Friday, December 4, 2015

TOWN OF LEBANON MAINE BID REQUEST: For Removal of Interior Town Office Wall.

Demolition/Construction Bid Proposal for Interior Wall Removal
Town of Lebanon
15 Upper Guinea Road, Lebanon, ME  04027
(207) 457-6082

The Town of Lebanon, Maine is currently accepting bid proposals for the removal of an office wall.  The wall measures approximately  10' x 12'.  Work area will be required to be sectioned off with plastic sheeting or similar material to limit dust throughout the Town Office.  
The following list of items need to be addressed in the bid proposal:

( This list is generalized and does not specify every detail of how to accomplish the job at hand, but rather generalizes the professional, industry standard project completion of the project which we require upon completion.)

* tear down/ removal of interior wall
* clean up and removal of all debris on daily basis required
* relocation of any affected electrical outlets and/or wires
* sheetrock/tape/mud/sand/paint all affected areas (walls & ceiling)
* replace carpeting in both affected offices with similar quality and color to the original, as close as possible. 

Sealed bids must include copies of all applicable insurances.  
Bids will be received to the attention of the Selectmen and delivered to 15 Upper Guinea Road, Lebanon, Maine, until  4:00PM on December 14, 2015.   Bids will then be turned over to the Selectmen Chair at which time the bids will be opened and publicly read at 4:30 pm on December 14, 2015.  
Bids meeting the specifications shall be considered.  The acceptable bid will be tentatively awarded the project after all bids have been opened, read aloud, and discussed.  
If any extenuating circumstances exist in the opinion of the Board, the Selectmen may award the Bid to other than the lowest bidder. 
The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.  
Contracted work must be done during regular business hours of the Town Office with as little interruption to the Town's normal work schedule as possible.   All work bids must be completed no later than February 2, 2016.  All bids must specify an estimated length of time for completion. 
 The project wall may be viewed during normal office hours upon request and accompaniment of a Town Office employee.

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