Thursday, August 6, 2015

Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video of 8/6/15.

The Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen opened their meeting on August 6, 2015 minus Selectman Royce Heath, who is still away at Assessing School. Select Board Chairman Ben Thompson also attended for further education on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The Board says that the green light has been given for the Town's 4x4 Proving Grounds "Hog Wild" Country themed Festival to take place on August 15, 2015. Although Select Board Chairman Ben Thompson was at first unsure of whether or not the final few requirements had been made, Lebanon Code Enforcement Officer Mike Beaulieu told Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers that the final item, the proof of insurance, had been submitted earlier in the day and that the 4X4 Proving Grounds were all set to proceed.
Further, Thompson told us that the Board had heard nothing from the hosts of the Medical Marijuana Festival scheduled to take place on Center Road on the weekend of August 21-23. After questions regarding who would be responsible for shutting this venue down should it be determined that there were more than 500 people there for a longer period than 5 hours, Thompson said that would all depend on the type of reason that shutting the Festival down were in question if there were any problems at the event.
Sandy Adams adds a check from daughter Susan Adams and partner Lynn Park to the fund for the replacement of the Blaisdell Corner EMS Station Flagpole.
SEE PART 1 of the
Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting of 8/6/15 HERE:
In Part 2 of the Lebanon Board of Selectmen's meeting video, you will see the Board discussing what determines legal residency for property owners in town with regards to receiving the Homestead Exemption for their property.
Lebanon Maine Truth Seeker Sandy Adams presented the Board with her carefully prepared minutes from the meeting of Monday, August 3, 2015. The two attending Board Members read the minutes, and both approved them as official Board minutes and sent them to Selectmen's Assistant, Sue Collins for publication.
Questions as to whether or not the minutes for the entire months of June and July, 2015 had been presented for publication found the minutes are still not available. Selectmen's Assistant Collins stated that the "draft" copy of the minutes were available at the Town Office for review should anyone want to come and look at them, however after a few statements, it was said that the draft copies are not even at the Town Office, but in the possession of Selectman Heath. Ms. Adams reminds the Board that she has offered to sit with Selectman Heath and work on the missing Board minutes, but the Board makes no further comments.
Selectmen's Assistant Collins speaks regarding the need for the Board to look over an incoming application for use of the Virge Atkins Fund. Applicants for monies from this fund, created to help older citizens of the Town afford such important items as hearing aids, denture, and glasses, are nominated by the Home Health Visiting Nurse Association, and then approved by the Board of Selectmen. It is decided that the Board will hear Ms. Collins on Monday in an Executive Session when Selectman Heath returns.
Part 2 of the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting
of 8/6/15 can be seen HERE:
The third part of the August 6, 2015 Board of Selectmen's Meeting focuses on Town Treasurer Jeanette Lemay as she advises the Board that the Town's Tax Liens are ready and will be recorded in the Alfred Maine Registry of Deeds on Tuesday, August 11, 2015. Ms. Lemay asks that residents be given a final notice that they may still come in and pay their liens prior to them being filed in Alfred, if they come in before Monday, August 10, 2015 at 5 pm. According to Lemay, the Town Office is accepting payment for upcoming liens in CASH or MONEY ORDER ONLY, as it is so close to the recording date that there is no longer time for checks to cash prior to the lien being recorded.
WATCH Part 3 of the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video from 8/6/15 HERE:
Since Selectman Heath is still out of town at Assessor's School, the agenda for the evening's meeting was short. Selectman Nadeau made the motion to adjourn shortly after Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers asks questions regarding the Town of Lebanon Maine Website. The website, originally said to have a "go live" date of July 1st, is now projected to be open and ready for the change-over on September 25, 2015. Select Board Chairman Thompson says that the website is ready for Board viewing, and for their approval and changes, and that to date, all of the old information has been extracted from the old website and is no uploaded onto the new website.
Mention is also made regarding the painting of the lines in the Town Office parking lot. Selectman Thompson says he has not moved much on that yet as he has been busy in the days since the last meeting, but is expecting to speak more on this issue on Monday, August 10th, 2015.
Meeting was adjourned at 5 pm.
The 4th and Final Part of the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting of 8/6/15 can be viewed HERE:

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