Tuesday, August 18, 2015
The Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers have been petitioning the Lebanon Maine Selectmen for months regarding caring for the many Veteran's Cemeteries and "Ancient Burial Grounds" within the Town of Lebanon.
As of yesterday, August 17, 2015, the Board has stated that they are willing to begin creating a Town Committee to care for and begin watching over the town's many small cemeteries.
As we know, the Prospect Hill Cemetery, one of the town's largest, has been being cared for by the Town of Milton, NH for many years and plans are in the works for turning over care of that cemetery back to the Town of Lebanon.
Several people have offered their services in volunteering to help watch over and keep up with the town's cemeteries, however, when they have been approached about being seated on an actual Committee, they have shied away from the responsibility.
Our past is our heritage, our pride and our history. It is our family and our friends. These cemeteries need repair, upkeep and recognition in our town on their own merit, and it is mandated by Maine State Law that the Town be responsible for it's Veteran's and "Ancient Burial Grounds".
Our goal is to create a Committee of varied people. We'd like to include people who are interested in the town's history, people who have family buried here, and people who are interested in honoring our Veterans and our Founding Fathers.
At this time we have four people who are interested in sitting on this brand new Committee. We would like to have 10-12. We would also like to have people of many age groups and with a variety of talents. We need organizers, people who love gardening, people who can do light maintenance work. We need people with pickup trucks and people who are interested in categorizing and recording the many graves in town through photos and files.
This Committee will require a 1 year commitment. We will be working together over the Winter months of 2015-2016 to create an agenda which will include work on all the cemeteries in town and putting together a budget for their care to be put forth to the voters on the June 2016 Town Ballot.
Junior volunteers aged 16 and over will also be considered for Community Service hours toward Noble High School Graduation requirements.
This Committee is anticipating meetings once a month and volunteer hours twice a month, however once the committee is formed, we will work with all new members to create a schedule that is workable for all.
IF you are interested in becoming a part of this Lebanon Cemetery Care Committee, please contact Deborah Dorey Wilson or Sandy Adams via e mail at lebanonmainetruthseekers@Hotmail.com .
VIEW the Maine State Law requiring Towns and Municipalities to care for Veteran's Graves and Ancient Burial Grounds HERE
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