Friday, June 12, 2015

RECIPE OF THE DAY: Thimble Cookies.

Since today, June 13, is National Sewing Machine Day, I looked for a recipe that was SEW good!!!
I found THESE yummy
THIMBLE COOKIES on AllRecipes .com



Original recipe makes 2 dozen                    


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. Cream butter and sugar; add yolk and lemon juice and beat well. Stir in flour until well blended.
  3. Form into 1 inch balls, dip into beaten egg white then into chopped nuts. Place on greased cookie sheet, make deep indentation in center of each cookie. Bake for 5 minutes, then quickly indent centers again, continue baking for 10 minutes.
  4. Fill center of each hot cookie with raspberry jam or jelly.

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE? Today, June 13th, is National Sewing Machine Day!!

Today, June 13th, is National Sewing Machine Day!!  
Sewing Machine Day celebrates a very important invention ----- the sewing machine. The first sewing machines were made in France in the 1830s. It wasn't until 1846, that they were patented in the U.S. What a great invention. Prior to it's creation, clothes items were sewn together by hand...stitch by stitch. People who know how to use a sewing machine are dwindling in number. Our mothers and grandmothers had a sewing machine in the house. They used it, too. But, look around your house. Do you have a sewing machine? Chance are, the answers is no. If you have a sewing machine, enjoy today making things with it. If not, consider picking up sewing as a hobby.

Lebanon Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Come Together to Host Lebanon Clean Up Day on Saturday June 13.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Lebanon Maine Boy Scout Troop 369 and Lebanon Maine Girl Scout Troop 1908 will head up the Lebanon Maine Clean Up Day, tomorrow beginning at 9 am at the Town Office Building, 15 Upper Guinea Road in Lebanon.
Boy Scout Leader Norm Sirois has other children's civic groups contacted and we're expecting a lot of young folks, their parents, and follow vehicles.
Scouts will be sent out in groups of 4 or 5 with an adult and a follow vehicle, cleaning up the roadways in town.
Rt. 202, Carl Broggi Highway, will not be cleaned by the Scout troops as there have been concerns about crews working along Rt 202 and the heavy traffic this weekend mostly attributed to the fact that this is Bike Week in Laconia, NH and Rt. 202 is a major route for motorcyclists coming from points in Maine and heading through to Laconia.
Lebanon residents are encouraged to get out on the roadsides along their own properties, and along vacant stretches of roadside in town and bag up trash, leaving the bags tied along the roadside. This day is for roadside debris only and residents are asked not to include their yard debris and household trash in the debris pick up.
Newly appointed Road Commissioner, Tom Torno and the Lebanon Road Crew will be canvassing the town's roadsides between 1 pm and 3 pm, picking up the bagged litter and bringing it to the Lebanon Transfer Station. Residents are encouraged to have their roadside trash bagged and ready for pick up by 1:00 PM as the Road Crews will only be making 1 pass down each roadway in town.
After the roadways are cleared of debris, all who helped are invited back to the Town Office for 1:00 pm to a Hot Dog BBQ hosted by the Scout Organizations.
Norm Sirois, Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 369, has also been in contact with North Edge K-9 from Gorham who have graciously agreed to bring some of their trained K-9 dogs down and put on a demonstration for us!!
There will be signing of Community Service paperwork for Noble High School students toward their graduation goals.
Schoolhouse Ice Cream will also gift all of the workers with a certificate for a free kiddie sized ice cream cone!!
Many thanks to Selectman Ben Thompson who has agreed to let us use his grill and propane for the day and to keep the Town Office restrooms available, to Butch, Tony, Nancy, and Scott of Welch's Hardware for donations of garbage bags and rubber gloves, to Big Lots for the donation of garbage bags, to Hannaford's Supermarket for the hot dogs and rolls, to Market Basket for the donation of macaroni salad, and to the Lebanon Truth Seekers for the donation of bottled water to keep our hard workers hydrated!
Thank you to the Lebanon Road Commissioner for working with us on a date that we were all available to come together and to his Lebanon Road Crew who will be donating their hours for the afternoon debris pick up.
Thank you to the Lebanon Transfer Station Crew for letting us bring the roadside debris to the Transfer Station on Saturday afternoon. And to the Lebanon Board of Selectmen for opening the Town Offices for restroom facilities and for the use of the Town Office lot for our BBQ.

Raitt Farm in Eliot, Maine to Host Native American Memorial Pow Wow June 13-14, 2015

What do you have planned this weekend?
Of course we hope you'll be attending the Lebanon Clean Up Day on Saturday, June 13th, 
However, Saturday and Sunday will also see  
"The Whirling Thunder Memorial Pow Wow"
in Eliot, ME.
Drums & dancers from the US and Canada.
Food, crafts, raffles, storytelling & more.
Saturday, June 13, 2015 10am-10pm;
Sunday, June 14, 2015 10am -5pm.
Raitt Homestead,
2077 State Road, Eliot ME.
For more information, you can access the Facebook page HERE:(

Readers Questions Answered. How Does One Elected Office Require an Election to Fill, and Another Not Show on the Ballot??

There have been many questions regarding the Selectmen's vote on Thursday evening June 11 as to the legality of the Selectmen naming Tom Torno as Acting Road Commissioner to fulfill the term his father Larry Torno was elected to fill, which was left vacant by his Valentines Day death.
The questions have included why the position was not included on the June 9th Town Election ballot and why when the Selectmen's postion was vacant, the position was put on the ballot to elect someone to fill the term of Selectman Karen Gerrish when she was elected into the State Representative's positon.
The answer is.........
According to the State of Maine Rules for Governing Municipalities and Counties, if a Elected Department head vacates their position for any number of reasons, the Selectmen MAY opt to name someone to serve the remainder of the term. They MAY opt to oversee that department themselves.
The documentation also states that if the office of Selectmen is vacated for any number of reasons, the Selectmen MAY opt to call a Town Meeting to elect someone to fill the vacancy until the remainder of the elected term.

Here are the direct rules governing those policies as set by the State of Maine............

2. Vacancy in office other than selectman or school committee. When there is a vacancy in a town
office other than that of selectman or school committee, the selectmen may appoint a qualified person to fill
the vacancy.
[ 1991, c. 270, §3 (AMD) .]
3. Vacancy in office of selectman. When there is a vacancy in the office of selectman, the selectmen
may call a town meeting to elect a qualified person to fill the vacancy.
[ 1991, c. 270, §3 (AMD) .]

You can find the entire document regarding the Rules for governing municipalities and counties on the maine .gov site HERE:

Hope this helps!!!


LEBANON MAINE TRUTH SEEKERS: Looking for something to do this weekend? Skyhaven Airport is hosting a Wheels and Wings event

By land and sky

For the fourth year, Skyhaven Airport in Rochester will be filled with excitement and fun for all ages at the annual Wings and Wheels event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Enjoy a wide variety of concessions and products, free plane rides for kids, helicopter rides, live music, a car, motorcycle and aircraft show and more. Admission is a donation to Gerry's Food Pantry collected at the gate. Free parking. Skyhaven Airport is located at 238 Rochester Hill Road. Call 332-0005 or visit