Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Camp Mechuwana Announces Summer Camp Opportunities for Spiritually Minded Teens.

Night Camp
Grades 6-12
That's right-stay awake most of the night and sleep most of the day. This popular program began 35 years ago and continues to be one of the most popular camps we offer. Do all your favorite camp activities during the night, plus take part in many special events that have become tradition for night camp, like extra-long night walks, skit night, and make your own midnight meal. This fun adventure fills up fast every year so get your registration in soon. 
Middle School Rally Camp
Grades 6-8
Let the games begin! And may the odds be ever in your favor! They will be at this year's Middle School Rally Camp. A week packed with surprising adventures for you and 30-40 other campers. You'll take part in activities that will bring you all closer together as a community. This camp offers a  chance to meet new friends from around New England led by caring and supportive staff. 
Senior High Rally Camp
Grades 9-12
Attention all senior high campers! Please come and join us for "Music Through the Ages!" We will be looking at the spirituality of popular musicians through the last 100 years, and delve into how music, arts, and writings have shifted our culture over the last century. If you play an instrument, please bring it with you. And, of course, come take part in all the other great camp activities including our very own Senior High Wacky Olympics. This camp has limited space to sign up today!                     
Contact us at to download a registration form. Or contact us at or (207) 377-2924.                        
Camp Mechuwana, P.O. Box 277, Winthrop, ME 04364-0277

Warmer Wetter Weather Brings Tick Season to Maine. All You Ever Wanted to Know About Ticks.

Warmer, wetter weather brings us some lovely things. Spring Flowers, Song Birds, the return of the Canada Geese. But it also brings with it Mud Season, Pot holes, Black Flies and Ticks.
Some ticks are known infectors of Lyme Disease.
To prevent tick bites and infection when you're walking in the fields and woods, there are a few simple rules to follow that will help. None is 100% fool proof.
Ticks HATE the smell of Lavender. Purchase some 100% pure Lavender essential oils  and dab it liberally on your wrists, ankles, a dab above your belly button, one in the center of your back, a drop behind each ear, and one on each shoulder.
You can also purchase commercial insect repellant which contains DEET, also known to be a great tick repellant.
Tucking your pant legs into your socks as you walk will also help to deter the little critters.
Check yourself, your children, and your animals when you come in from the outdoors. A good once over is always a good idea.
What are you looking for?? Tiny little insects that look like black seeds. Usually they like to go to warm, dark, moist places, so check your armpits, behind your ears, under your breasts, or in the crooks of your joints. Here is what you are looking for:
Should you find a tick, don't panic. Don't try to remove it with your fingers, a hot match, Vaseline or baby oil. This may only serve to make matters worse. The proper way to remove a tick, is to grip it with a pair of tweezers and pull straight backward, making SURE that the head of the tick does not break off under your skin. Like this...........
What should you do after the tick has been removed??
Two things.
The first thing you should do is, using a piece of clear scotch tape, tape the tick to your calendar, noting the day and time you were bitten, and the area where you had been walking. This could prove to be very important if you should need to seek medical attention at a later date.
Second. you should wet the end of a Q-Tip with rubbing alcohol and completely clean around, and into the wound. Once the alcohol has dried, dab on a bit of Triple Antibacterial Ointment. Doing this one simple thing immediately can help you avoid a pretty nasty infection.
How long does a tick have to be attached to you before it transmits disease??
The answer is 24 hours. That's right. So if you find a tick immediately after a walk in the woods, even though it is attached, it has probably not transmitted Lyme Disease or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever into your body.
If you think that the tick has been on you for longer than 24 hours, it is wise to call your primary care physician or head to the local outpatient care unit and have your blood checked for any signs of disease.
If you think the tick has only recently attached itself to your body, just be diligent and watch for symptoms for about the next week. One classic symptom of being bitten by a Lyme Disease infected tick is the bullseye rash. When people talk about a bullseye rash, it's common that they have never seen one, so if the site is painful or itchy, and the slightest bit red, people tend to worry and wonder if the redness is, indeed a bullseye rash. Here is what a bullseye rash looks like............
As you can see, it clearly does look like a bullseye!!

Barring the occurrence of the bullseye rash, should you start running a fever of 101.0 or higher, it's probably a good idea to see your physician as well. Other symptoms include headache, unexplained fatigue, or unexplained and sudden trouble with your vision.
If you should have to visit a physician, bring along your calendar with the tick securely taped to the date on which you were bitten. This can prove extremely helpful to your physician or hospital care staff, as the type of tick can be identified, as well as the exact date and time you were bitten, and where you were when the tick attached itself to you.
Even if you are infected with Lyme Disease, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, as long as you visit your physician in a timely manner, normally you'll be just fine with a small dose of Doxycycline for a few days.
If you're not sure what type of tick bit you and you'd like to do a little self identification, you can actually submit a photo via the internet or cell phone to and they will help you figure it out!!

Maine Legal Services for the Elderly Offers a New Easy to Read Senior Rights Handbook.

Are you over 60 years of age??
Do you know your rights??
Maine Legal Services for the Elderly provides free legal help for Maine residents age 60 and older. This free service can help you with consumer debt, power of attorney, housing services, elder abuse issues, navigating the MaineCare and Medicare systems, financial exploitation, surviving spouse issues, and more!!
This Senior based legal organization offers a free handbook, printed in large, easy to read print, to any person over the age of 60. Or you can call and speak to an attorney free of charge.
To get your free copy of the Senior Rights Handbook, dial toll free, 1-800-750-5353 Monday through Friday from 9 am - noon, or from 1 pm - 4 pm.
Or you can find Maine Legal Services for the Elderly on the internet at

Maine State Police Remind Us that Studded Snow Tires are Prohibited After May 1st.

A little word of warning from our Maine State Police...........
A lot of things are associated with May 1st. In 1873, the first US postal card was issued. In 1920, Babe Ruth hit his 1st home run as a New York Yankee. (Sorry Boston fans, but you are the ones that let him go) In 1931, the Empire State Building opened. Then, of course, is my personal favorite...May Basket Day!! Do kids still do that? May 1st, however also means something else to your Guardians of the Highway. Yes, it's time to remove your studded tires. I will tell you that studded tires on bare pavement make a very unique sound that police officers everywhere are familiar with.(That's my attempt at a subtle hint) So save our pavement and get those studs off this week. Plus, it's not very good for the studs and makes your car handle like an ocean liner at higher speeds. Drive safe and happy motoring.

Rochester NH Expecting Several Thousand Visitors for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday, May 2, 2015.

This Saturday, May 2, 2015 a special kind of crazy will erupt on the streets of downtown Rochester, NH as several thousand comic book fanatics attend the city's celebration of National Free Comic Book Day.
The event, hosted by Jetpack Comics, in partnership with the Rochester Main Street volunteer group and the Holiday Express & Suites on Farmington Road in Rochester, is said to be one of the biggest Free Comic book celebrations in the northeast, with several thousand people expected to attend.
The day will begin at 10 am as comic enthusiasts visit with over 20 area businesses and earn free comic books for their time. Many of the businesses are offering extra comic books or raffle tickets in return for purchases.
The United Methodist church will be having a giant yard sale that day, the Knights of Columbus Hall will feature guest artists signing their work, and the Ghostbusters cast are scheduled for an appearance!
You can get the free event map by stopping by Jetpack Comics in downtown Rochester or Saturday, or you can download it in advance at .
While in Rochester, stop by Happy Pappy's Country Store on Portland Street for their award winning Pulled Pork Sandwich and an order of Deep Fried Oreo Cookies or Dream Cake for dessert!! Happy Pappy's is offering extra comic books for your patronage, including all of their handcrafted comic book character planters.

More volunteers are welcome and needed for this event. If you're interested in helping out for this great event, please contact the Rochester Main St. group at 603-330-3208 or  e mail

Since the Ghostbusters crew is scheduled to make an appearance, here are a few little-known trivia facts for you to share with your friends and family........
1.  The Stay-Puft marshmallow man was originally supposed to come up out of the water right next to The Statue of Liberty, to get a contrast of size, but the scene was too hard to shoot. The "marshmallow" goo was actually shaving cream. More than fifty gallons was dumped on Walter Peck, almost knocking him to the ground.  The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man suits cost Approximately $20,000 apiece. Three were made and all were destroyed during filming.
2.  As revealed in an interview with Mix Magazine Online the hit song 'Ghostbusters' was created 4:30 in the morning when after almost 2 long days of trying to create a song Ray Parker Jr. saw a commercial for a drain company that reminded him of a scene from the film. That commercial helped him coin the popular line "Who you gonna call?"
3. The eggs which fry themselves are sitting next to a package of "Stay-Puft" marshmallows. There is also a large advertisement for "Stay-Puft" marshmallows (complete with the marshmallow man) visible on the side of a building when the ghosts are freed during the "Magic" montage.
4l  When Alice the librarian is queried as to whether anyone in her family had ever had any history of mental illness, she replies she had an uncle who thought he was St. Jerome, the patron saint of librarians.
5.  The terror dogs (Zuul and Vinz Clortho) that come to life, were actual statue designs on an old church in Philadelphia.
6.  Exterior scenes of the Ghostbusters headquarters were filmed at the Hook and Ladder #8 Firehouse in the Tribeca section of New York City. Inside the firehouse are a Ghostbusters sign and photos taken with the cast and crew. The firehouse used is actually two different firehouses that are in two different cities. The exterior is in NY, while the interior is in downtown Los Angeles. The LA firehouse is very popular with filmmakers and has been used in many movies.
7.  The part where the bookcase falls over and Venkman asks Ray "Has this ever happened to you before?" was not part of the original script. The bookcase actually fell over of its own accord (possibly from been disturbed by various crew members) and the subsequent lines were ad-libbed. It was decided to leave this material in as it added an extra element of mystery to the atmosphere as to whether it was a natural occurrence, or a malicious act on the part of the ghost that the soon-to-be ghost busters were looking for.
8.  Almost none of the scenes were filmed as scripted and, in fact, almost all of the scenes had at least one or two ad-libs. Most of Bill Murray's lines are ad-libs.
9.  On the set, Dan Aykroyd referred to the "Slimer" ghost as the ghost of John Belushi who was originally cast to star in the movie.
10.  Coincidentally with a movie about ghosts and ghost-busting, the filming of the jail scene was actually a prison reported to be haunted, and the dailies had many scratches all over with no apparent physical cause. Ivan Reitman was concerned about returning there, but the crew was very relieved to find enough footage to complete the scene without returning.

York County Community Action Offers Public Transportation in Lebanon.

Did you know that there IS a means of public transportation in Lebanon??
Transportation to local and regional shopping, government, industrial and medical destinations are served by a local transportation route through York County Community Action in Sanford, Maine.
Riders must call in advance for fare information and to make a reservation.
Once your appointment has been made, the transportation vehicle will pick you up at  your home and provide you with needed transportation, usually scheduling to pick you up later that day. Sometimes you are the only rider in a vehicle, and other times riders in a similar area are scheduled on a local route, depending on who needs service.
Service animals are allowed on all YCCAC buses and vans as long as they are under the control of the rider.
Portable oxygen equipment handled by a rider will also be accommodated.
All of YCCAC's transportation services are open to the general public and all vehicles meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements.
For more information, please call the York County Community Action at 207-459-2932 between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:30 pm.
Or for TDD dial 207-490-2932.
Or you can access fare and scheduling information online at

Go Ahead, Eat Those Eggs!!! They're Not as Bad as You Thought!!!

Tooling around town, I'm thrilled to see that there are so many people keeping chickens. From a coop full, to a few back yard birds scratching in the newly thawed earth, eggs are GOOD for you!!
A new study from Diet Analytics says the following!!!
And just sayin'........Farm FRESH eggs have only about 1/3 the cholesterol of commercially produced eggs, about 8 times the vitamin B content, and 1 1/2 times the protein.
So while you're out and about in Lebanon today, look for free ranging hens and a sign saying "Eggs For Sale" and drop in and buy your fill!!

From the pages of Diet Analytics......July 18, 2014.....Eggs are often quickly dismissed for having high cholesterol levels. Despite their bad reputation, eggs are actually a nearly perfect food from both a convenience and health standpoint. Notably, eggs contain a spectrum of nutrients and even help with maintaining healthy levels of the good kind of cholesterol: HDL. Pair this with the fact that they are by far the most versatile food you can find in your pantry, and it begins to become clear why eggs are a veritable superfood. This egg-sposé of the incredible edible egg discusses the truly remarkable qualities that this food possesses. Nutrients In a single egg, you get about 10% of your suggested daily intake of vitamins A, B5, B6, B12, and B2, and around the same amount of folate, phosphorus, and selenium. Whether you are starting your day out with an egg or two, or you use them throughout your day in any of their endless applications, you are helping yourself get all of the nutrients you need without the need for supplements or special recipes. Also, eggs pack in over 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of unsaturated fat (that’s the good kind) and only 77 calories per egg. This means that eggs can help fill you up with nutrients, curbing your appetite and preventing overeating. Cholesterol Put simply, the myths you’ve heard about eggs being bad for people with concerns about their cholesterol are largely false. Yes, each egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, but this is not a bad thing, necessarily. Instead of going directly into your blood, your body, which normally produces cholesterol through the liver, recognizes the new cholesterol and adjusts its own production accordingly. In most people, this means that eating eggs has no actual effect on cholesterol levels in the blood. What’s more, eggs boost the good HDL cholesterol and regulate the levels of LDL cholesterol. This is because they bind the small LDL molecules into larger clusters that are easier for the body to process. Versatility Besides in the thousands of breakfast and brunch recipes that call for eggs, they are also the centerpieces in countless more recipes for all courses from all around the world, from Eggs Benedict to Egg Drop Soup. When they aren’t taking center stage, though, eggs are the binders in meatballs, meatloaves, and meat patties of all kinds. They are the thickeners in sauces and dressings, the topping for your salad or the filling for your sandwich. Eggs can be used in all parts of almost any diet, so don’t be afraid to embrace and enjoy them!

Lebanon Clean Up Day Scheduled for June 13th, 2015

There have been may asking when Lebanon Clean Up Day will take place this year.
Actually, it's going to be a little later than usual.
Harrison Thorp of The Lebanon Voice has been spearheading this event, however due to an illness of his life's partner, he's unable to coordinate this year. However, he's been awesome about offering his help in getting donations and in providing contacts.
Norm Sirois, Scout leader for Boy Scout Troop 369 has stood up and offered to coordinate with groups of people willing to volunteer.
At this time, Norm has commitments with his Troop throughout the month of May as they travel to NY for the West Point Camporee, and then a planned trip to hike in the Belknap Mountains.
Tom Torno, Road Supervisor has pledged his group's help, but they were unable to do it on the requested date of June 6th due to a wedding that will be taking place that day that all of the guys are going to.
So, in light of the fact that the Boy Scouts and the Roads Crew are both very busy groups, we've all settled on June 13th. Clean up crews will be in groups of 4 or 5 with follow vehicles behind them with flashers on. Adult volunteers will be responsible for picking up anything that is deemed "sharp" or "hazardous" and placing in a special container.
Norm and his Boy Scouts have committed to 4 or 5 groups, with follow vehicles, the Pioneer Girls are offering 1 additional group, and the older Girl Scouts, under the leadership of Andrea Rose, have offered another 2 groups.
Volunteers will meet at the Lebanon Town Office at 9 am and after some brief instruction and handing out bags and rubber gloves, the groups will be hitting targeted areas as identified by the Selectmen and Road Crews.
Residents are asked to clean up the roadsides near their homes and leave the bagged debris by the side of the road. Lebanon's Road Crews will hit the streets from 1 pm to 3 pm and pick up all the bags and bring them to the Lebanon Transfer Station. It has been requested that any cans be bagged separately in clear plastic bags for donations to Boy Scout Troop 369.
At 1 pm, all groups will finish up their assigned areas, and will return to the Lebanon Town Office  on Upper Guinea Road for a barbecue of hot dogs and hamburgers. Residents are encouraged to attend. There will be Appreciation Certificates for the groups who volunteered their time, and anyone volunteering who has Community Service hours that need to be completed toward Noble High School Graduation can have paperwork signed for doing their part!!
Road Crews will pass down all the streets of Lebanon looking for bagged trash left on the side of the road and will be picking up between 1 pm and 3 pm on June 13th. They will pick up discarded items clearly picked up out of the woods and beside the streets, and then join us at the school afterward.
There are a few requests from the Board of Selectmen this year.
1. Please do not head out onto Route 202. This is a State Road and the State is required to keep that as clean as possible. Last year there were many folks out walking Rt. 202, and the traffic became a problem as motorists slowed and had to go out and around clean up crews.
2. Please do not send children and teens out on the roads without a follow vehicle. If your children are not part of an organized group, please be sure there is a responsible adult with them and that you speak to them about what NOT to pick up. Children or young teens should NOT be picking up broken glass, and please show them what drug sharps look like and have them contact a responsible adult IMMEDIATELY if anything like that is seen.
3. Please do not clean your yard and leave the trash for the Road Crew to pick up. This event is NOT for getting rid of your private stash of old tires, or old living room furniture, it's about cleaning up the roadsides in town.
Finally, many thanks to Norm Sirois and Boy Scout Troop 369 for coordinating this event!!
This is a fairly new group in town, with the backing of the American Legion as their sponsoring agency.  This group is doing some amazing things with the young men of Lebanon and we can't be more proud of this great group of young men.
Thank you to the Girl Scouts under Andrea Rose for doing their part, and the Pioneer Girls in Lebanon as well, both amazing groups for your young ladies to take part in!!
We encourage any other civic organizations in town to please leave an e mail for the Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers at , or Contact Norm Sirois with Boy Scout Troop 369 if you'd like to participate. This is a GREAT group event for 4H clubs, the Jr. Grange members, or church groups!!
At this time we're also looking for donations of bottled water, rubber gloves, trash bags (clear or contractor's strength), and we'd also like a local string or guitar group to provide us with some music at the barbecue. Anyone interested in helping, please e mail or contact Norm Sirois.
Come on Out on June 13th and show some Lebanon Pride!!!

Caring Unlimited Offers Resources for Those Living in Domestic Violence Situations.

Caring Unlimited in Sanford, Maine is looking to work with the community to end domestic violence in York County. This includes providing support and save haven to women, their children, and men whose lives have been effected by domestic abuse. Caring Unlimited works to help domestic abuse victims in a way that honors their essential worth, nurtures there inherent strengths, and respects their rights of self-determination.
If you are in a domestic violence situation in your home, but don't feel ready to call and ask for help, there are a few things you can do for yourself...
1. Be prepared to get away if necessary. Plan the safest time to get away.
2. Plan with your children. Make sure they know of a safe place for them. (A room with a lock, a neighbor's house.) Reassure them that it is their job to stay safe, not to protect you.
3. Thank about who you can call, where you can go, and how you can get there.
4. Keep the following things in a safe place: Extra house and vehicle keys, Important papers such as social security cards, birth certificates for you and the children, and a drivers license, cash, credit cards, checkbook. Prescription medications for you and the children. A spare set of clothing and personal items such as eyeglasses, important phone numbers and addresses of friends and relatives.
 If you are being physically injured, emotionally or psychologically abused, having sexual relations forced on you against your will, or being threatened in a way that causes you to fear for your safety, Caring Unlimited can help you plan for your safety and tell you about resources available to you BEFORE you need them.
For more information, call Caring Unlimited at 1-800-239-7298
Caring Unlimited also has many options for folks to come and help them in their quest to end domestic violence. If you can volunteer as few as 4 hours a week, you can make a difference to a woman, man or family who is experiencing abuse in their own home.
Please call if you're interested in helping.
GREAT community service work for Noble High Students!!!

Lebanon Festival Committee is Looking for a Few Good Vendors!!

Spaces are filling up fast for craft, vendor and small business spaces for the 2015 Lebanon Festival!!
If you'd like to ensure being seen at this year's Festival, be sure to get your application fee in EARLY.
10X10 spaces are only $25
10X20 spaces are only $40

This year's Lebanon Festival is shaping up to be FUN!!

Don't forget to mark your calendar for August 22, 2015 and come on down to the soccer field behind the Hanson School and come enjoy an entire day filled with fun, food, friends and family!! 9 am to 3 pm........5 hours of Family Fun and Activity!!

Free Entertainment!!!
Free Presentations!!!
Antique Car Show!!!
Plenty of Crafts and Vendors!!!
Lebanon Fire Department's Chili Cookoff!!!
4X4 Trucks!!!
Food Vendors!!!