Friday, July 31, 2015

Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video Posted in 4 parts. 7/30/15

Lebanon Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video from 7/30/15
The first part of the video from the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen shows the Board speaking about the upcoming Medical Marijuana Festival scheduled for Friday, August 21 - Sunday August 23, 2015. The Festival has requested a midnight end time on Friday night, 1 in the morning on Saturday, and 9 pm on Sunday. The Board is thinking that those times may be a little late for the Festivals neighbors. According to Selectman Thompson, the Festival is expecting over 1,000 visitors this year.
Some discussion is had regarding the heat in the Selectmen's Office and the hope that voters in November will allow for the Selectmen to spend some money from the town's Contingency Fund in order to open the wall between their current meeting room and the current Code Enforcement Office to make a larger meeting room. The Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers purchased and donated a window fan to the Board over a month ago, in hopes of improving temperature and air quality in the room, however, only minutes after turning it on, Selectman Nadeau stated he couldn't hear over the fan and it has sat, unused, under the Selectmen's desk, since the day of it's donation.
Lebanon Board welcomes Colby, a member of Lebanon Boy Scout Troop 369, who is at the meeting in order to observe and gather information for his Citizenship and Community Badge.
SEE PART 1 of the July 30th
Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video
In Part 2 of the Selectmen's Meeting Video, you will see more even more comments being made about the excessive heat in the Selectmen's meeting room.
The Board speaks with Treasurer Jeanette Lemay regarding the town's upcoming bid for Information  Technology (hereafter IT) assistance, which should be ready for publication on Friday, July 31st, 2015. It is Lemay's goal to bring the town's computer system into modern times, with the ability to "talk" between town departments. Specifically she mentions Fire, EMS, Highway Departments.
SEE Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video of July 30th, 2015 HERE:
The third part of the Thursday, July 30th Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting video shows Lebanon Maine Truth Seeker Deborah Dorey Wilson asking a resident's question regarding the publication (or lack thereof) of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes to the Town's Website. According to the resident who had asked, the June 8th meeting, and all those that have occurred since that time, are not published. Selectman Royce Heath, who is the designated Secretary for the trio erupts in a series of "NO COMMENT" answers to both Wilson and Lebanon Maine Truth Seeker Sandy Adams' questions. Selectman Nadeau is asked for comment, to which he replies "NOPE" and Select Board Chairman Thompson says that he would LIKE to see the minutes continue to be posted, however they are not in his possession. Selectman Heath does state that they are in his possession, but then continues on with the "NO COMMENT" comments.
of the
Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting Video of July 30th, 2015.
The fourth and final part of the Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting Video begins with a conference call to Maine State Police Sergeant Shapiro in regards to the upcoming Events and Festivals coming up in town including the Medical Marijuana Festival, Tiki Days at Skydive New England, Country Music Festival at the 4X4 Proving Ground and more......
The upcoming Re-Dedication Ceremony for the Gully Oven Town Park is discussed, and none of the Board had any idea that it was happening, and at first look, had no intention of attending. No answer was ever given in surety if they are intending on attending now that they are aware.
Lebanon Code Enforcement Officer Mike Beaulieu speaks to the Board on his work on the pending Festivals and Mass Gathering Permits. He speaks about placing his office hours on the window of the Code Enforcement Office door.......Monday and Tuesday from 7 am to 12 noon and "Available for Inspections" noon to 5 pm by appointment only.
Beaulieu states that the town has received $4,678.00 in building and plumbing permits during the month of July and says this money is from permitting for 8 new buildings. He says that Rockwell Homes is planning a total of 30 new Lebanon Homes in the upcoming year.
Town Clerk Mandy Grenier speaks to the Board on her research and development of ordinances to require Business Licensing within the town, including permanent businesses, Festivals and Gatherings. Ms. Grenier and Mike Beaulieu have been working together to create some very good ordinance and fee structures for proposals which will be presented at a Town Meeting (date to be determined) and then placed on the November ballot.
Ms. Grenier takes a moment to explain the need for Business Licensing as Lebanon continues to grow, with words on how part of the higher tax rate in Lebanon is due to the increase of Town services for businesses and their need to pay for those services rather than the expenses being shifted to the residential taxpayers in town. The Town Clerk also speaks about the importance of the townspeople's attendance at Town Meetings, and how she feels compelled to send multiple notices and try to increase taxpayer attendance and participation at the meetings.
Selectmen Heath and Nadeau both spend their time telling her reasons why they don't think it will work and giving their opinion that she will never get more than 60 people at a town meeting.
Undaunted, Ms. Grenier asks the Board to look over the proposed changes in the Mass Gathering Application she and Mr. Beaulieu have prepared, which does not need a town vote to be changed, and the pair think that their form of Application will make things easier on gathering hosts to know the rules, know what's expected of them, and understand the fees associated with the permitting process.
Ms. Grenier then asks the Board to schedule time to review the 7-10 Applications for the Part time Deputy Clerk / Collector position that she has open for the Town Office. It is decided that she will sit with the Board to discuss these, and any that come in until that date, on August 13th at 4:30 pm.
At the end of the discussion, Lebanon Truth Seeker Deborah Dorey Wilson asks for public participation time and is granted one minute. Wilson takes her allotted time to speak to the Town Clerk, thanking her for her hard work, research and preparation of the Business Licensing Permit Ordinance proposals, with Selectman Heath interjecting that 1 minute Public Participation time is over after only 21 seconds. Wilson continues to speak with Selectman Nadeau regarding discouraging such a refreshing work ethic and reminding him that Lebanon is changing whether we like it or not and proper knowledge of businesses operating in town is important. Selectman Heath motions to close the meeting during the discussion.
WATCH the FINAL segment of The Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting Video (Part 4) of July 30, 2015 HERE:

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