Thursday, November 12, 2015

Firefighter / EMT Rudnicki Once Again Cleared of Wrongdoing by Maine State Police Records Department.

Originally, the report was that sometime during the month of October, citizen complaints were lodged against Firefighter / EMT Windy Rudnicki for texting and driving.

When the Lebanon Fire and EMS employee took her own time, and that of the Maine State Police records department to go through every call generated in Lebanon for the month of October, the results came back that there had never been a single complaint logged in at the State Police regarding texting and driving, and a letter was issued to Ms. Rudnicki by the State Police at that time, and dated October 28, 2015.

When Ms. Rudnicki provided proof that the Lebanon Maine Community News was making an erroneous report against her, the anonymous reporter at that facebook page changed their story, to state that the report against Rudnicki was made on July 3, 2015 and that it was a report of tailgating and running a stop sign in the ambulance.

While many people in Lebanon will shake their heads and wonder why Ms. Rudnicki is even bothering to respond to such nonsense, I understand her need for vindication all too well. Ms. Rudnicki is a professional emergency responder. To leave such claims out there hanging around out there in the town where she works, is not only detrimental to the town's perception of her or her abilities, but could later be cause for concern should she ever choose to change her place of employment. Driving the ambulance or fire apparatus is a very large part of a responder's job. To state that it was done incorrectly or without public safety in mind, is a large black mark on the name of a responder of otherwise good record.

In light of the new complaints lodged on the Lebanon Maine Community News against her, Ms. Rudnicki has once again asked for the aid of the Maine State Police Records Department in proving the allegations against her as false and unsubstantiated. As provided proof, Lebanon Responder Rudnicki has provided the following letter from the Maine State Police Records Department.

It is further stated that the Maine State Police are interested in speaking with anyone that is providing false claims against the good driving record of Firefighter / EMT Rudnicki.

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