Saturday, September 26, 2015

Lebanon Maine Selectmen's Meeting 9/24/15

After a few mishaps, we finally have a new video for you all!!
Due to erroneous total numbers, while filming the Selectmen's Meeting figuring out the tax MIL rate, the numbers came out incorrectly. It was our personal choice to omit that video to eliminate confusion as to the correct MIL rate for 2015 Lebanon taxes.
The following meeting, Deborah, who usually video tapes, had a medical procedure and was unable to attend the meeting. Although Sandy tried her best to bring you the video, she was unsuccessful in her first attempt and the meeting video was not correctly recorded.
So after a brief leave of absence, we have recorded the Selectmen's Meeting of Thursday 9/24/15 for you.
The minutes of the missing meetings will be available after a reasonable time, by requesting them at the Lebanon Maine Town Office, 15 Upper Guinea Road, Lebanon.
We're sorry for the inconvenience of the missing video, but sometimes life just throws you a monkey wrench that way!
ON to the 9/24/15 Meeting Video....
In part 1 of the Thursday, 9/24/15 video, we see Selectmen's Assistant Sue Collins distributing information from the Lebanon Maine Planning Board regarding their wording of ordinance proposals to be submitted for the November 3, 2015 Town Ballot. Selectman Thompson states that the Planning Board will be in attendance at the Monday, September 28, Board of Selectmen's meeting in order to go over the ordinances.
Also in attendance at the September 28th meeting, will be Town Clerk Mandy Grenier and Town Code Enforcement Officer Mike Beaullieu as they also present the final wording on their proposed Festivals and Events Ordinance prior to inclusion on the November 3 ballot.
A few tax abatement requests have come into the Board of Selectmen already, and are discussed on this portion of the video.
SEE PART 1 of the 9/24/15
Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video
by CLICKING HERE.........
In part 2 of the 9/24/15 meeting video, we witness more discussion on the Lebanon Planning Board proposals for ordinance questions on the November 3 town ballot.
SEE the SECOND part of the 9/24/15 Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video HERE
In part 3 of the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video of 9/24/15, the Selectmen process several purchase orders for unknown requests.
Selectman Thompson discloses that the updated Town of Lebanon website should be (and at the time of writing IS) up and operational, on September 25, 2015.
Residents are encouraged to go and check out the new site as it is user-friendly and will grow to include much more information than the previous site was cable of.
Lebanon Maine Truth Seeker Deborah Wilson relates several questions to the Board for answers.
The first question was from a Sewell Shores Road resident who had asked when they would be able to view the formal minutes from the September 17 meeting, when two Sewell Shores Road residents had appeared before the Board of Selectmen to ask question regarding taxing of waterfront properties. Selectman Thompson had the minutes from 9/17 in front of him, as submitted by Sandy Adams, and was making a few corrections to them. Ms. Adams will complete the requested changes and submit them again, and Select Board Chairman Thompson believes they should be available at the Town Office for public review by Thursday, October 1, 2015.
The second resident's question came from Chris Gilpatrick, who had stated that he had seen Road Commissioner Torno leaving Train's Tavern parking lot on September 23 during working hours, riding on his personal farm tractor. Mr. Gilpatrick had wondered if the Board was aware of Mr. Torno's activities, and questioned whether the Road Commissioner was working on the Town's payroll and working on a private venture at the same time.
Selectman Heath answered with his usual "NO COMMENT"
Selectman Nadeau states he has "No idea"
and Select Board Chairman says that Mr. Gilpatrick's concerns have been "Duly Noted".
While still being recognized by the Board, Ms. Wilson takes a moment to thank all three of the Selectmen for their help in getting ready for the rededication ceremony for the Blaisdell Corner Fire and EMS station on Carl Broggi Highway. Ms. Wilson reports that the signs around the building have been removed by Chris Kelly of C & C Signs, a new business in Lebanon, and are in the process of being reworked.
At 4:15 pm, Deputy Clerk Christine Torno arrives to address the Board of Selectmen and hand in her written resignation from Town of Lebanon employment, giving 2 weeks notice of her intention to leave her job. Selectman Thompson asks her if she would like to enter into Executive Session with the Board to discuss her resignation, but Ms. Torno declines the need to do so. The Board reacts with a few moments of silence, clearly stunned, and Ms. Torno has to ask several times for the Board to acknowledge her resignation and accept it on behalf of the town. The Deputy Clerk gives no public reason for her departure other than, "It's time to do something else". Motion is made by Select Board Chairman Thompson to accept the resignation of Christine Torno as Deputy Clerk for the Town of Lebanon. Motion is seconded by Selectman Heath and the Board votes with Thompson and Heath in favor and Selectman Paul Nadeau against. Resignation of Christine Torno is accepted.
Town Treasurer Jeanette Lemay enters with paperwork for a special warrant to create a check for one of the previously discussed tax abatement requests. Paperwork is signed.
SEE Part 3 of the 9/24/15 Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video HERE
The fourth part of the unusually quiet evening Thursday evening meeting of the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen, there is discussion regarding the Special Amusement Permit Hearing for Train's Tavern. Questioning the Board on behalf of two residents who have asked for clarification of the date of this hearing, it is stated that the Special Amusement Permit hearing will be held as part of the regular Board of Selectmen's Meeting on Monday October 5, 2015, and anyone wanting to be heard on this permit should plan to be in attendance of that meeting.
The permit hearing had originally been scheduled to take place as part of the October 20th Town of Lebanon Public Hearing on the November 3, 2015 Town Ballot, however, the owner of Train's Tavern was unable to be in attendance on that evening and had requested the October 5th date.
During the meeting, Selectman Thompson received an e mail from Lebanon Fire and EMS Chief Dan Meehan saying that Lebanon Boy Scout Troop 369 were planning a Jamboree camping weekend in town, and had requested that a fire truck be on the premises. Selectman Thompson questions who would give a fire permit since Lebanon Fire Marshall Skip Wood had resigned from his duties as Fire Marshall effective October 1, 2015. There is acknowledgement that Lebanon Fire and EMS Chief Dan Meehan has had discussion with the State Fire Marshall regarding his being named as the Fire Marshall in Lebanon, but some question remains as to the status of that request and whether or not there will be a Fire Marshall available to issue the burn permit required for a campfire by the Scout Troop for their Jamboree camping weekend. Discussion continues, with Selectman Heath wondering whether or not the Boy Scouts should be allowed to request a fire truck to remain on scene, and where the money for now salaried Firefighters would fit into the Town's budget. Lebanon Maine Truth Seeker Deborah Wilson notes to the Board that this is not a money making venture request, but rather one from our Lebanon Boy Scout troop.
Wilson, as in past meetings, requests the Board to consider the creation of a Cemetery Committee for the town to oversee the upkeep and mowing of the town's many Veteran's Graves and Ancient Burial Grounds. Selectman Nadeau thinks that it's okay to wait for next year to think about the creation of a Cemetery Committee, although Wilson counters his thoughts by stating that waiting until July 2016 to create a Committee to oversee a 2016 mowing and care contract would be too little too late.
Selectman Nadeau does not think it is necessary to do at this time and when Wilson states to him that Lebanon is in violation of Maine State Law in their negligence and care, and reminds Mr. Nadeau that he is a Selectman elected by the people of Lebanon, Nadeau states that he will not be running again in the future as a member of the Board of Selectmen, to which Wilson answers that he has 3 more years in his current term.
Selectman Heath comes to Selectman Nadeau's rescue by moving to the telephone next to where Wilson is seated in order to make a telephone call to a property owner who has requested a tax abatement.
Selectmen Heath and Nadeau leave the office to go and view 2 properties that have submitted property tax abatement applications.
WATCH the fourth part of the 9/24/15 Lebanon Maine
Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video HERE:
Part 5 of the September 24th Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video shows the return of Selectmen Heath and Nadeau from their viewing of properties where tax abatement applications have been processed, along with discussion of the properties and the calculations of abatement amounts. Selectman Thompson figures the numbers while Selectman Heath and Nadeau sit quietly by, without double checking amounts or helping the Chairman to compute the correct tax dollar amounts for the properties.
Selectman Nadeau makes his bi-weekly contribution to the meeting with his usual, "Ben, do you want a motion?", to which Selectman Thompson agrees that it is now time to do so.
Selectman Paul Nadeau makes a motion to adjourn the 9/24/15 meeting at 6:05 pm.
See the 5th and Final portion of the 9/24/15 Lebanon Board of Selectmen's Meeting Video HERE:

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