I may not be perfect, but at least I'm not fake.

I may not be perfect, but at least I'm not fake.
This page is copyrighted by Deborah Dorey Wilson, The Lebanon Truth Seekers. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 11, 2015

American Legion Flag Retirement Drop Off Box now at Lebanon Town Office.

The Lebanon American Legion, Post 214
is collecting American Flags
that are worn or are in ill repair.
These flags will be properly disposed of by the
members of the American Legion.
When changing your flags
after a long Winter season,
be respectful and dispose of your flag properly.
You can bring your flags
to the drop off box
located at
The Lebanon Town Office
15 Upper Guinea Road
Lebanon, Maine.
The retiring of any American Flag,
of any size
should be done with dignity and honor.

Lebanon Elementary School to Host American Red Cross Blood Drive on May 22.

Friday, May 22, 2015
53 Upper Guinea Road
in the gym
from 3 pm to 7 pm
Call 1-800-RED CROSS
or go to
redcrossblood.org and enter the sponsor code "LES_blood"
to reserve an appointment time.
Giving blood saves lives in your
Country, your State, and your Community

York County 4H and U Maine Cooperative Extension Host Spring Carnival in Acton, ME.

Come and Support your Local 4H Youth!!
Live Animal Demonstations, Raffles, Food and FUN!!
See the Local 4H Groups
Meet the Leaders
Sign Up Early!!

New Covenant Food Pantry Offers Additional Aid for Lebanon's Low Income and Hungry.

New Covenant Food Pantry
(In basement of New Covenant Baptist Church)
285 Maple Street, No. Berwick
Open Mondays 4-6pm
Welcomes residents of North Berwick and Lebanon!
Available weekly:
- fresh fruit and vegetables
-fresh meats and fish
           - canned & packaged foods
- paper goods & toiletries
- refridgerated & frozen foods
This is a non-profit organization staffed by non-denominational volunteers.
Food is provided to those in need require only proof of residence and a simple form to be filled out upon arrival.
Mary Craig (207) 676-4001
Jim Davis (603) 312-2979