a refreshing work ethic and reminding him that Lebanon is changing whether we like it or not and proper knowledge of businesses operating in town is important. Selectman Heath motions to close the meeting during the discussion.
WATCH the FINAL segment of The Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting Video (Part 4) of July 30, 2015 HERE:

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Maine State Lottery Winning Numbers, July 30, 2015

JULY 30, 2015
The Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers are not responsible for any errors in reporting the winning numbers.
Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers is not affiliated with the Maine State Lottery in any capacity.
DAY: 721

DAY: 8961
NIGHT: 6730

29 - 33 - 36 - 47 - 48

Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Reminds Hopeful Maine Hunters of Safety Course Requirements

Safety/Education Courses

List of safety/education courses in your area

Inland Fisheries and Wildlife does  NOT recognize any stand alone on line program for validation for Hunter Safety.
We have been made aware of sportspersons using an online course certificate to show proof of hunter safety.  On line courses do not qualify.
Applicants for an adult hunting license must show proof of having previously held an adult license to hunt with firearms in any year beginning with 1976 or successful completion of an approved hunter safety course. 
States such as New Hampshire do allow online study but students must then attend & complete a one day training program to complete.
Can't find a course for your area? Contact the Regional Safety Coordinator for your area, or the Recreational Safety Division Office at (207) 287-5220.
Do you need to take an outdoor safety course to obtain your license for firearms, archery, crossbow, or trapping?
Maine law requires completion to obtain your adult license unless you have previously done so or have held an adult license.
Hunters and trappers in Maine must attend training courses specific to the license type they wish to purchase. By state law, anyone planning to buy a basic hunting license, archery license, crossbow license, or trapping license, must complete the respective hunter, archery, crossbow, or trapper education course. Individuals may purchase each of these licenses by showing a certificate of completion from the appropriate course, or a previously issued license of the same type.
If you would like to refresh your knowledge of safe and responsible hunting, then taking a hunter education course is a great idea.
Picture of a young bow hunter.
Each year, the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife provides more than 350 courses on hunting with firearms, bow and arrow, and trapping. These are attended by roughly 7,500 students and taught by over 800 volunteer instructors trained by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
Would you like to learn how to safely operate a snowmobile, ATV or boat?
In order to operate an ATV under 16 years of age, you must complete an approved ATV Safety Course.
Picture of two youngsters paddling a canoe.
The Recreational Safety Division provides approximately 200 courses to about 2,500 students per year for people who want to learn about the safe operation of snowmobiles, boats, or ATV's. Boating safety courses are also provided by the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliaries and by U.S. Power Squadrons around the state.

Become a Volunteer Instructor

To become a certified volunteer instructor, you must:
  • Successfully complete the basic course as a student and complete the appropriate application and written examination.
  • Be at least 18 years old with a record free of convictions.
  • Complete an instructor training course.
  • Join an existing team of instructors or organize a new team.
  • Agree to attend training updates/workshops.
For more information, please contact the Safety Division by phone at (207) 287-5220 or email In order to start the certification process, you must contact the Regional Coordinator for your area.

Registering For a Course

Don't wait until hunting or trapping season to take a course; it'll be too late! Most courses are offered in the late summer and early fall prior to the start of hunting seasons. Courses are also offered in the spring. Completion of a spring course gives you time to become familiar with equipment, terrain, and hunting techniques. There are no costs for materials or instruction. Some courses may charge a nominal fee to cover the use of facilities and minor instructional expenses. All students will have to provide a survival kit, with most of the contents available from the home. Pre-registration is required. To enroll in the course, please call the listed instructor at the number given on the course listing.
Courses will include 6 to 12 hours of instruction depending on the subject. Sponsors include school districts, sports clubs, civic groups and others. Courses listed as 'Home Study', require attendance at scheduled sessions as well as study at home.
Volunteer instructors schedule each course. Some are completed in a weekend, while others may run multiple evenings, plus a Saturday or Sunday.

Minimum Age

Students must be at least 10 years of age to attend a class for firearms, archery, or trapping. Students under 10 may attend a recreational vehicle course. A person under 16 years of age must attend the ATV training course with that person's parent or guardian.

Duplicate Certificates/Cards

The Department keeps records of graduates from its safety courses. If you have lost your certificate, you may obtain a duplicate from the Safety Division at no cost.
In person - 8 Federal Street, Augusta, Maine
By mail - Safety Division, 284 State Street, Augusta, ME 04333
Fax (207) 287-9037
Please include the following information with your request:
  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Telephone number
  • Current mailing address
  • Address where you lived when you took the course
  • Year you took the course (include month if possible).
  • Location where you took the course (including Instructor's name if possible).

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Kirby Home Cleaning System Being Sold Door to Door in Lebanon.

Kirby Avalir
(courtesy photo)
Did anyone else have Kirby Dealers stop by their home today??
We did.
Many thanks to Corey and Stephen who came by and showed me their WONDERFUL Kirby Avalir.
We LOVE Kirby Cleaning Units, but I had never seen the Avalir demonstrated.
It's actually pretty amazing!!
If you have walls you need cleaned, upholstered furniture, floors of any kind, Let Corey Morest and Stephen Thyng come and give you a demonstration.
For us they did outside work as that is what we were most interested in. However, they will come and clean anthing in your home good as new FREE of charge JUST to be able to show you the new Avalir.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY, and just for allowing them to come and demonstrate their Kirby Avalir, they'll give you the choice of several FREE cleaning products as well!!!
603-822-0219 (Corey)
OR 603-822-0220 (Office)

Maine State Lottery Winning Numbers for Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers accepts no responsibility for errors made on reporting winning numbers. Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers is in no way affiliated with the Maine State Lottery and we only offer these winning numbers as a courtesy to our page readers.

DAY: 194

DAY: 0526

08 - 13 - 31 - 32 - 39

8 - 12 - 18 - 26 - 33

18 - 25 - 35 - 36 - 45

4 - 22 - 27 - 28 - 52

FREE Sports Physicals for Children aged 12 and Up at Seacoast Orthopedics, Benefits Food Pantries.

Seacoast Orthopedics & Sports Medicine (SOSMed) will offer free walk-in sports physical clinics for students ages 12 and up on Wednesday, August 5th and Tuesday, August 11th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at their main office located at 7 Marsh Brook Drive in Somersworth.
While there is no charge to obtain a pre-participation physical evaluation during the clinics, students are asked to bring non-perishable, non-expired food items to donate to the Community Action Partnership of Strafford County (CAP) food pantries.
CAP is a private nonprofit established in 1965 that helps families and individuals meet their basic needs through early childhood and parent education, job training, food and nutrition services, utility and housing assistance, homeless prevention and transportation for seniors. The agency, which provides services across Strafford County, operates food pantries inside its Dover and Farmington Outreach offices.
“We are so grateful to Seacoast Orthopedics & Sports Medicine in helping stock our food pantries during what is traditionally a challenging time of year,” says Betsey Andrews Parker, CAP’s Executive Director. “Community partnerships such as this are what make a difference in the lives of those in need every day. And in the late summer, our food pantries are often low on food but still experience a very high demand so this is a great time of year to donate to our pantries.”
In addition to the two sports physical clinics, SOSMed will collect donations throughout the weeks of August 3rd-7th & 10th-14th at their Somersworth location. Employees, patients, and community members are welcome to contribute to the collection effort. At the end of the two weeks, SOSMed will match the food donation collection with a monetary donation (based on the value determined by CAP).

Maine Agricultural Fairs Announces the Opening of Bangor State Fair This Weekend.

Dates/Times: July 31st - August 9th, 2015

Location: Bass Park, Bangor, ME

Description: Bangor State Fair is an agricultural and recreational gathering of the population of the Greater Bangor Area and the entire state of Maine that lasts for 10 days at Bass Park – the land encompassing Cross Insurance Center. The Bangor State Fair typically draws between 60,000 and 70,000 people a year and dates at least as far back as 1883.

Major Events: Mechanical Rides & Carnival Games, 4-H Contests, Livestock Displays, Demolition Derby, Steer & Ox Pulling, Truck Pulls, Food Eating Competitions, Fireworks.

For more information contact: Mike Dyer- (207) 561-8300,

The Bangor State Fairgrounds is about 2 hours and 45 minutes north east of Lebanon. A little far for a traditional family to travel for a day trip, however, if you want to see some SENSATIONAL and VERY COMPETITIVE Ox Pulling, Tractor or Truck Pulling competitions, Bangor State Fair is your place!!!
This 10 day fair is in the heart of farm and timber country and although Bangor itself is a city, the Agriculture of the area is very evident in the events of the State Fair.
Just like the old timers used to do it!!
Wonderful trip for a weekend or an extended weekday trip.
The fair is open for 10 full Agriculture packed days!!

For more Maine Agricultural State Fairs visit:

August Events Announced for Wolfe's Neck State Park in Freeport, Maine.

Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park

August Events

Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park426 Wolf Neck RoadFreeport, Maine 04032
Contact: Andy HutchinsonPhone/FAX: (207) 865-4465Date: July 29, 2015
For Immediate Release
(Please run daily through August 31st, 2015)
Freeport, Maine: Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park offers nature programs daily in August at 2:00 PM, through August 31. Nature programs start at the circle of benches at the end of the second parking lot unless otherwise noted and may include walks, talks, and activities in a beautiful natural setting. Programs last about one hour unless otherwise noted, weather permitting. 
No reservations are needed. Nature programs are free with park admission. Admission is $1.00 for ages 5-11; $3.00 for Maine residents ages 12-64; $4.50 for non-residents ages 12-64; $1.50 for non-residents 65 and older. Persons under 5 and Maine residents 65 and older are free. For more information or to arrange for group visits, please call 865-4465.
8/1 Welcome Tour – Get to know the things that live in the park's forest and on its shores on this eye-opening tour. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour program, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/2 Osprey Watch – Get a close look at one of the osprey nests and osprey families, weather permitting.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Wheelchair accessible.  Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/3 Hike with the Ranger – Enjoy the best that the park has to offer in this season on a hike with a knowledgeable guide.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/4 Osprey Watch – Get a close look at one of the osprey nests and osprey families, weather permitting.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Wheelchair accessible.  Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/5 The Shore Tour - Learn about our varied shores through talks, activities, and views along the accessible path. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour program, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/6 Small Wonders – Discover the extraordinary things that are right before your eyes.  Hand lenses provided. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour program, weather permitting. Wheelchair accessible.  Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/7 In the Pines – Tour the pine forest on our accessible path and see why Maine is the Pine Tree State. Wheelchair accessible.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/8 Osprey Watch – Get a close look at one of the osprey nests and osprey families. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Wheelchair accessible.  Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/9 Tide Pools – Visit this informal program on the rocky shore near Googins Island to discover the secrets of a tide pool, any time between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m., weather permitting.  Free with park admission.  Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport.  865-4465.
8/10 Casco Bay Walk – Enjoy views of islands and rocky shores on this one-mile walk along the beautiful Casco Bay trail. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour program, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/11 Osprey Watch – Get a close look at one of the osprey nests and osprey families, weather permitting.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Wheelchair accessible.  Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/12 Secrets of the Shore – Discover the secrets of life in the salt marsh, mud flat, and rocky shore. 2:00 PM, meet at the semicircle of benches by the second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/13 Dragonflies & Damselflies – Learn about these amazing insects in fact and folklore. 2:00 PM, meet at the semicircle of benches by the second parking lot, 1hour, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/14 Know Your Neighbors – Get to know the various ecological communities at the park. 2:00 PM, meet at the semicircle of benches by the second parking lot, 1hour, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/15 Stroll with the Ranger – Take a relaxed tour with the ranger on our wheelchair-accessible path. Wheelchair accessible.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/16 Osprey Watch – Get a close look at one of the osprey nests and osprey families, weather permitting.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Wheelchair accessible.  Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/17 Tiny Pioneers – Discover the wild, fascinating micro-world of the mosses and lichens that surround us. Hand lenses provided. Free with park admission. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/18 Osprey Watch – Get a close look at one of the osprey nests and osprey families, weather permitting.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Wheelchair accessible.  Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/19 Forest Detective – The forest is an open book, if you know how to read it. Learn how on this fascinating tour of natural history. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/20 Fond of Fronds – Come to identify and understand the multitude of fern and moss species that inhabit our forests. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour program, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/21 Tree Hunt – Stop by the benches to get your papers for this fun, self-guiding hunt, and then come back afterwards to see how well you did. Wheelchair accessible.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/22 Osprey Watch – Get a close look at one of the osprey nests and osprey families, weather permitting.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Wheelchair accessible.  Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/23 Stories in Stone – Get to know the story of Maine’s rockbound coast on this walk with talks and activities. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour program, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/24 Edge of the Sea – Enjoy walk, short talks, and activities on the natural history and ecology of our varied shore. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/25 Osprey Watch – Get a close look at one of the osprey nests and osprey families, weather permitting.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Wheelchair accessible.  Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/26 Casco Bay Walk – Enjoy views of islands and rocky shores on this one-mile walk along the beautiful Casco Bay trail. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour program, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/27 Tide Pools – Visit this informal program on the rocky shore near Googins Island to discover the secrets of a tide pool, any time between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m., weather permitting.  Free with park admission.  Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport.  865-4465.
8/28 Secrets of the Shore - Discover the secrets of life in the salt marsh, mud flat, and rocky shore. 2:00 PM, meet at the semicircle of benches by the second parking lot, 1hour, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/29 Know Your Neighbors – Get to know the various ecological communities at the park. 2:00 PM, meet at the semicircle of benches by the second parking lot, 1hour, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/30 Osprey Watch – Get a close look at one of the osprey nests and osprey families, weather permitting.  2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour, weather permitting. Wheelchair accessible.  Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.
8/31 Wild Relatives Everyone has them!  Get acquainted with the wild relatives of things in and around your home on this tour. 2:00 PM, meet at circle of benches by second parking lot, 1 hour program, weather permitting. Free with park admission. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. 865-4465.  
Wolfe's Neck State Park is
1 hour and 25 minutes north east of Lebanon Maine via Route 295.
A GREAT place to go with the family!!!
For more information, please call the park at (207) 865-4465, or visit us online:
Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and ForestryBureau of Parks and Lands / Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park

NON TOXIC Weed Control, You Make it at Home, and YES, it REALLY Works!!

Here in Lebanon, like everywhere else in the world, the weeds will overtake us in late summer if we let them.
Many people have become interested in non-toxic, non-chemical ways of doing things. Some want a chemical free life for their children, others worry about cancer, and still others have a more ecological mind of sparing helpful insects, especially the honey bees.
In the interest of helping you maintain a chemical free homestead, I'm reprinting this Homemade Weed Killer recipe that I found in a magazine YEARS ago.
It's always worked for us........maybe you'll give it a try!!!

Homemade Weed Killer
1 gallon white vinegar
2 cups Epsom Salts
1/4 cup Dawn dish soap
Put all ingredients into a sprayer and thoroughly soak plants on a warm, sunny day.
Be careful to use this on a day when you don’t expect rain for at least 24 hours.

United States DEA Announces 10th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, September 26th.


DEA Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg today announced that the 10th National Prescription Drug Take-Back will take place September 26th from 10 am-2 pm local time. As with the previous nine Take-Back events, sites will be set up throughout communities nationwide so local residents can return their unwanted, unneeded, or expired prescription drugs for safe disposal.
Collection sites in every local community can be found by going to . This site will be continuously updated with new take-back locations.
 The National Prescription Drug Take-Back addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Many Americans are not aware that medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are at alarming rates, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that many abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, many Americans do not know how to properly dispose of their unused medicine, often flushing them down the toilet or throwing them away – both potential safety and health hazards.
 “Prescription drug abuse is a huge problem and this is a great opportunity for folks around the country to help reduce the threat,” Rosenberg said.  "Please clean out your medicine cabinet and make your home safe from drug theft and abuse.”
In the previous nine Take-Back events nationwide from 2010-2014, 4,823,251 pounds, or 2,411 tons of unwanted medication were collected.  

Maine Agricultural Fair Season Continues With the Opening of Monmouth State Fair, Thursday, July 30th.

Opens Thursday, July 30th, 2015
Dates/Times: Thursday July 30th - Sunday August 2nd, 2015
Location: 79 Academy Road Monmouth, ME 04259
Description: "A Little Fair With A Lotta' Pull!"- Monmouth Fair is a small family oriented fair whose goal is to entertain and educate the public in agricultural matters through shows, displays, demonstrations, participation, and a great celebration of rural life - past and present!
Major Events: Live music & entertainment on stage, horse & ox pulling, 4-H Events & Exhibits, exhibition halls, midway rides and food.
For more information contact: Laura Foulke- (207) 933-2249