Thursday, July 2, 2015

Lebanon Selectmen's Meeting 7/22/15, Lebanon ACO, General Assistance, and Lebanon Fire and Rescue Department News.

The July 2, 2015, Thursday night meeting of the Lebanon, Maine Board of Selectmen started off right at 4:00 pm with Animal Control Officer Mary Kinney presenting for renewal, the contract between the Animal Welfare Society and the Town of Lebanon for impounding of stray dogs picked up by the ACO and her Assistant Carol Harris, in the Town.
Although we weren't privy to the paperwork, it seems that Selectman Heath and Select Board Chairman Ben Thompson were happy with Kinney's efforts as it is reported that her record keeping has been able to be presented to the AWS and save the town a lot of money. Almost half of what we were paying last year. If you listen to the video carefully, you'll hear it.
Not much was said by Selectman Paul Nadeau.

See Mary Kinney's talk with the Lebanon Selectmen, Video Part 1,  HERE:

Part 2 of our evening's video shows Selectman's Assistant, Sue Collins as she speaks of a training program taking place in York, Maine on Monday, July 27 and Tuesday, July 28. Collins believes that she may be able to get scholarship dollars in order to attend the "Poverty Institute" lecture series featuring Dr. Donna Beagle with regards to better management of General Assistance Funds. Mr. Heath makes a statement, when asked about signing waivers for General Assistance vouchers, "I don't know. If we haven't got money, we shouldn't be signing things ahead of time." Even though WE believed that Heath was sending a half-good-natured-half jab at Select Board Chairman Ben Thompson, he recovered nicely with a flash of smile and dimple, but apparently Thompson questioned the seriousness of Heath's comment as a discussion ensued regarding signing vouchers one at a time, accountability for the money being spent, and the paper trail which follow such a voucher purchase with Collins reminding the Selectmen that she has never once abused this system and she felt there "needs to be a little bit of trust somewhere here."
Collins gets her signatures after another bit of half-humor by Heath regarding the order of the signatures as his was listed on the bottom of the page, under newcomer Nadeau. Collins questions his meaning, but then it is apparent that the Selectman was joking this time around. But Collins makes it a point to say she'll be sure they're done correctly from now on.
Discussion continued regarding renewal of Tree Growth Certifications, Homestead Act renewal needs, and a possible question arising out of a sub-division on Hebo Hibo Road.
With nothing further on the printed agenda for the meeting, it is discussed that the Selectmen are finished with their agenda for the evening, must go into Executive Session to take some action on a Needy Fund request, and that they will then finish payroll and be done for the week.
Lebanon Truth Seeker Wilson asks the Board if they have a final dollar amount for the road work on Central Road, with a total of how much money was reverted back into the Town's General Fund.
Wilson's second question was in regards to whether or not anyone new had been added to the Transfer Station staff.
Wilson asked her final resident generated question regarding the work being done on the local cemeteries and town properties, as she had heard many complaints, and Thompson stated that even though the job had been bid through the Town Office, that the overseeing of the work was done by the Road Commissioner and suggested that Wilson call Road Commissioner Tom Torno with the questions.
The office got quiet and so Wilson asked once again, if the Board were finished. Selectman Nadeau answered that he had nothing more, but Selectman Heath took offense to being asked by Wilson if he were finished. "I've already answered that once tonight," he said angrily, "I have NO comment. We'd like a chance to run our own meeting, IF you don't mind."
Wilson then assured him that if she had to return after the Board's Executive Session and sit with them the rest of the evening to be SURE there was no more, she would be happy to do that."
Heath again, snipped at Wilson, "Well it's a free country."
The Board retired to Executive Session to discuss the application to the Needy Fund.
Wilson waited in the Town Office Lobby.

See Selectmen's Assistant Sue Collins' concerns with the Selectmen in Video Part 2 HERE:

It turned out to be a good thing that Lebanon Truth Seekers waited in the Town Office lobby as Fire and Rescue Chief Daniel Meehan came in to speak with the Select Board. Chairman Ben Thompson invited the residents in attendance, Wilson and Ms. Rebecca Beal, back into the office as the meeting was going to continue with the Board recognizing Chief Daniel Meehan.
The Chief came in to speak of the first few days of Fire and Rescue Department staffing and how things were going. He explained that from 6 am - 10 pm there would be TWO EMTs stationed at Station 1 (the Upper Cross Road Fire Station). From 10pm - 6 am there would be TWO EMTs scheduled to cover the calls from their home.
Ambulance 1 is back from mechanical work that was years late in being taken care of, and Meehan was pleased with the work.
Paramedic status was questioned and Meehan outlined his progress toward that end, adding that there was a Firefighter / Paramedic from Massachusetts who has submitted an application, so we may have a Paramedic of our own back in the station soon.
Department morale is discussed along with the Frisbie EMT class progress, and the progress of the 4-5 people completing driving class in order to drive the emergency apparatus.
There was a bit of talk about different meetings the Chief has had with other local agencies and their enthusiasm in creating a Fire / EMS "in kind or free" agreement where personnel from different towns could attend CH (certification hours) training classes offered being offered by the different towns. "The best thing is to learn and train with other people," stated Meehan, adding that many times you have to all work together on a larger scene, and hearing from others promotes better learning.
A lot of talk came regarding the scheduled painting of the Blaisdell Corners Rescue Building. Although others have questioned the spending of money for paint and labor, Meehan tells where the money came from and how the labor is going to be completed, with a BIG nod to local home improvement big box store Loew's for a 20% discount, to Fire and Rescue Department personnel who will all pitch in and get the work completed, and to Selectman Ben Thompson who has offered to provide the grill for a barbecue for the volunteer painters.
With all the smiles, laughs and happiness, not one smile or even an acknowledgement from Selectman Nadeau, however, when he senses a break in the action, he quickly motions to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Selectman Heath.

See All the Exciting Changes Happening in our Lebanon Maine Fire and Rescue Department, and hear hints of what is to come in Video Part 3, HERE:

After the meeting was adjourned, Selectman Nadeau questioned Select Board Chairman Thompson on how someone would go about having their tax liability to the Town "wiped out", and Thompson and Heath both advised him the interested parties could fill out an abatement form for that purpose. However, after receiving his answer, Nadeau left the Town Office for the evening.

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