Sunday, July 5, 2015

MSAD60 School Summer Nutrition Program Offers Daily Community Breakfast and Lunch Menu

How long has it been since you had
Elementary School Pizza Squares???

Many of us remember fondly, the pizza that we had in school and still mark it as
"The Best Pizza Ever"!!
Inviting all Lebanon Friends to join me at 11:30 am at the Hanson School on Upper Guinea Road for LUNCH!!
The MSAD60 School Nutrition Program launches their Summer Breakfast and Lunch program tomorrow morning, beginning at 8:00 am - 8:30 am, for Breakfast with a menu of Whole Grain Breakfast Buns, Chilled Pears, Orange Juice and Milk for only $2.50 for adults (kids under 18 are FREE)...........
Lunch is served from 11:30 to 12:30, featuring our all time favorite, Pizza Squares, *cheese or pepperoni*, Baby Carrots, Fresh Apples, Raisins and Cold Milk for $4.50 for adults, and once again, the children, 18 and Under, are FREE.
Everyone in the community is invited to come and join us in helping MSAD60's Summer Lunch Program become a yearly program by boosting the funds they have available to provide wonderful and nutritious lunches during the school's summer break!!
The Breakfast menu this week is as follows..........all come with your choice of milk.
Monday 7/6/15: Chilled Orange Juice, Whole Grain Breakfast Buns, Chilled Pears.
Tuesday 7/7/15: Chilled Grape Juice, Cinnamon Apple Sauce, Hot Pancakes with syrup,
Wednesday 7/8/15: Fruit Punch, Chilled Peaches, Toasted Bagels and toppings, Hard Boiled Eggs.
Thursday 7/9/15: Chilled Apple Juice, Box of Raisins, Warm Banana Bread Slices.
Friday 7/10/15.... no breakfast is served on Friday.
If you have a child who will only eat cold cereal for breakfast, the program offers a selection of cold cereals available daily.
The Lunch menu for this week includes................all lunches come with your choice of milk.
Monday 7/6/15: Pizza Squares, Baby Carrots, Fresh Apples, Box of Raisins.
Tuesday 7/7/15: Shaved Turkey on Whole Wheat Roll, Cucumber Slices, Cherry Tomatoes, Chilled Apple Juice.
Wednesday 7/8/15: Chicken Patty on Whole Wheat Roll, Crisp Tossed Salad, Chilled Pineapple Chunks
Thursday 7/9/15: Shaved Ham on Whole Wheat Roll, Shredded Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato & Peppers, Pickles, Chilled Pears.
Friday 7/10/ lunch is served on Fridays.
If your children are HUGE PB&J fans, the program offers a daily alternate lunch of "PB&J Uncrustables" with a cheese stick and graham crackers.

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