Monday, July 20, 2015

Lebanon Selectmen's Meeting, July 20, 2015, Video Taped Meeting Coversations on Computer Technology, Criminal Records Checks, Assessing Issues, Rescue Flag Poles and MORE.....

The Lebanon Selectmen's Meeting of July 20th was friendly, good natured, and there was a lot of work accomplished and decisions made. Congratulating the Lebanon Selectmen on an informative and interesting meeting tonight!!
In Part 1 of the video, Selectmen's Assistant, Sue Collins goes over several issues with the board. The first is a trash issue on Depot Road in the area of the Country Store, followed by questions from a Lebanon resident regarding a non-livable mobile home trailer. Ms. Collins then discusses an e mail that she received questioning how Lebanon decided funding for Social Service programs.
SEE PART 1 of the VIDEO of the 7/20/15 Selectmen's Meeting HERE:
Part 2 of the evening's video shows Town Treasurer Jeanette Lemay speaking to the Board about computer issues that are plaguing the Town Office, as well as the Fire and EMS Department and the desire to begin working with someone on resolving the issues. The trio would like to see one common "go-to" person or company, working toward a goal of becoming integrated, rather than having everyone just solicit separate people or companies to continue to keep separate computer systems. It is apparent that Lemay has done her homework on this issue and would like to keep things moving with Lebanon's technology, bringing it into current standards. Town Clerk Mandy Grenier, and Lebanon Fire and EMS Chief Daniel Meehan are also present for this conversation, each expressing frustration with the on again, off again, separate computer systems and their inefficiency when attempting to keep records or file reports in a timely manner.
Also on this part of the video, Lemay and Meehan speak to the Board regarding the need for Criminal Records Checks, Driving Checks and License and Certification issues.
During the final minutes of this part of the video, Lebanon Truth Seekers join in the conversation asking permission from the Board to move forward in the desire to collect donations in order to purchase a new flag pole for the Rt. 202 Blaisdell Corner Rescue Building to replace the broken and inefficient current telescoping flag pole. There is quite a bit of discussion regarding how the flag pole would be presented and accepted by the town, but in the end, the Board agrees that the Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers can accept donations and use those donations to purchase a new flag pole for the Station.
SEE Part 2 of the Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting Video
from July 20, 2015
The Lebanon Select Board motion to authorize the Town Treasurer, Jeanette Lemay, to pursue a Tax Appropriated Note (TAN) on behalf of the town in the amount of $1 Million Dollars. While the Board is still hoping that they will be able to manage the Town's cash flow dollars without the note, they want to be sure that the line of credit is in place should they need the money to keep the town moving financially with payroll and bill paying.
Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers asks questions regarding the $7,000 budget overage of the Road Commissioner. While Selectman Heath states he doesn't want to discuss it, Selectman Thompson agrees to discuss and  explain the problem the Board is having with this overage.
Because of the way that the project was decided upon at the last minute, the Board can't vote on using the 2014-2015 Contingency Fund to balance out the overage, as that fund expired on July 1, 2015.  In the same way, the Board can not vote to fund a 2014-2015 budget overage with a 2015-2016 Contingency Fund.
Thompson thinks that it's best to leave it as an overage, or a debt, and let the Lebanon Budget Committee go over the reasons for the Budget overage with Road Commissioner Torno, letting him explain for himself the reasons behind his overage.
Talk turns to the expiration of the most recent Metrocast Cable Contract. Selectman Thompson had the original contract with him, and the expiration date is not until December 2016. There was quite a bit of conversation regarding the abilities of the Town of Lebanon to utilize a "Lebanon Channel", as well as cameras and equipment to film meetings and local events, however there are terms that govern the use of these benefits. Mr. Thompson takes the time to discuss and explain the contract, what it allows for, and what it does not.
SEE PART 3 of the Lebanon Selectmen's Meeting of 7/20/15 HERE
The Final portion of video of the 7/20/15 Selectmen's Meeting, Part 4, Follows the Board as they discuss the assessment of the Town's mobile homes.
Select Board Chairman Ben Thompson made a motion to leave the base assessment value for mobile homes at $25,000., which was seconded by Heath and agreed upon by all 3 board members. Chairman Thompson shares with Selectman Nadeau, the State's formula for assessing mobile homes.
The Board said they were going into Executive Session with Lisa Barber, as scheduled on their agenda for the evening, however, Ms. Barber did not arrive, and at 6:15 pm, Selectman Paul Nadeau motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Selectman Heath, and agreed upon by all 3 Board Members.
SEE the Final video section of the Lebanon Maine
Board of Selectmen's Meeting of July 20, 2015

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