Thursday, December 3, 2015

Lebanon Resident Questions Code Enforcement Officer Qualifications With Regards to Criteria Set by Maine State Law.

Lebanon resident and Budget Committee Chairman Chip Harlow has asked us to share with you all an e mail that was penned to Lebanon Board of Selectmen Chairman Ben Thompson today, December 3, 2015, after a lengthy discussion with the Lebanon Code Enforcement Officer, Mike Beaulieu last evening.
Sharing this note and the corresponding Maine State Law is not finger pointing at any one person or town board, but a note to keep in mind as Mr. Harlow continues to research the requirements for Code Enforcement Officers in the State of Maine.
We'll continue to watch this situation, and let you know as things progress.
We thank Mr. Harlow for making this content available to the residents of Lebanon.
If you have questions or comments, we hope that you will take the time to ask, or state your concerns.
It is only through many eyes and many people working together that we will be able to figure this all out and come up with an acceptable resolution and answer.

To Ben Thompson, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, Lebanon, Maine.
During the presentation of the CEO budget to the Budget Committee last night, a question was raised as to certification requirements for building standards. The CEO said there was no certification requirement.

As a resident, I find this response highly disturbing, because as you can see from the attached Chapter from the Dept of Economic and Community Development, there is indeed a certification for building standards as required by State law, 30-A MRSA, section 4451, subsection 5!!!

Specifically, see Sections 3 and 4 in the attached.
As a budget committee member, I also find this highly disturbing, because his new budget is asking to increase his hours to 35+ hours which would also make him eligible for benefits. Why should we be spending more money and giving benefits to someone who does not know the requirements of his job?? On top of this, it appears that due to Ben's friendship with the CEO, there may be an issue with impartiality in reviewing this issue.

While the CEO seems like a nice guy, I have deep reservations in his qualifications and ability as a CEO. If the town does not have a qualified inspector, this brings all sorts of other issues, as in legal issues, decreasing property values, and decreased revenue to the town, thus high taxes.

I would like to request a formal answer to this issue in a timely manner.

Chip Harlow

To see the Maine State Law that Mr. Harlow has examined and is questioning,

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