Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Note from Mandy Grenier, Town Clerk of Lebanon Maine, Regarding Referendums 2-8 To be Discussed at October 20, 2015 Lebanon Public Hearing, 6 pm, Lebanon Elementary School Gym.

Town of Lebanon

Fee Schedule Proposal
(207) 457-6082
(207) 457-6067 (fax)
15 Upper Guinea Road, Lebanon, Maine 04027
Referendums 2-8 are for the purpose of a fee schedule. A fee schedule is a complete listing of fees used by the Town Staff, Residents, and Businesses to pay or collect the fair share due for services. A comprehensive universal listing ensures that everyone pays the same amount for the same service. Most of the proposed amendments presented here are part of Ordinances
that have not been revisited since the 80's.
In 2015 we're more technology savvy than any previous generation has ever been and that shows no sign of slowing down. As a result, people today demand convenience. When we go to the bank, when we go out to eat, we expect it to be fast and accurate. Il is no different when
we go to the Town Office to see Code Enforcement or the Town Clerk. We expect answers, and right now those answers are ones that either no longer apply or are hard to decipher or hard to find. We have to keep up with the times or we risk falling behind. When Lebanon falls behind it comes at the cost of the Resident and the Tax Payer - be it literally through the steady increase of
Real Estate Taxes, or figuratively through time and other means.
At this time I do not propose increasing any fees, only to remove them from the ordinance and devise a fee schedule for the ease of Town Employees, Residents and Businesses. By allowing the Board to look at and assess the fees when reviewing the budget they will be able to determine if the charge is sustaining the department(s) they stem from which will ensure that the burden of the cost does not fall to the taxpayer. If the fees do not cover the time and cost
associated with the service, that cost must be absorbed through property tax payments. The purpose of a fee schedule is to eliminate this as well as to develop a transparency in your Town Office that clearly shows how every person or Business pays the same amount for the same service.
Most of these fees do not affect the average resident. Those mainly affected by these fees are those building new homes, holding private and for profit events, or running for profit businesses. Don't let the word "Fee" scare you. The amendments read that the fee ".. .must not exceed the Town's reasonable cost of administering and enforcing this Ordinance." which was specifically inserted to ensure that those effected have legal protection against excessive charges. What is proposed here is only that the resident need not pay for services they are not using and instead that this fee should be charged to the person or entity receiving the service. A Fee Schedule is an effective way for the Town to become better organized and to enact better controls and fairness to the tax payer.

Signed my Mandy Grenier, Town Clerk, Lebanon Maine

Maine Towns that use a Fee Schedule
Sanford — Monmouth — Fairfield — Washington — Farmington — Poland - West Bath — Brunswick
Boothbay Harbor - New Castle — Rockport — Sebago - Old Orchard Beach — Kittery - Fort
Kent — Lamoine — Lewiston

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