Friday, August 21, 2015

Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting 8/20/15 Video Recording.

A Video in 11 parts
In the first section of video of tonight's Board of Selectmen's Meeting, information is given on the re-bidding of Electrcial Services and for the Sanding and Painting of the Town Office. Bids will be due into the town office on September 4, 2015 and will be both opened and awarded on
September 10, 2015.

SEE RE-BIDDING information for
Electrical Services and Sanding and Painting bids HERE:
Part 2 of the Thursday 8/20/15 Selectmen's Meeting shows Selectmen's Assistant Sue Collins speaking to the board about Assessing matters. Selectman Royce Heath makes a motion for the Board to assess all Lebanon Mobile Homes to the State Assessing Pricing Schedule and Depreciation Sheet out of the State Assessing Manual. The motion is seconded by Selectman Paul Nadeau and voted 3 in favor 0 opposed. Passed.
Select Board Chairman Ben Thompson follows with a motion that the Board assess all additions on Lebanon Mobile Homes according to the Residential Cost Schedule at $52.53 per square foot according to the State Assessing Manual. Selectman Heath seconded the motion  and the Board voted 3 in favor 0 opposed. Passed.
Discussion is held and it is agreed that the Board will not be assessing 10% of total assessment for interior values at this time.
Selectman Heath delivers the third motion, that the Board will assess all Lebanon Waterfront Property based on the standard of the State Assessing Manual and as previously discussed by the Board. Selectman Thompson seconded the motion. 3 in favor 0 opposed. Passed.
Selectman Thompson announces there will be no Lebanon Board of Selectmen's meetings on either Monday 8/24 or Thursday 8/27 as the Board sees to assessing duties. Meetings will resume on Monday August 31, 2015 at 4 pm. The Board will be coming into  the Town Office to see to Payroll and Accounts Payable duties.
Lebanon Truth Seeker, Sandy Adams inquires about the maintenance of the Town Office Building, apparently there are no provisions for the maintenance of the grounds. Questions are also asked about the Town Office Sign, which his put off while waiting for Fire and EMS Department Chief, Daniel Meehan to get prices.
Questions are asked as to the availability of Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes from June 8, 2015 through August 6, 2015. Selectman Heath delivers his customary "No Comment".
SEE A VERY Productive and Informative Segment of The Lebanon Board of Selectmen's Meeting of 8/20/15 HERE:
The third part of the 8/20/15 Board of Selectmen's Meeting shows Larry Downs, Lebanon Resident, as he questions the Board on the ongoing case between the Town and Daniel Parker of 280 Hubbard Road, Lebanon. According to Downs, Mr. Parker moved to his residence about 4 years ago and began what Downs describes as a "turnkey landfill" on his property. Downs states that the Autumn is coming around again, and he would prefer not to have to look at that mess again once the leaves begin to fall.
Conversation continues that this issue has been in court with the former Lebanon Code Enforcement Officer, and that a judge, on April 15, 2014, ordered the property cleaned up within 30 days. Downs says that's the last he's heard of it, with Selectman Thompson reminding him that the Town has changed Code Enforcement Officers as well as Town Attorneys.
Code Enforcement Officer Mike Beaulieu speaks up to say that he will be right on this. He had been previously unaware of the enormity of this problem and history in this case. Beaulieu states that he will be contacting the property owner and making arrangements to have access to the property. Selectman Thompson says that if access is not granted, the Board will seek a court order granting access.
The Board retires into Executive Session, citing MRSA 406 (6)(A). Personnel Reasons.
SEE PART 3 of the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Video HERE
The fourth part of the 8/20/15 Selectmen's Meeting video will show the Board as they discuss and award the Town's Bituminous Paving Bid.
Tim Benton of F.R. Carroll Paving is in attendance as an observer.
The Board goes over and discusses bids received, the bid is awarded to F. R. Carroll Paving with a price of $62.45 for machine laid asphalt and $100.00 for hand packed, as the company has provided the lowest bid for these services.
Thompson makes the bid to accept the bid put forth by F.R. Carroll Paving for all paving to be done in Lebanon, Maine for Fiscal Year 2015-16. Selectman Royce Heath seconds the motion and the vote is 3 in favor, 0 opposed. Passed.
WATCH the Award of the Lebanon Bituminous Paving Bid on Part 4 of the Selectmen's Meeting Video HERE
Part 5 of the Selectmen's Meeting shows that Town Treasurer Jeanette Lemay has joined the Board for discussion and award of the town's IT Services Bid.
Because the town's computer system is greatly in need of an overhaul and the hit or miss of a small company has left the Town Office staff sometimes waiting for days to have a problem solved, the Board decided not to go with the smaller, less expensive companies, but to go with a larger more established company that offers a better service package for a bit more money.
Selectman Ben Thompson makes the motion to accept the bid for IT Services from WG Technologies of Westbrook, Maine. Selectman Nadeau seconds the motion and the Board votes 3 in favor and 0 opposed. Passed.
See Part 5 of the Lebanon Board of Selectmen's Meeting and the Discussion and Award of the Lebanon Bid for IT Services HERE
The Board enters into Executive Session in Part 6 of the Lebanon Selectmen's Meeting Video with Town Employee Christine Torno and Union Representative Traci Place citing MRSA 405(6)(A) Personnel issues.
SEE Part 6 of the Lebanon Maine
Board of Seleectmen's Meeting HERE:
The seventh section of Selectmen's Meeting Video begins with Resident Traci Place speaking to the Board regarding the discontinued part of Lower Barley Road. The residents of the area have had complaints before the Board in the past regarding large trucks running up and down the road. The Board has done some research and is still working on finding the date on which the road was discontinued.
Select Board Chairman motions to Give written verbal reprimand to Town Office employee Christine Torno for poor cash handling practices. Seconded by Selectman Nadeau. Voted 3 in favor, 0 opposed. Passed.
Thomspon also motions the Board to give a written verbal reprimand to Christine Torno for failure to file a BMV Cash Report in a timely manner. Seconded by Selectman Heath. Voted 3 in favor 0 opposed. Passed.
WATCH Part 7 of the Lebanon Maine
Board of Selectmen's Meeting HERE:
In Part 8 of the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video, Deborah Dorey Wilson of the Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers speaks to the Board regarding a Town Ethics Policy. Originally put before a previous Board by Selectman Thompson in October of 2013, the town's Rescue problems were brought to light at that time and the project was put off for another time. Wilson hopes the current Board will revisit the Ethics Policy and aid in its completion and incorporation into Town of Lebanon Policy for all employees and officials.
Since sharing the idea with the current Board over 2 months ago, Selectman Thompson has not had any discussion with the Board regarding the proposed policy, and Wilson has tried to prompt them during public participation sessions, to no avail. Wilson's inclusion on the agenda for this item sought to insure some discussion.
There is talk with Selectman Nadeau regarding why a Town Ethics Policy is so important and that it is not only for the two ex-Transfer Station employees, it is for all Town Officials and Employees.
It is discussed that many comments have been made by residents regarding the proposal, asking for better clarification of some items, and asking to include the penalties for breach of each item into the policy. Wilson is not looking for a discussion and decision on the Ethics Policy, only for the Board to set a date for a Public Hearing for discussion of the proposal and public input in helping to create a Town of Lebanon Ethics Policy.
Discussion continues and Selectman Heath tires of the banter and motions to close the meeting, which is seconded by Selectman Nadeau.
Wilson discusses the closing of the meeting in the middle of an agenda item with Selectman Nadeau and he motions to re-open the meeting with Selectman Thompson seconding the motion and the discussion continues, with Wilson, Lebanon resident Chris Gilpatrick, and Lebanon Truth Seeker Sandy Adams. Also present are residents Corinna Cole and Teresa Brooks.
Wilson speaks to the Board about gaining their support in petitioning the Town for the creation of a 5 member Board of Selectmen. Selectmen Nadeau and Heath both speak against this idea, however Wilson explains that it would alleviate the problem of having a quorum of the Board whenever the two old friends got together, and making it more difficult to have surprise motions voted on by two members, thus leaving the third rendered powerless.
Resident Chris Gilpatrick states that if Wilson is successful in her upcoming Citizens Petition, he will personally run for Selectman and take no salary for the position if he were to be successful.
Selectman Nadeau, after some consideration, makes the motion to hold a Public Hearing with Public Participation to create a Town of Lebanon Ethics Policy. Selectman Thompson seconds the motion and The Board votes in favor of holding the meeting. 2 in favor 1 against.
Lebanon Truth Seeker Sandy Adams asks when we can expect a date for the Ethics Policy Public Hearing and Thompson guesses at mid-September.
SEE Part 8 of the
Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting HERE
The final segment of the Town of Lebanon Board of Selectmen's Meeting shows Public Participation time where Lebanon resident Chris Gilpatrick speaks to the Board on the Brownfield Maine company that was awarded the Town Property and Cemetery mowing bid. Gilpatrick charges that the Park and Ride lot has not been touched all season, and speaks of the Depot Road Cemetery. Gilpatrick also would like the Board to include other town properties on future bids, including the Babe Ruth Baseball's Stewart Field on the corner of Center Road and Upper Cross Road saying that the field is knee deep and the trash is usually overflowing.
Selectman Thompson states that the Board really needs more public involvement and more community service.
Selectman Heath and Mr. Gilpatrick get into a heated discussion and denies being together with Selectman Nadeau at the Transfer Station, saying they were always in separate areas.
Wilson calls Selectman Heath on that statement due to the fact that residents had complained about the duo being together there, speaking to Selectman Nadeau and thanking him for being honest about the fact.
The Board retires into Executive Session citing MRSA 405(6)(A) Personnel issues, saying that the meeting will adjourn immediately afterward at 6:47 pm.
Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers and several residents waited outside until 7:08 pm when Selectmen left the building.
WATCH the 9th and Final part
of the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting HERE

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