Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Lebanon Maine Budget Committee Notes, Tuesday March 8, 2016

The Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers is not an official member or representative of the Lebanon Maine Budget Committee. The notes below are not an official record of the Town of Lebanon or any of their boards or committees, they are only the notes of LMTS resident sitting in on Committee meetings. For the official minutes of these meetings, please see the Town of Lebanon Maine Official Town Website.
It is also important for us to write that we do not represent any one person, board or committee within the Town of Lebanon, Maine and that these are only our notes on the events, happenings and statements during the specified meeting.

The Lebanon Maine Budget Committee met on Tuesday evening, March 8, 2016 beginning at 6:30 pm at the Lebanon Town Office.
There were 9 Committee members present at the meeting, Chairman Jeri Basko, Sean Bright, Corinna Cole, Bettie Harris-Howard, Chris Gilpatrick, Skip Wood, Laura Bragg, Nancy Neubert, and Judy Churchard.
The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Basko at 6:35 pm.
The Committee was asked to read a copy of the previous meeting's minutes and when all had finished reading to themselves, Member Laura Bragg made the motion to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Member Bettie Harris-Howard and all voted in favor.
Town Clerk Mandy Grenier was in attendance, as well as Selectmen Ben Thompson and Royce Heath, and Resident LMTS Deborah Dorey Wilson.
Chairman Basko gave the floor to the Town Clerk who presented all but the first 5 ballot questions to be presented to Lebanon voters on the May 10, 2016 Town Ballot. The first 5, were explained to be one Citizen's Petition for the creation of a 5 member Board of Selectmen rather than the current Board of 3 members, and 4 questions pertaining to legal wording for the separate Committees and Boards within town government.
Ms. Grenier read the questions one at a time, and the Budget Committee registered a YES vote (voting to recommend to the voters), a NO vote (voting NOT to recommend to the voters) or an ABSTAIN vote, (not wanting to vote on that particular question for whatever reason).

Beginning with:

REFERENDUM 6:  Shall the Town of Lebnaon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 to be used as a subsidy for the annual Lebanon Festival.

YES: Basko, Bright, Churchard, Bragg, Harris-Howard, Cole (6)
NO: Wood, Neubert, Gilpatrick (3)

REFERENDUM 7: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,680.00 for the fire hydrants in South Lebanon per contract?

YES: Basko, Bright, Churchard, Bragg, Harris- Howard, Cole, Wood, Neubert, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 8: Shall the town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $451,353.00 for the operation, upkeep and purchase of equipment and supplies for the Emergency Services Department?
The Emergency Services Department includes the Lebanon Fire and EMS Department, The Fire and EMS Stations, and the Lebanon Emergency Management Agency.

YES: 0
NO: Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Gilpatrick, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood,(7)
ABSTAIN: Basko, Cole (2)

REFERENDUM 9: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 to place in the Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of purchasing equipment for the Emergency Services Department?
The spending of any funds from this account requires the approval of the Board of Selectmen. Capital Reserve Funds allow unused funds to roll from one fiscal year to the next, and may only legally be used for the purpose for which they have been voted.

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Harris-Howard, Neubert (6)
NO:  Gilpatrick, Wood  (2)
ABSTAIN: Cole (1)

REFERENDUM 10: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $57,038.00 to cover the cost of Emergency Dispatching for the Emergency Services Department and for Radio Tower rental?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Gilpatrick, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 11: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $793,768.00 for operation of the Highway Department, to include Road Commissioner's wages and expenses?

YES:  Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Neubert,  (4)
NO: Basko, Bright, Gilpatrick, Harris-Howard, Wood,  (5)

REFERENDUM 12: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $370,788.00 for the operation of the Lebanon Transfer Station?

YES: 0
NO: Basko, Bragg, Bright, Churchard, Cole, Gilpatrick, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, (9)

REFERENDUM 13: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $150,000.00 to place in a Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of paving Town owned public roads?

YES: 0
NO:  Bragg, Bright, Churchard, Cole, Gilpatrick, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, (8)
ABSTAIN: Basko (1)

REFERENDUM 14: Shall the town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to place in a Capital Reserve Fund for necessary bridge repairs and replacements of Town owned bridges?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 15: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $22,199.00 to fund the No Spray Contract with Central Maine Power?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 16: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to pay the Selectmen $12 per hour plus expenses?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 17: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to pay the Road Commissioner $32,000.00 salary plus expenses?

YES: 0
NO: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)

REFERENDUM 18: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $377,565.00 for government expenses for the Town Office, including elections and the Selectmen's wages and expenses?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 19: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $21,730.00 for the operation of the animal Control Officers and expenses?

YES: Basko, Bright Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 20: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to place in a Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of contributing toward large scale repairs of municipal buildings or grounds totaling $10,000.00 or more?
The spending of any funds from this account requires the approval of the Board of Selectmen. Capital Reserve Funds allow unused funds to roll from one fiscal year to the next, and may only legally be used for the purpose for which they have been voted.

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood (8)
NO: Gilpatrick (1)

REFERENDUM 21: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,872.00 for the combined budgets of Code Enforcement Officer / Health Officer / 911 Director including expenses?

YES: Basko, Churchard, Collins (3)
NO: Bright, Bragg, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (6)

REFERENDUM 22: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $48,000.00 for legal fees?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood (8)
NO: Gilpatrick (1)

REFERENDUM 23: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 for the Contingency Fund?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 24: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $189,253.00 for all insurances for the town?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 25: Shall the Town of Lebano vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $24,425.00 for General Assistance for residents in need?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 26: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $13,408.00 to support the following relief agencies according to the breakdown below?

York County Community Action:                  $4,005.00
Caring Unlimited:                                           $1,809.00
Southern Maine Agency on Aging                 $2,594.00
York County Shelter Programs, Inc.              $1,500.00
Counseling Services, Inc.                               $2,450.00
Kids Free to Grow                                          $   250.00
Lebanon Community Learning Center          $   300.00
American Red Cross                                      $   500.00

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 27: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,000.00 for the purpose of updating tax maps?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 28: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,654.00 for the operation of the Planning Board and for dues to the Southern Maine Regional Planning and Development Center?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 29: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the operation of the Conservation Commission?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 30: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $450.00 for the operation of the Appeals Board?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (8)
NO: 0
ABSTAIN: Harris-Howard (1)

REFERENDUM 31: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$750.00 for the operation of the Budget Committee?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 32: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $17,550.00 for the operation of the Martha Sawyer Community Library?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 33: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,142.00 for the operation of the Lebanon Recreation Department?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 34: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the Memorial Day Ceremony and the decoration of Veteran's graves as mandated by Maine State Law, 30-A, 2091?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 35: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $32,000.00 for the restoration and maintenance of cemeteries throughout the town as mandated by Maine State Law, 13 MRSA 1101?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Wood (7)
NO: Neubert (1)
ABSTAIN: Gilpatrick (1)

REFERENDUM 36: Shall the Town of Lebanon  allow the Tax Collector to accept prepayment of taxes prior to the tax commitment date and to charge interest on upaid taxes at the rate of 7% per annum, and to set the date when taxes are committed for the fiscal year 2016-2017 (July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017) and payable as of October 15, 2016 and April 15, 2017?
Interest will be collected after October 15, 2016 and April 15, 2017 respective to billings due dates.

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 37: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to set an interest rate of 7% per state law as the rate to be paid back to taxpayers who pay amounts in excess of amounts finally assessed and authorize any such interest paid or abatements granted to be charged against the annual overlay, which is not to exceed 5% of the total assessment as per State Law MRSA 36, Chapter 105, 1, 506-A?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 38: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to authorize funding at last year's (2015-2016) level for the General Government, Emergency Services, Code Enforcement, Animal Control, Transfer Station and Highway Department whose new appropriation is not approved by this year's referendum vote, until such time that any new funding is authorized before the next tax commitment?

YES: 0
NO: Basko, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (8)
ABSTAIN: Bright (1)

REFERENDUM 39: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to appropriate all of the monies received from the State for snowmobile registrations to the Lebanon Trail Riders Club for the maintenance of their system or network of snowmobile trails, on the condition that those trails are open in the snow season to the public for outdoor recreation purposes at no charge, and to authorize the municipal officers to enter into an agreement with the Club, under such terms and conditions as the municipal officers may deem advisable, for that purpose?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

REFERENDUM 40: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to place any unexpended funds from the prior year into the unassigned restricted fund balance?

YES: Basko, Bright, Bragg, Churchard, Cole, Harris-Howard, Neubert, Wood, Gilpatrick (9)
NO: 0

At 7:10 pm, Satisfied with their votes for referendum recommendation, the Committee went on to read the Budget Committee Bylaws that they have been working to help write over the last few weeks. On the whole there were only minor changes in wording suggested and Selectman Thompson stated that he would take care of them.

One of the changes discussed was regarding the use of the words "Town Meeting" as several of the Committee Members felt that Lebanon no longer has a "Town Meeting" but a "Town Election" or "Town Ballot". There was questioning back and forth on what exactly is meant by "Town Meeting".

***LMTS submits the legal meaning of the words, "Town Meeting" according to Webster's Dictionary is:
town meet·ing
  1. a meeting of the voters of a town for the transaction of public business.

Thus LMTS maintains, that even though there is seldom any discussion, and that all town business is contained to the secret ballot voting process, the elections that are held annually in the Spring, in Lebanon, DO fit into the description of "Town Meeting".***

At 7:35 pm, Member Judy Churchard motioned to adjourn the March 8, 2016 Budget Committee Meeting. The motion was seconded by Bettie Harris-Howard and the Committee voted all in favor. Meeting adjourned.

***LMTS offers the following help for Budget Committee members questioning the different types and levels of funds held by the Town and how they are used and expended......

The restricted fund balance category includes amounts that can be spent only for the specific purposes stipulated by constitution, external resource providers, or through enabling legislation. The committed fund balance classification includes amounts that can be used only for the specific purposes determined by a formal action of the government’s highest level of decision-making authority. Amounts in the assigned fund balance classification are intended to be used by the government for specific purposes but do not meet the criteria to be classified as restricted or committed. In governmental funds other than the general fund, assigned fund balance represents the remaining amount that is not restricted or committed. Unassigned fund balance is the residual classification for the government’s general fund and includes all spendable amounts not contained in the other classifications. In other funds, the unassigned classification should be used only to report a deficit balance resulting from overspending for specific purposes for which amounts had been restricted, committed, or assigned. Governments are required to disclose information about the processes through which constraints are imposed on amounts in the committed and assigned classifications.

We hope that helps you out a little bit****

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