Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Becoming a {Winter} Outdoors Woman, Weekend Skills Course Offered.


There is nothing like a little snow on the ground to get me excited about winter! I love spending time in the outdoors during the colder months of the year.  There is so much to do and so much to learn! Not to mention there are no blackflies
The Becoming an Outdoors Woman program here in Maine will be holding a Winter Skills Weekend February 26-28, 2016 at Bryant Pond 4-H Camp and Learning Center.
This overnight workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to gain or improve skills in a variety of fun winter related outdoor activities.  The accommodations at Bryant Pond are very comfortable and the instructors we have lined up are fantastic at what they do and they are very excited to share their passion for the Maine outdoors.
The cost to attend is $225 with on-site lodging OR a commuter rate of $150.  Registration includes all meals, equipment and instruction.
The best part is you don’t need to be an expert or have any experience at all to join us! Plus, this is a great opportunity to make some wonderful new “outdoorsy” friends!
Here is the plan:
Friday, February 26: Participants will arrive, check-in and get settled between 4pm and 6pm.  We will have dinner and get to know each other followed by some fun around the fire.
Saturday, February 27: Breakfast at 8am and then off to the first session at 9am.  Don’t worry, there will be plenty of places to warm up and opportunities to drink hot cocoa! Lunch is at noon and then off to a second session at 1pm.  After a break, session 3 kicks off at 3:30pm. Dinner at 6pm followed by some fun evening programming.
Sunday, February 28: Breakfast at 8am then session 4 at 9am.  Lunch will be at noon and then time to pack up and head out with LOTS of great new memories!
Sessions that will be offered include wild game cooking, snowshoeing, ice fishing, archery, shotgun, fly tying, rock climbing, nature photography and snowmobile safety.

Check out some of the photos from the 2013 Winter Skills Weekend and the 2014 Winter Skills Weekend!

For more information, visit: www.mainebow.com.  You can register for the workshop online or print and mail the registration form.  A limited number of scholarships are being offered and the application can be found online.

Contact Brittany Humphrey at brittany.humphrey@maine.gov or (207) 215-0292 with questions.
We hope to see you in February at the
BOW Winter Skills Weekend!

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