Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting Notes, August 22, 2016

Selecmen's Meeting Notes, Monday, 8/22/16
It is noted that these notes are of a private resident attending the Lebanon Maine Board of Selectmen's Meeting. These are not the official minutes of the Board of Selectmen, nor does this resident represent any town board or committee in the taking of these notes.
The meeting was scheduled to begin at 3 pm.
In attendance, Selectmen Heath, Torno and Nadeau.
Selectmen's Assistant Sue Collins.
Residents Ben Thompson and Deborah Wilson and Taxpayer Dana Coull.
LMTS was a few minutes late, arriving at 3:09 pm.
Selectmen's Assistant Sue Collins was in a discussion with the Board of Selectmen regarding questions on the bridge replacement of the bridge on New Bridge Road between Milton, NH and Lebanon ME.
There was discussion regarding financial needs for Lebanon's portion of the bridge replacement, with Selectman Heath promoting placing the dollar amount on the ballot in small amounts, Selectman Nadeau discussing borrowing the money to pay Lebanon's portion, and Sue Collins stating that in order to have the bridge work placed on the schedule for 2019 (with no promises) the dollar amount would have to be guaranteed to the State by the Town.
At 3:10 pm, the Board stated they were entering into Executive Session, citing "Confidential Records" as the reason for the session. Everyone was asked to leave the office. Former Selectman Thompson said that he would prefer to wait to leave until a motion was made to enter the session. Motion was made by Selectman Torno and seconded by Selectman Nadeau with all in favor. Ms. Collins remained in the office with the Board during this session.
The Board came out of Executive Session at 3:38 pm and when asked if any decisions had been reached, stated that the only decision reached by the Board during Executive was that Ms. Collins was going to write a letter asking for more information regarding the issue.
Town Office Employee Dale Fisk entered the meeting to discuss permitting for electric and telephone poles.
Selectmen Heath and Torno both stated that they did not want to sign the pole permits until the application was signed off by Road Commissioner Tom Torno to be sure that the pole placement was in agreement with him.
Heath stated that there were problems with poles being too close to the roadway and being hit by snowplows, on Chick Road and Shapliegh Road and a few other places in town, and they wanted to be sure that Road Commissioner Torno approved the placement and initialed the application before their final approval.
Ms. Fisk stated that she will be applying for the opening as Town Clerk.
Selectman Torno instructed her to give the application to Selectmen's Assistant Collins.
Selectman Heath asked if the resumes were in sealed envelopes.
Collins stated that they were not sealed, but that they were in her possession and she was the only one that sees them.
Selectman Nadeau asked why that would be a big deal, as the selection process was not a bid, and he felt that the resumes did not need to be sealed.
There was discussion that the last day for applications for the 2 open positions at the Town Office (Town Clerk and Deputy Collector) would be this coming Friday, August 26, 2016.
At that time, Ms. Fisk stated that she would like to see a third computer station be added to the front counter of the Town Office, adding that it was in the interest of Customer Service and that there were often times long waits for residents coming in to do town business.
Taxpayer Dana Coull confirmed Ms. Fisk's discussion, stating that he had come into the Town Office and needed to speak to an employee not on the front desk, and had to wait for many other residents paying taxes or registering vehicles in order to ask to speak with someone. He suggested perhaps a number system where residents could come in and take numbers for BMV, tax payments, or to speak with town employees.
Selectman Torno said that residents should not have to wait in order to just come in and speak with someone.
Ben Thompson took the floor at 3:45 pm as scheduled, to discuss his status with assessing the town's waterfront properties.
Thompson is hoping to have all assessments completed by Friday, 8/26/16.
Thompson shared his Excel Spreadsheets with the Selectmen, which were very detailed in offering changes in land values and building values, measurements and price per square foot. He stated that many building values went down, while the land values had gone up.
There were questions regarding the method used by assessment and Thompson took the time to explain to the Board how he had figured the final assessments on properties using State Guidelines and that his formula was proprietary in nature, and that he would offer the formula for sale to the town, but that they were not going to be handed over for free. Thompson also asked that if the Excel spreadsheets (which are now public record) were shared with the public, that they clearly be marked as "PRELIMINARY" as his final assessments were not yet complete and there were several properties listed which still required another visit. Selectmen agreed that any documents shared at this time would be marked "PRELIMINARY".
There was discussion regarding last year's assessment of mobile homes and that this year's assessment process was for waterfront properties.
Selectmen's Assistant Sue Collins asked if she could begin to input the information Thompson was providing into the TRIO system, and Thompson stated that it was entirely a Board decision. Collins asked the Board for a motion allowing her to begin inputting, and Selectman Torno made that motion, with Selectman Nadeau seconding the motion.
Discussion was held that Mr. Thompson was already over his allotted 20 hours on assessing duties this week, he stated that he could stop and wait for next week, but that he felt that doing so would make tax bills late. Selectman Torno stated that she would rather see the tax bills come out on time, and motioned to allow Thompson to work over the allotted 20 hours in order to complete the waterfront assessment, stating that the town had grown too big and had not had adequate reassessing in far too long. The motion was seconded by Selectman Heath. All in favor.
More discussion was held on the pros and cons of assessing commercial properties in town, assessing barns and outbuildings, and factoring in depreciation on buildings and outbuildings. Additional discussion was held on the need to visit the medical marijuana growing facility on Upper Guinea Road, and how the Board wanted that building to be assessed, with Thompson suggesting that the building, due to its business nature, be evaluated as a "Rental Property" the same as any apartment building or storage unit facility. According to Thompson, it doesn't matter what they are renting the space for, only that they will be renting space within the building.
Thompson asked to be placed on the agenda for Monday, August 29, to give his completed assessment report. Selectmen's Assistant Collins scheduled him for 5 pm.
Discussion was held, led by Selectman Torno, regarding having Mr. Thompson available for taxpayer questions, one or two days a week for 4 hour periods.
Thompson stated that Selectmen's Assistant Collins should be able to deal with those questions, or if he was needed, she should be able to utilize text or e mail to obtain the answers.
Torno stated that she thought it would be more important for Thompson to be available for discussion and explanations for a few weeks after tax bills went out to the public but at this time no motion or vote would be needed as it was only a thought.
There was discussion between Thompson and Collins regarding the past assessment of mobile homes, and that residents had not exhibited a lot of anger once she had taken the time to explain to them how the new assessments were calculated.
Selectman Heath had discussion on how mobile homes on the waterfront were assessed, and Thompson stated that the mobile home units were reassessed last year, and while the trailer itself would maintain the same assessment, the land on the waterfront is being reassessed this year. Some will change, some will not. But there aren't many mobile homes on the waterfront at this time.
At this time, the Board took a few minutes to read over the past meeting minutes (X6) being presented for publication by Assistant Collins. There was no discussion on any needed changes. All minutes were accepted as presented.
Resident Deborah Wilson asked if she could view the meeting minutes in which the vote was taken to deny the $7,000.00 wire transfer to the auction house that was originally to purchase a used forestry truck for the Lebanon Fire and EMS Department.
Selectman Torno stated that there were no such minutes and that a formal vote was never taken. According to Torno, Debbie Rix had stated that the wire transfer was not a good idea, and while there had been discussion to not proceed, no formal vote was ever taken to deny the wire transfer for the purchase.
Wilson asked that her question, along with Selectman Torno's answer, be included in the evening's meeting minutes.
Selectman Torno opened the meeting for "Other Business".
Resident Deborah Wilson asked the Chair if she recalled conversation at last Thursday's (8/18/16) Department Head meeting at the Lebanon Fire Dept Station 1, regarding CEO Mike Beaulieu's suggestion that the town take a look at the need for permitting Daycare facilities in the town due to lack of regulations of (provider vs child) or (space vs child) requirements. Torno stated that she did recall the conversation. Wilson told the Board that she had been contacted by a resident when she reported that the conversation had taken place. The resident had called the CEO, offering to help with suggestions and ideas on the need for permitting, and on specific concerns by the CEO. The resident claimed that CEO Beaulieu had told her the conversation had never taken place and that he had no concerns. Selectman Torno asked if this was a complaint against Beaulieu, who was not present, and Wilson stated that it was not a complaint, but that she only wanted it recorded in the Selectmen's meeting minutes that Torno had recalled the conversation.
Wilson then related to the Board that she had personally stepped outside of her "box" to attend the Medical Marijuana Festival, held at Wind Shadow Farm on Center Road by resident Terry Porier. Wilson stated that although she had been nervous about attending due to public perception of the event, she had gone, enjoyed herself, and found the festival to be very professionally run and overseen. Wilson added that she felt that festival goers were well policed and that those who were there that did not have a medical marijuana card were respected in their choices, that the mood was respectful and orderly to all on the property.
Selectman Torno thanked Wilson for her report, stating that she could personally hear the music from her own property, but that she had no complaints.
Wilson stated that the music was actually very good, and that it was an outdoor festival, so just by that general nature, music would be heard, but that she found the festival to not be as feared by many residents but instead, educational, informative and respectful in nature.
Selectmen's Assistant Sue Collins made a comment during the meeting, asking Wilson a question on a personal issue that Wilson had thought was long ago put to rest. A discussion began, but was stopped by Selectman Torno. The Board Chair stated that she did not want to continue this discussion in public, but that she would schedule a Executive Session regarding this issue. Wilson argued that the questions were asked in a public Selectmen's meeting thus opening the door by the employee for public discussion, and that there was no discussion from the Board with the employee regarding the need for Executive Session. Maine State Law states that it is the employees option to proceed in public or to move to Executive Session, yet the employee (Collins) was not given that option. Selectman Torno insisted the issue be discussed in Executive Session and Assistant Collins scheduled that session for 2:30 pm on Monday, August 29, 2016. Wilson was not given a choice of date or time. Wilson stated that she would be filing a formal complaint on this issue and that she wanted to be sure that Collins' statements were included in the official meeting minutes for the evening. Selectman Torno noted Wilson's request.
Select Chair Christine Torno motioned to adjourn the meeting at 4:45 pm, which was seconded by Selectman Heath.

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