Thursday, November 5, 2015

Marriage Ceremonies at the Lebanon Maine Town Office

Did you know that marriage ceremonies may be performed at the Lebanon Maine Town Office?
They can be!!
A simple service provided to you by your Town Office personnel provides for an "at the counter" ceremony and signing of the Marriage Certificate and you'd be good to go!!
Here's what we found on the Town of Lebanon Website..........

Marriage ceremonies can be performed at the Town Clerks’ Office by appointment. The cost for the ceremony is $60.00. The couple is required to provide their two witnesses. Marriage ceremonies at the Clerks’ office are simple ceremonies performed at the counter. A set of vows will be handed to the couple to read aloud and sign. Couples may read their own vows of reasonable length where time is permitted and must indicate the desire to do so at the time the appointment is scheduled.

After the marriage ceremony has taken place, the person who performed the ceremony will complete the applicable section of the marriage license. This includes obtaining signatures of two (2) witnesses provided by the couple and the signature of the person performing the ceremony. The person performing the ceremony CANNOT be one of the two witnesses to the ceremony, nor can they be the clerk receiving the license. THE MARRIAGE LICENSE MUST BE COMPLETED IN BLACK INK ONLY. (*Note: If a Maine resident goes to another state to get married to avoid Maine requirements, or if a nonresident comes to Maine to avoid the requirements of his/her state of residence, the marriage is considered to be null and void.)

Copies of your marriage certificate are available from the municipal clerk where the license was issued. A certified copy is $15.00 for the first copy and $6.00 for additional copies purchased in the same transaction (as outline by state Statue). Copies may also be obtained from the Office of Vital Records in Augusta.

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