Saturday, July 18, 2015

Volunteers Come Together In Milton NH to Create a Memorial Playground

An amazing effort by more than 65 Community Volunteers in the Town of Milton, NH as men, women and children from several generations came together at the entrance to the Milton Town Beach to create a beautiful playground, a loving community tribute to former Milton Selectman, Jim Culverhouse.

Jim Culverhouse Playground being built by Volunteers,
Photo courtesy of Les Elder

Many friends and Culverhouse family members were on hand over the 2 days, 16-20 man hours, that it took to create the beautiful playground.
Culverhouse himself, passed away a few years back, but people in Milton remember how much he loved the children and was instrumental in creating a great Recreational Department to give the young people in town opportunity for sports and other programs right within the town limits of Milton.

Young and Old worked together to make the Culverhouse Playground a Reality
Photo courtesy of Les Elder

Helping with the project were past and present Selectmen, Department of Public Works, Fire Department, Police Department, Town Clerk, Highway Department, The Friends of the Milton Free Public Library and the Librarians of the Library, the Assessor's Department and many Milton residents and children.

Finishing Touches on the Culverhouse Memorial Playground
Photo Courtesy of Les Elder

Milton-ite, Les Elder took the time to share some of his photos of the day with me and to let me know how very proud he was of the people in his town. "This is Community with a capital C", said Elder in our phone conversation, "This is what small town living is all about. It was so moving to have everyone there, young, old, town government, residents, business people, family groups, singles... I just can't explain how good that felt."
According to Elder, the playground is free of charge and open to the public.

Jim Culverhouse Memorial Playground, Milton Town Beach, Milton NH
Photo courtesy of Les Elder

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