I may not be perfect, but at least I'm not fake.

I may not be perfect, but at least I'm not fake.
This page is copyrighted by Deborah Dorey Wilson, The Lebanon Truth Seekers. All rights reserved.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Winning Maine State Lottery Numbers for Sunday, June 28, 2015

SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2015
Please note that the Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers is not responsible for any errors in reporting these numbers, or typographical errors. Lebanon Maine Truth Seekers is not connected in any way with the Maine State Lottery Commission and only provide these reports as a service to our readers.

DAY: 896

DAY: 5437
                            EVENING: 6926

Family Friendly Summer Movies Offered at Bug Light Park in South Portland!!!

Some awesome movies are being offered at Bug Light Park for family enjoyment and entertainment.
What a NICE night out with the kids in tow, maybe a cold picnic supper, a blanket and pillows for the little ones!!
GREAT idea for a multi-family fun time too!!!
Movies are FREE for all!!!

REMINDER: Downed Power Lines Are NEVER Safe!!

We've been listening to the scanners all morning.
It seems that there are a lot of calls coming in all over Lebanon, Southern York County, Maine and Strafford County NH (Rochester area) regarding trees on power lines and downed power lines.
We'd like to take a minute to remind all our local families that downed power lines are NEVER safe!!
Dial 911 if you see a power line down or any tree or branch resting against a power line.
If you are in your vehicle, stay put, and wait for help to arrive.
NEVER exit your vehicle or allow a passenger to do so!!

Simple and Easy.
Let the professionals deal with the Electricity.

York County Sheriff's Office Announces Auction of Deommissioned Cruisers July 6.