Thursday, December 24, 2015

Lebanon Resident Featured in NH Public Radio Article Regarding the Recent DNC Data Breach....

A Lebanon resident was recently featured in a New Hampshire Public Radio piece regarding the DNC Data Breach...........
Marybeth Stocking of Lebanon, Maine spends many weeknights in the no-frills 'Bernie Sanders for President' campaign offices, a phone pressed to her ear. Most of the time it’s probably not clear how her efforts fit into the big machine of the Sanders campaign. But last month, right after a shift of calling voters, she got a sure sign that someone thinks she’s making a difference.
“I actually was just finished phone calling and my phone rang, and it was the organizer from Dover saying, ‘Congratulations, you know you reached more people than any of our volunteers all month!’ ” she recalled. The campaign gave her tickets to a big fundraising dinner with Sanders.
Marybeth Stocking of Lebanon ME, (photo from Google)
These phone banks – which on the surface sound like a sea of loud, discordant voices – are actually a carefully monitored piece of a campaign recon operation, preparing for a massive push in the last weeks before the primary.
The names and numbers of voters they are contacting all come from a centralized voter information database, maintained and controlled by state parties, and the Democratic National Committee. If you've ever voted in a Democratic primary, you're probably on the list. Campaigns use it to decide who to call, which doors to knock on – in essence to find their supporters.
To read the entire of article...........CLICK HERE

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